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Everything posted by LuckyHandsINC.

  1. Oh yeah, that's the stuff.
  2. That's a nice piece of fabric you got there.... Got any rods?
  3. I can't believe all the hate for flouro. For me it is absolutely the best type of line and always my default. The only time I use something different is: braid for frogs, mono for top water and braid to flouro leader for casting and dragging football heads. Every other combo has flouro. Never had any problems with knots or line management. Bought some conditioner never use it anymore, don't feel it's needed. The real cheap stuff is garbage and I think we all know that. However it doesn't take much to get a good flouro. I really liked trilene 100% and a few other brands in the $20 range. Just spooled all my flouro rigs with tatsu because I got a few spools for $21 from TW during clearance. Got 3 reels spooled with each 200yd spool so it's not too costly. So far I absolutely love it and will pay full price for it when my clearance spools run out.
  4. Seriously? Everything suggested here works, that's why they suggested it.
  5. This winter has been so long and cold. I'm so happy to finally be able to answer this question. My first bass of 2014 was caught on my newest setup. A 6'10 M/MF Shimano Xpride paired with a Chronarch 50E. I was using a Pointer 100. Only about 2-2.5 but d**n it felt good.
  6. PP Super slick Suffix Elite Seaguar Tatsu
  7. I don't own any quantums and will admit to being scared away by the hate. Even though I know it's kind of nonsense I do believe rumors and stereotypes are rooted in some kind of truth somewhere. Even if it was along time ago. However all the quantums I have ever fished have been very nice. They are great casters with very little effort. When I went to the fishing expo I looked at every new reel and liked the quantum tour mg the best by a big margin. I think eventually this will be the quantum that I finally break down and buy.
  8. I was going to say the same thing. If you haven't already decided on which model,I highly recommend the 893. It was my first NRX mostly because it is talked about the most as being THE rod in the NRX lineup. TT had a thread titled if you could only have one NRX, and the 893 was the overwhelming majority. Truly an amazing rod.
  9. Been wanting to put up my whole collection for a long time, but still haven't gotten around to it. Here is my newest set up. Hopefully I'll get the rest up soon.
  10. I use a Dobyns Champion 735c with a Pflueger Patriarch XT spooled with 50# PP slick. Favorite hollow belly frog is live target favorite buzz frog is rage tail.
  11. I used the 6'6 m/xf veritas for about 3 years. The only thing I've ever had tied to it was a zoom fluke. I loved it for the fluke and think it would make a great rod for wacky rigging. I do not think it will make a good rod for hard jerkbaits. Although it's listed as med power it's far more powerful than one would expect out of a med power rod. I think you will have a hard time keeping fish on once hooked. In all the time I had the veritas never would I consider putting a double treble lure on it.
  12. Does any one know if these are the same line? The American is cheaper and comes a full 200 yards. Japan only 165yards. Is there any reason to choose japan over the other?
  13. I have patriarchs on both of my NRX spinning rods. I put a 30 on 822DSR and 35 on 803. I think they make a great pair. The supposed weak drag was only on the 30 and below sizes and only on the first run of production. After the first run Pflueger listened to the complaints and added another drag washer to the smaller sizes. They have the drag to handle any bass fishing conditions. And because I know some people are going to come in here talking about "it's nice out of the box, but it won't last." My 35 was pre-ordered before release and was among the very first released and has been fished VERY hard since day one. It is still very smooth and the drag is also still very smooth.
  14. When they advertise the sale megabass is always on the list of excluded brands. However they usually "say for deals too good to advertise call". When you call you can get the excluded brands at the sale price. I've never done this with megabass but have done it with a few other supposedly excluded brands.
  15. I've never used the 742, so I can't give a direct comparison. I have used the 743 a lot in the past year for many things, including senkos. I think it does a great job. Especially if you use mostly 5". Loads easily on a cast or a pitch and has enough power for a solid hook set. Although I have missed a few when setting the hook far away. Just based off the 743 I would say the 742 may be a little light in power even if you're in just moderate cover.
  16. I also chose an 893 based on everyone saying if you only get 1 NRX the 893 is it. I was not dissapointed. It truly is an amazing rod, almost can't even explain what makes it so great. I also chose a rep sample and would highly recommend it. Can't tell it apart from a full price one.
  17. Mine is also doing very well. No maintenance other than clean and lube. Just as smooth or maybe more so than the day I got it. Fished it very hard for nearly 2 seasons now.
  18. Different people have different ideas of what a stiff rod is but be cautious becuase I would not consider the 745 a stiff rod. It does have plenty of power but dont be fooled by the mag-heavy rating.
  19. I've never personally weighed mine but 5.7 is the number I've seen around as well. Never saw a weight for the 744. Like I said before I am very weight concious most of my reels are sub 6oz and I love the feel of a featherlight combo. I was very hesitant to get the dx's after seeing some of the weights. Got a good deal on one so I pulled the trigger. I now have 3 and they all come to every tournement.
  20. When i was saying the 745 is a lot heavier i was comparing to the rods he listed not the 744. The weight difference between the 744 and 745 does not feel significant in hand. I use my 744 for pitching t-rigs with at most a 3/8oz weight plus plastic. I use my 745 for dragging football jigs usually 1/2oz plus trailer and sometimes 3/4oz plus trailer.
  21. Another vote for the dx745. Truly an awesome rod. As said don't go for the 744 regardless of what the rod ratings say it can not handle 1oz. It is a lot heavier than you want but it is very comfortable to fish. I was (and kind of still am) a light weight junkie but the Dobyns rod really are great when it comes to fishability.
  22. 50# braid is not used for the breaking strength, it is used for the diameter to help against digging in he spool. No bass fishing requires 50# no matter what kind of slop you're fishing. When using a leader it is best to match line diameter. It just so happens that 50# braid is roughly the size of 12# mono or flouro. Obviously it varies by brand.
  23. I tie my own too. You can buy everything you need from fishingskirts.com. It ends up costing me less than 2 dollars a piece.
  24. Used mine all last season throwing 1/2 and 3/4 oz football jigs. Did great. I would not really classify it as a finesse reel although somewhat capable.
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