The toughest bite for me to detect is when I'm swimming a tube for smallies, just moseying it along the bottom. The smallies swim up and inhale it and - eventually - I'll feel extra weight or "something different" and then set. Problem is that by that time, the tube is in the fish's gullet and it's very difficult to remove without harming the fish. Two ways this stubborn, old-school fisherman will be approaching this problem this year: first, I'm going to switch to fluorocarbon for it's added sensitivity (I've been pleased with the performance of Berkley Sensation for years and years), and secondly, I'm going to change my presentation. Last year, my first full year of dropshotting, I fished the same areas with the same slow retrieve. I got as many bites if not more with the ds and more important, I can recall only one fish that was hooked deep. Regardless of line or bottom bouncing bait for that matter, never forget the Zen master's advice to his disciple: "Attention, attention, attention!"