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Everything posted by otulp78

  1. I have a sustain fg 2500 and did not experience any kind of clicking noise. Mine is extremely smooth when reeling. If I were you, I would return it again and buy it from another place.
  2. 1.) If I catch a trophy fish, all I need is a picture. I wouldn't keep it or make a replica. However, if it was the state record, I would keep it. 2.) If it had no chance of survival and was legal to keep, I would keep it. I love eating fish/bass. I also believe my state's DNR recommends you to keep the fish in this situation. If it was illegal, I would release it.
  3. Hooah212002, You are totally misunderstanding what I am saying. Let me give you 2 scenarios to clarify my point. Scenario #1 You have more skill, knowledge and experience than me. You fish with a $60 combo and I fish with a $600 combo. Everything else being equal over a 1 year period. Your conclusion: You will outfish me. My conclusion: I agree 100% with you. Scenario #2 We have the exact same skill, knowledge and experience. You fish with a $600 combo and I fish with a $60 combo. Everything else being equal over a 1 year period. Your conclusion: We will catch the same amount of fish. My conclusion: I disagree. You will catch more fish than me by a small percent. Hope this makes sense. What's my proof? Simple. If gear does not impact the number of fish you catch, then everyone would by the cheapest gear possible. Why go for a $60 combo when you can catch the same amount of fish for $30?
  4. Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that Walmart only sells crappy gear. I only used it as a reference in case someone didn't know what I was referring to. I buy fishing stuff at Walmart too. Also it shouldn't be you against me. It should be you against yourself. Are you saying that Hooah212002 with a black max combo will catch the same amount of fish as Hooah212002 with an Revo MGXtreme/NRX combo over the course of 5 years?
  5. In general, experience is superior to equipment, but that doesn't diminish the importance of equipment. High end equipment will ultimately help you catch more fish compared to low end equipment. Of course, there's diminishing returns so you have to ask yourself if its worth it. To answer the original poster's question, I suspect it would turn out something like this: Suppose you caught 100 fish over the summer (Using round number for the sake of argument) using a stella/nrx combo. If you would have used the following combos instead, you would have caught approximately: stella/nrx: 100 stradic/avid: 97 sahara/mojo: 90 walmart spiderman pole: 35 A lot of the people who think that high end equipment doesn't matter usually make comments like "I can outfish my friend who uses high end gear with my low end gear" or "I know someone who wins tournaments with low end gear against others with high end gear". If you're thinking this, then you're not asking the right question. The question you should be asking is "would you be able to outfish yourself, if you used low end gear and the other you used high end gear?" Imagine you using the spiderman fishing pole from walmart competing against another you using a stella/nrx combo. Who do you think wins?
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