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Everything posted by LuckyHandsINC.

  1. My newest combo. Dobyn's extreme HP 745 and Daiwa T3 SV. Going to use it for frogs.
  2. I personally like fluorocarbon, but honestly who cares what I like. Find out what you like. I'm quite sure by the end of the thread you will have recommendations for flouro, braid, braid with leader,mono. Who's right? Try what you want and like/use what you want.
  3. If it's a reel you already have , it will get the job done. I would look for something faster in the future though. If it's a reel you plan to purchase,I think you would appreciate a father reel.
  4. The biggest reason for using a glass rod is the forgiving characteristics of the blank. Glass is much softer than graphite, so when a fish takes your bait it loads up deep into the blank and keeps the fish hooked. A faster action rod can have a tendency to rip small trebles out of the fishes mouth. You can however have a graphite rod with a parabolic taper that will serve the same purpose, but graphite is lighter, more sensitive and more crisp. There are also composite blanks which are graphite blanks that taper to fiberglass in the tip section. Sort of best of both worlds and my personal preference. As for length and power it all depends on the baits your going to be using. Could be anything from 7' m to 8' h for deep divers.
  5. From what I've read, it seems it's going to be the ct model. Beyond that I don't know anything. I've heard bassmaster release but this is just rumors from other forums. Not sure there is any concrete info at this time. i can say if you are not familiar with sv spools it will be worth the wait. I love all my sv reels.
  6. Got an Aldebaren 50hg to replace the chronarch 50e that was on this rod. Combo feels great together. Can't wait till spring.
  7. I have a pair of silver mirror. With a lot of light passing through the lenses, it is very easy to see the copper from the front. It will be easier to tell with something behind the lenses. Having said that, those do look very much copper. Hard to see any silver mirror finish at all in that picture.
  8. Always thought this was cool, have never used it though. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Tackle_Warehouse_Rod_Quiver/descpage-TWRQ.html
  9. As others have said, gets some costas. You are not too far away as far as price and they are a much better product. I used a pair of oakleys for about a year, when my friend let me try his 580g's. I ordered a pair of my own the next day. They really are that much better.
  10. First thing I'll say is, I can't imagine anyone being disappointed with the mgl. Having said that I am also in the camp of, I don't care what shimano tells me. My magnesium feels will never go anywhere near saltwater. I also agree with the person who advised not to spend so much on your first baitcaster. It would certainly suck to spend that much money and find out you don't like it. I would say buy a moderately priced aluminum framed reel, maybe in the $150-$200 range. I think you'll be just fine and will still make a very nice combo. Plus you won't have to worry as much about the saltwater. It's still a good idea to rinse with fl an water after every trip though,. Even with an aluminum framed reel.
  11. Have you contacted loomis yet? If not it might be worth a shot. It may just fall under their standard warranty service, and not have to use the expiditor program. Even though it was an accident and not workmanship fault. The fact is those guides are designed and advertised to take a beating. That one did not. Personally I think it's worth a shot.
  12. I use a 6'8 mh rod. Just taking a guess but I have a feeling you poor action is related to the ml power and not the length of the rod.
  13. You should get a $500 loomis rod. Also the StC legend is very good.
  14. My last 3 reel purchases were all 8:1 ratio. One for dragging football jigs and one for topwater. With these two my main objective is picking up slack line. The third one may be a little unorthodox but it's actually for crankbaits. Mostly shallow water square bills and wake baits. I want to be able to burn them when necessary and figure I can slow down when needed. Haven't put it to the test on the water yet though.
  15. I kind of figure it was, but still had a pit in my stomach. Having just paid full price about a month ago. Now that I know I didn't overpay by $200 I can go back to my regular level of buyers remorse.
  16. Metanium mgl arrived today and I was finally able to complete my newest combo. Shimano Poison Adrena 6'10 M/MF with Shimano Metanium Mgl XG
  17. Just ordered an XG today. Can't wait for it to get here. Will give my thoughts when it does.
  18. How well does the sealer protect against pitting? I've never really considered sealing my rods before, but I just bought an orochi xx and the cork is absolutely terrible. Honestly megabass should be ashamed of themselves. I don't care about protecting from dirt. My only concern is preventing the insane amount of filler from falling out.
  19. I own both green and blue. I can't tell any difference in sensitivity. I do prefer the looks of the blue. The only reason I got green in the first place is because of the timing of the purchase. I got it when the green ones were first released and I was afraid if I bought blue I might get one from the old stock. I got green to guarantee safety from the reel seat problems. Since the problem has been solved I have bought 3 NRX's and all were blue. If I could trade my green 893 for blue I would do it in a second.
  20. I have a pair of Corbinas 580G, no spring hinges on those. They sit perfectly on a flat surface. They only say 580 On the lens.. If they are from a reputable seller I'm sure authenticity is not a problem. Like others have said though for $260 you should be 100% satisfied. Swap them with a pair you are content with.
  21. I have to add another vote for the Costa 580g lenses. I've had a few different pairs over the years from cheap stuff to moderate priced glasses. Last spring I was wearing a pair of oakley's that I liked for a few years. My friend bought some costas and let me try them on to compare them directly to my Oakley's. I was shocked at the difference. Bought a pair the next day. They were really that good. Quoted to echo a very good point. The weight difference. This was one of the things that always kept me away from glass lenses. I always heard they're too heavy blah blah blah nonsense. They are heavier but the weight difference is nowhere near what some of the hype suggests. It's hardly noticeable and mine are very very comfortable.
  22. Mine will most likely come on a pointer or vision 110. If not one of the jerkbaits I would say football jig with rage craw trailer.
  23. I think they unveiled it at Icast 2015. I typically don't like all red plastics, but I feel compelled to fish this one. Will definitely be throwing it this year.
  24. Mista bass, noticed you are in Danbury. Is the shop you're talking about The Valley Angler? I've only been there a handful of times since I moved away, but never felt very welcomed in there.
  25. I know you've already said a few times you don't want to spend the extra money on the DX. Unfortunately owning both lines including the specific models mentioned, I will also have to jump in as someone who believes you won't be satisfied by the champion. I don't want to sound as if it's not a nice rod, it is. It's just not close to the DX in my opinion and if that's the rod rod you fell in love with you should get the one you really want.
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