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Everything posted by slowpoke274

  1. count me in missouris state record is 13lbs 14ozs i saw one one the beds last year that was pushing that maybe ill get lucky enough to get her to bite this year
  2. 1. quantum reels 2. st croix rods 3. nitro 4. rapala 5. berkley 6. zoom plastics 7. reaction innovations
  3. add an oil based scent attractant to the bait it will let the bait slide in the fishes mouth better and should give you a better hookset
  4. i started my nephews on t-rigged plastic worms and theyre both naturals they can keep up with anybody on a good worm bite
  5. t rigged plastics weightless and with a heavier 1 oz weight to get through the weeds also ive had alot of luck twitching jerkbaits along the outside edge of weeds this year
  6. ive been using sawyers permethrin for clothing from dicks for the last 5 or 6 years and havent had a eick or misquito bother me even once just follow the directions on the can and you cant go wrong
  7. 1. KVD lets face it right now hes the best in the world spending a day in the boat with him would be so informitive how could you not walk away a better fisherman
  8. im an addict gonna have to start a second tackle bag soon as the first one is full and weighs about 75 pounds darn that bait monkey
  9. i love my st croix rods have several triumphs and a mojo pitchin stick my mojo was tip heavy but put some weight on the butt and its good to go strong and sensitive i will be getting more mojos soon not to mention they just look cool
  10. i have several triumphs and a mojo bass pitchin stick the triumphs are great rods for the price point the mojos actually test out a little heavier on the actions than other manufactuers rods they are tip heavy but ive got mine rigged up with a little weight on the butt end and have really gotten to like the way it pitches i can drop a jig in a teacup size hole from about 40 ft with it
  11. i would get her certified and donate her to my local bass pro shops aquarium so the none believers could go and check her out for themselves
  12. i went out there after work yesterday and there were no fish to be seen it was 90 degrees and sunny so the geds were empty there werent evn any bluegills up in the shallows its going to be 94 here today so im not gonna go to this lake today im going to go take my nephews fishing and hope when it cools down later this week that they move back up the scrounger head might be worth a try when they come4 back to the beds
  13. i like to use a lipless crankbait and a suspending jerkbait when searching for fish then i slow down and use the jigs and plastics even after a cold front it seems that i still get bit on these lures also as the water warms you may need to add some lead wire to the trebles on the jerkbait to get it to suspend
  14. running a crank through the bed wouldnt be a bad idea but the bed is a flat rock completely surrounded by hydrilla i pitched a bbz1 into the bed but other than that lures with treble hooks would be pretty hard to use
  15. ive thrown lizards worms river bugs and craws in junebug, black, white, watermelon red, green pumpkin,pumpkin even tried a spro bbz1 in killer gill ran a buzzbait over her head this morning the good thing is its on my way to work so that gives me two chances each day til they spawn to get em the full moon is in nine days away here so ive got some time [i hope] ill try the brown tube in the morning ive never had this much trouble with a bed fish before but itll make it that much sweeter when i do catch her
  16. females are starting to come up towards the beds in this pond i fish its public and gets a lot of pressure the water is pretty clear you can see about 3 ft down its got hydrilla ringing the edge out to about 6ft ive spotted to very impressive females so far they arent spooking when you pitch in to the bed but they wont pick anything up they will track and follow a black lizard and a koppers topwater frog but wont touch either thrown multiple baits in different colors still nothing any ideas would be appreciated
  17. 9.03 on a chartruese and blue 1/2 oz willow leaf spinnerbait burned down the edge of a laydown in 6ft of water
  18. st croix are awesome rods i have several triumphs and a mojo bass pitchin stick the only complaint is with the mojo as it was alittle tip heavy but got a balancer and rigged it up and got it where i want it and love it cant wait for em to get on bed so i can do some pitchin with it for 70.00 you cant beat a triumph
  19. its a small pond maybe half an acre so it warms early but they are definitely making the move its closed on mondays but im taking the boys back tomorrow so they can catch some more waiting for bowlin road pond to turn on now there are some trout fed monsters in that one about two weeks ago when we had thse warmer sunny days i saw two that were for sure 8 to 9 lbs each cruising but couldnt get them to hit anything when it turns on tjen i know the strip pits in clinton will be ripe for the picking i love the spawn best fishing of the year
  20. took my nephews to george owens today the bucks are starting to lock in on the nests so they both got a taste of sight fishing today they are for sure hooked now. they both caught four each in as many hours nothing too big 13 to 14 inchers but fun none the less cant wait for them to get a shot at some big females when they make the move
  21. thanks for the responses i think i will check out a local club and see what the tourney format is like
  22. jig or shaky head around the outside edge of the weedline theyll still be lethargic from the front so go S.....L....O....w
  23. i was thinking of tourney fishing and was wondering which way to go try out the small club scene or jump in and go co-angler in something like the bfl what are the pros and cons of each i consider myself a pretty accomplished angler andam able to get on the fish pretty quickly whenever i do get a chance to fish some opinions would be appreciated
  24. thanks for the replies tried the balancer out it doesnt quite fit right so ive got it rigged for now til i find somthing that works a little better
  25. thanks for the suggestions im going to try the floor protector idea im a fan of st croix rods i have several triumphs and they are tough durable and sensitive rods the balance issue aside i suspect my mojo will be the same thanks again for the positive input
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