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Everything posted by LuckyHandsINC.

  1. I can't compare it to the umbx or any phenix rod for that matter. This is my first and I'm very impressed. As far as weight goes I do not have a scale to way it with, but it is very light. It's tough to tell in hand but it feels to be lighter than my 7'2 cumara. It also balaces a little better at approximately 3in from the center of the reel seat with a 6.8 oz reel. The tip is soft and works great for weightless plasctics or light t- rigs. It would also do a good job pitching but I think it may be too soft for something like dragging a 1/2 oz football head. Also the fast action is not as fast a the cumara similar to my cabelas XML. Any other questions feel free to ask.
  2. I have the first rod already. It's the 714 and I like it a lot. However its a little under powered in my opinion which leads me to believe the 764 will be too light for froging even here in NY, but I have a feeling the 6 may be too powerful. This is driving me crazy though if they just made the model number 765 I would have already bought it. Maybe I will anyway. I think this rod could be exactly what I need to rekindle my love that I lost for my zillion. Anyway thanks for the help DVT it is appreciated. Maybe ill try calling phenix. If I get an answer ill post back for anyone who cares.
  3. Thanks for trying to help,but we can't seem to get on the same page. Let me try to explain my question better. If 1=L , 2=ML , 3=M , 4= MH across the entire line shouldn't 5=H regardless if the rod is 1 foot or 50 feet?
  4. I understand that ,but the 715 and 766 are both rated as heavy power fast action rods. So my question was what is the difference between 5 and 6 power.
  5. I ordered a 7'1 MH recon rod model 714. I thought the 4 indicated a 4 power rod which was MH. The 715 is a 7'1 H power rod. I thought the 5 indicated a heavy rated rod. Now I want to buy the 7'6 H hut the model number is 766. My question is what does the 6 indicate? Is it a heavier power or maybe different taper. Any info would be much appreciated.
  6. Sorry to sound like a d-bag but why post here when you can call BPS and have your answer in under 5 min.
  7. The new phenix recon series has a 7'6 MH/F. I do not own it but if its as good as my 7'1 MH/F then would say give it a shot.
  8. Absolutely right. Definitely consider a more powerful rod.
  9. Well would you look at that. It's a savvy. Just look at it. Sir would you just look at it.
  10. I have 2 of the old regular XML rods and they are very good. I thinks the new XMLti would be great at $120.
  11. Revenge swim jig in bluegill color with kietech swing impact trailer in green pumkin fire
  12. I recently ordered a team lews casting reel. I haven't received it yet but I'm pretty sure I won't like the knobs. I know a lot of people do not like the EVA knobs that come with the patriarch XT and the review premier, but I love them. I was wandering if anybody wanted to trade or maybe sell them. I have three types of knobs to offer. Id be willing to trade either the lews paddle knobs, the rubber revo knob with the three dimples or the rubber knobs that are on the president and regular patriarch. Let me know if your willing to trade or sell,either way I'd be interested.
  13. I know their has been some talk online of the cumaras breaking, however if I were.you I would go check the date on these threads you've read. I'm sure you will see they're pretty old. Also if you have read as much as you say then you would've seen the cumara is widely accepted as one of the lightest and most sensitive rods available and fishes well above its price range. Further evidenced by tackletours best value award. I have three cumaras, all different casting models and love them all. So continue to hate on this rod for whatever reason but you may be the only one .
  14. Xcalibur either one knocker or original in foxy momma color. I don't know if the fish prefer it but I sure do just cuz it looks friggin awesome.
  15. The savvy does not come close to the cumaras. Your dobyns bias is sickening. I have a 6.8 oz reel on the 7'2 and when I balance the rod on my finger the edge of my.finger is still making contact with the tiny foregrip. I have a 6.8 oz reel on the 6'8 cumara and when balanced its on the foregrip. Seems good to me. The champion is a push when compared to the cumara and the savvy does not come close at all.
  16. A casting reel is the top picture of the three posted by island bass on the front page. In my opinion they are the most fun but take a little practice to get used to. The casting rod is like what your using now with the guides and reel on top and a trigger underneath while the spinning rod has the guides and reel underneath the rod.
  17. When using spinning gear their is a few steps you can take to avoid line twist and tangles. First and probably most important is to make sure you flip the bail back with your hand. Do not crank it back with the handle. When you start your retrieve put tension on the line by holding it between your thumb and forefinger to make sure the line is tight against the line roller when starting your retrieve. If your bass fishing with lighter tackle stick with 8# or less line I like 8#. If your using heavier tackle you can go up but 8# is fine for everyday bass fishing. With a steady retrieve these steps should eliminate much of the problems. If your using a jerky or erratic retrieve this can cause some problems too. In this case you can point one of your fingers down so the line hits it before it enters the reel. This will keep tension on the line when reeling. REMEMBER SLACK LINE IS THE ENEMY.
  18. When you say basic closed reel do you mean a push button spincast reel?
  19. Is this Paddy Tanniger the caddy manager?
  20. yea it is a weird rod. I don't use it for anything now. Just don't like it.
  21. Yall listen up cuz this guy is really really cool; way to cool for spinning tackle.
  22. I agree 100%. I've thrown a fluke on casting gear only once because my dad was using my only spinning combo at the time.I hated it and will never do it again.
  23. I think your wrong with this statement. I have a designated rod that started as a kistler argon 6'9 top water spinning rod. The tip was way too soft and with the parabolic bend it was a terrible combination for the soft jerkbait. The rod would bend under the weight of the fluke and then give it a second jerk when the rod tip recovered. Witch made it very hard to get timing down. I then switched to a 6'6 m/xf veritas spinning rod and can not explain how much better this rod is than the argon. At least now I know not to buy a rod just because its on sale and it looks cool with the reel. Now to answer the op I use the aforementioned veritas with a 9535 pflueger patriarch 8# suffix and a 3/0 gammy ewg and fish this more than anything else by far. I've never even had anything else tied on to this setup.
  24. I haven't used them but based off of their other rods is say its safe to assume they will be very competitive in their price range.
  25. I fish cumaras and love them. The no flash and all function theme is exactlty what I like about them. As far as the crucial goes I heard that it is the same blank but the resins are different which makes the cumara noticeably lighter. I personaly will pay the extra money for the cumara but I believe the new crucial is on its way to becoming the best bang for your buck rod out there.
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