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Everything posted by haikterz

  1. I am looking to buy a looms NRX and have an option of 803 and 854. I am going to use it for a 1/2 oz jig and chatter bait most of the time and 7 inch power worms Which would you choose Thank yoy
  2. McMaster has any kind of fiberglass or fr4 material you want. I would pick an fr4 because it hase smooth surface and does not have burrs. Also they sell it in different colors and sizes like 12x12 or 6x6
  3. Thank you guys for all the cool info. As planned I went out this weekend and got to fish for 6 hours or so. It was a nice and pleasant day out with water temps going up to 47. Lots of fish in the 30 foot zone suspended but could not get them to bite. I was dangling a drop shot in their face and nothing. I got to try almost every item described in this post without any luck but I am starting to get a hang of some finesse techniques. My friend was with me also and he only tried plastics on 4# line, flick shake and drop shot all day without successes. Now back to reading and planning for next weekend
  4. I think part of the problem is there is no shad in Oregon, main food is trout I think
  5. Lots of good pointers, thank you guys for the suggestions. I am going out tomorrow and plan to slow down and use everything suggested here.
  6. I have tried jerk bait fish over the grass( dives 5ft) with up to 30 sec pause. I catch a trout sometimes this way lol. Drop shot a senko 4 inch thin in lots of colors, shaky head with zoom trik worms, wacky rigged senko (3,4,and 5inch). Tried flick shake with jackal worms. Ripped a lipless crank in the grass. I have tried lots of stuff but I am getting some awesome pointers from you guys to improve
  7. I am fishing Oregon costal lakes. The grass is there year round.i am fishing a channel bend that passes next to a point. The bank has reeds 5 feet into the water then drops off from 2ft to 20 feet.grass starts from the reeds all the way to about 10 ft and defined grass edge. I tried the edge for hours and nothing. Seems like the fish are coming from the grass area.
  8. I have some at home I will give that a shot this weekend. As far as the jig goes I tried several different kind and it brings up all the nasty dead stuff with it. Based on the look of the grass I can't believe there are fish in there but was proven by the old man last week
  9. It's clear (5 +) with grass floating around I used most of the items you describe but haven't used a c-rig, I am going to give that a try, do you know which plastic will float?
  10. Where should I look, I can't find them anywhere else, I drove all over the lake and can't mark Any fish? Also a guy pulled 4 fish in the same area last week. Thank you
  11. I fish a lake that has grass on the bottom which comes up maybe 2 feet from bottom. I think fish are dug in there during the cold months. Water is usually 8-10 feet deep and 45 degrees. What are some productive ways to fish this stuff
  12. The pole is used to get the transducer, which is the Annan thing at the bottom end of the pole, into the water for kayak and such that don't have a transom
  13. I see, the more complex units don't have that. They come with a transducer and a little bracket that attaches to the transom look at this link http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&tbo=d&site=&source=hp&q=transducer+install+pics&oq=transducer+install+pics&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.12...1903.13367.0.15579.
  14. What big pole, you may be mistaking a power pole or something. Transducer is a small 2-3 inch unit that has wire coming out of it. You install the transducer at the water line on the transom. Or some boats have it glued inside on the bottom. If you put it in the front you attach it on the bottom of the trolling motor. No poles involved. In the package you will get the screen, screen mount, transducer, power cable and mounting hardware. To make the unit easy to move from one boat to the other you will need to buy one more transducer (75$ maybe) and a power cable for the other boat. You will install a transducer on each boat and move just the unit from one boat to the next and plug the wires in
  15. Every unit comes with transducer
  16. You have 3 options , well 4 now when it comes to fishfinders. 1. Regular sonar which looks under the boat. Fish and objects show up as arches based on where in the cone they are. Under this you have things like broadband, dual beam 2. You have down scan units which are simplified Side scan units that only look under the boat. It scans with a narrow band and shows images more like pictures and fish show up as dots 3. Sidescan look 200 or so feet on each side of the boat 4. 360 is new humminbird unit that scans around the all boat. The best is to have them all but you are looking at 4000$ you get it all. For you budget get a 5inch screen unit that has down scan and regular sonar. If you find used unit you can get one that has GPS also.
  17. I am fishing in Oregon lakes and its hard to catch a limit year around but in the winter months it's impossible to get a bite. I need some ideas to try next time I am out fishing. Here is the scenario: We fish the coastal lakes this time of year because the temps are more stable and they don't draw the lakes down. Last 2 weeks the temps have been going up a little into 50s. Water temp is around 45-46 and clear (5 feet of vis.). We are fishing a natural lake with lots of grass. Grass is underwater and seems to be dead. There are train trusses, steep rock banks and lots of timber. I can't find any fish activity on my electronics and in general there is no shad in these lakes. Main food seem to be trout and purch. I know there is fish there because last years feb turnys were bringing in 25# bags for first 2-3 spots and 0s for the rest. The fish seem to be caught in grass by steep banks or ledges. I tried everything that I know so far. Used lipless cranks, chatter bait, wacky rigged senko, drop shot. I get the bait fouled with grass and that's it most of the time. I appreciate any ideas you guys might have for me to trythank uou
  18. Thank you guys for all the info. Went out tonight with a game plan to not stay in one spot for more than 15min if I don’t get any bites. Almost fished half of the lake in 4 hours. Managed to catch 2 keepers on a spinerbait and we got like 20 sandbass lol. I fished from the bank all the way to deep(10') . I can see lots of fish in 10' on the sonar but can’t get them to bite. Can you tell the difference between a largemouth bass and let say sandy or carp other than the size of the arch which also can be large or small due to fish's time under the boat? Last week the first place team had a 3 fish limit of 21lb which is impressive by any standards. Tomorrow I am going to stick with the spinerbait and maybe small warm for the partner in the back. I will like to fish some topwater but don’t have the confidence. Is water temp. of 63 to cold for top water? We had a cold front over the weekend and last several nights been in low 40s which cooled of the water, I think this means to slow down and go little deeper?
  19. I was fishing a cove that is 12-13’ deep at the mouth and goes to 2-3’ in the back and has a deeper channel in the center and there are stumps everywhere. Lots of people fishing the bank (stumps) for crappy that is spawning there, we even got some on worms today. The bottom is mainly muddy so I don’t know if bass will spawn there? There is a rocky point at the mouth of the creek that drops off to 12 feet and there are marked trees all over the point. Last turny some of the teams got some fish out of the cove but no idea where or how. The water tower is mid lake and has a deep intake with riprap around the sides usually very good spot during the summer. Thank you
  20. Thank you all for the informative replies.. I went out this evening for couple of hours to try out some of your suggestions unfortunately without any luck. The water temp was down to 61 from 65is on Saturday. I tried the bank around stumps with a jig an some worms, then moved little deeper (5-10') and tried some marked trees with a jig and worm, My friend in the meantime was using a shaky head and top water. We also tried some drop shot in 20' in front of a water tower, I could see fish on the electronics but no takers. I have a turny this Wednesday so I am going to go out some tomorrow and see if I can figure something out. would you suggest staying in one spot or move around if nothing bites say 15-30 min. thank you
  21. Hello All, I just joined the forums and bassrecourses and it seems to be the greatest recourse online. I fish small club tournament at local lake for 2 years now, and unfortunately can't do any good. It is 2.5-3 hour evening turny that takes place weekly. I wanted to ask some questions to maybe give me some direction to go. I have read everything online and read bassmaster and other magazines but can't seem to apply the methods described on this particular lake. A little background on the lake: It is a small lake in Central Oklahoma (lake Thunderbird). The water is 3 ft. below normal right now and very muddy. water is around 63-65.Average depth is 12-15 ft Questions: 1. Do you think the spawn is over or is it still going on? (it has been colder this spring) 2. Where would you concentrate your fishing effort, points, coves, Riprap by the dam? 3. What would be good search lures in muddy water. 4. if you were to fish a lake mentioned above, how would you approach it? I know this is very broad question and the best approach is to go and figure it out on the water but if you could give me some pointers I will greatly appreciate it. thank you
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