Don, my steelhead fishing buddy for 20+ years, decided d to turn to the dark side. What this meant is that instead of chasing big, berserk trout in New York's Salmon River, he wanted to join me on a trip to Quabbin Reservoir for feisty smallmouth. Don asked what he should bring besides food and drink. Told him to layer up and wear a light rain jacket to shed spray. And don't forget Wanda's wonderful coffee cake.
Set Don up with a Rapala DT6 while I tried to get a reaction to a Z-Man Jerk Shadz, a homemade spinnerbait or a Duo Realis Spin Bait 80. No takers. Took a break and enjoyed a snack.
Deep and slow might do it and this modest smallie agreed.
Don was a good sport in a small boat but we both had enough rocking and rolling by late morning. We motored through the big water carefully to a location with somewhat less wind and, we hoped, a few more fish.
Tried reaction baits again and a smallie came up for a look at the Jerk ShadZ but did not take. Don diligently cranked the DT6 without response. Time for another piece of coffee cake and then back to the bottom with the TRD.
By mid afternoon dark clouds had rolled in. We were tired of dragging the 12 lb. anchor and resetting it. And the smallies were not being sociable. Let me end this report with a thank you, Don, for your good company and a thank you to Wanda for your world class coffee cake which, if I could have figured out how to keep it on the hook, would have been enjoyed by the bass as well.