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Everything posted by chitown

  1. Seems like the Northern Kid Won the Classic. Can you imagine if He Moved to Alabama .
  2. So what is the scoop no one likes bass fishing come on I would consider a nice boat ride No Bugs No sun screen Put some clothes on Take some Hot Liquid with and enjoy this Spectacular Event . Watch someone try for 500k and Title. You all know These guys catch fish. Come on now
  3. How about a Bass fed qualifier.
  4. You have heat in that Boat. Just Kidding around.
  5. Will the security from super bowl go to super bowl of fishing ?
  6. Let us see what happens . All our Equipment, electronics , tackle, experience, know how . Will this tournament determine the true Champion ? This is going to be a Pro fishermens nightmare. Sleep well guys I know you will be tired frustrated I know I will not Hire you as a guide based on this tournament.
  7. WIND BURN also what others said Great Product.. I find my face not burnt up by the wind. It makes me feel more refreshed at end of day and tournaments. I am a Non Boater and usually get full wind . If it is cold a hooded or putting Save phase over hood on rain gear help to retain heat when it is nasty.
  8. I missed this post and started one not as good. My concern is always safety . I have never been thrown from a boat. What worries me if I were I hope I would not get run over. and if I were driving I hope I am alert and act fast enough to avoid any further mishaps. It is hard to believe 2 incidents in day one with Marshals. Some times we do not hear all the facts or circumstances only what they post or tell us. I have never heard of a camera man thrown from boat. let us hope that this is a eyeopener for safety concerns.
  9. Day 1 Mississippi River Iowa ! ) Derek Remitz Marshal Hospitalized 2 ) Marty Stone. Marshal Swimming ?
  10. So any one doing this . How's the free meals and gifts . I bet your fingers stay warm in your pockets Mr Rojas gave His marshal a shower I believe. That is Amstad water . I bet it felt refreshing. I do see he Marshals get int o some pictures
  11. I feel that insurance is checked when entering into tournaments at beginning of season of all Boaters.And They could check at Checkin registration or when signing up to fish a tournament. These guys are prfessional fishermen and Make their livelyhood Fishing in a top notch organization. Would I ask a Nascar driver when He is sitting on the track getting ready for the race to see his drivers insurance.. Would I ask Tiger Woods to see His Credentials Before He Tee's Off at a Tournament. Just My 2 Cents. I am on Ishes side. How did He feel Degraded ? It is Early in The AM Real Early it is rough out there Sponsor Wise lots of Money on the Line and some guy wants something. Did They Mention This at the Pre Tournament Meeting. Would I take a Chance with a 50 K boat that I earn My lively hood with and not insure It or my Equipment ? OH WELL HOW ABOUT OTHER OPINIONS.
  12. Thanks for replys. Just trying to open Up Ideas or Brainstorm. What If I say what If a Bass boat Capsized on Lake Erie . Cell phone gets soaked . I know large waves make it Hard to spot some one..Things Kick up in a hurry a lot of times When starting on a calm Beautiful Morning.,
  13. Forida Search for football Players has me thinking. when boat capsized would any mayday devive work when wet ? Could coast guard use a device to pick up heat in water.? from helicopter search plane ? Could a scanner type device be used in conjunction with a global satelite ( like goggle earth ) to do scans and give a way point s of heat sensed or object in water.
  14. chitown


    Real Nice But. Insurance Maintenance Fuel CDL LICENSE. Tires Depreciation What would my Payment Be ? Now Being Being Busy all day and Making apearances I need a House Keeper. I know there is more I am Forgetting Storage Washing Waxing etc.
  15. I did Not Hear His phone ring. I guess We are Busy in Wahington.
  16. WELL Co-anglers Removed. Now The lets not let the Fans even Know what goes on. GOOD JOB BASS
  17. Guys fishing have fun . You worked hard to be at this point . Do we all wonder what the winning weights willl be ? Do you think a limit is posible. What can I say . Watch out for the ice drive home ssfely What does one do in Kansas all day long .. I bet a lot of friendships will be mad Them new Boats are getting some rest.
  18. Just can not wait. can I bring a Boom Box with Me. If I have to go to washroom will they me in. Oh Maybe iwill have my fill after firstday I will watch from shore and sleep in Late. Maybe I will show up late first day. Do they give me rain gear and a heater if I am cold. Do they supply me with breakfast and Lunch.and drinks can I bring a 6 pack with me. Haw about some brandy to keep warm. I know this is a job We all want to Be A BASS MARSHALL .Ha Ha Ha
  19. BASS FISHING PRO'S Golf Pro's Football Pro's Base Ball Pro's Sport pro's Who is on the bottom as far as Salary ? Who get's the least TV time. Who are the most recognized. We shall See if this will increase the Pro's salary . Will they now get more recognition. I feel Hurt over this sorry Guys.
  20. Glad It seems like There are fish. Maybe not for all but It should be on a level playing field. It gives Wifes and Visitors plenty to do while tournament is going on. eXxcellent night life in Nashville great music. Great people. BASS PRO SHOP,. Opryland Hotel and shops. Wish I were there. nOW LET US SEE HOW THIS BABY PANS OUT . I bet there will be some place changes on Day 2.
  21. lOOKS NOT QUITE UP TO SNUFF LOOKS A MESS.. MAYBE i AM WRONG This is the Professional tournament in a outdoor picknic area ? I believe BASS started in the south and Host should show everyone. What professional fishing is all about. So lets get it going down there lots of out of towners bringing Money into Nashville Area. NOW ON THE POSITIVE SIDE GOOD LUCK TO ALL HAVE FUN.
  22. Would Have Liked to have a roaming camera at Expo Instead of That Camera that watched people's Backs Or al them screens with Bla on Them. Oh That Camera Viewing Marina Boat ramp Bla. Some one Must have some Idea's How to motivate a Audience. Have to say they Had good crowds for bad weather. I loved Charlie Hartly It looked to good to be true.and He made us all aware that He felt that also. Oh I had a Felt sorry for Camera Men in boat. OVER ALL ESPN BASS GOT LOT TO IMPROVE ON. DOING COVERAGE. Especially at the Classic Level.
  23. Well Whats the verdict..Did ya get it J.T.
  24. Thanks for Reply. But now I am worried Have a tournament coming Satturday. Has any one else Had this happen ? Or has any one even know about this. Are there any boat repair guys out there?
  25. I have a 1988 Skeeter sfx175 Yamaha 150 Pro V Still a good Boat ..But last trip to Kentucky lake Rub Rail For docks fell off on Heavy Chop Still have BUT Rivets all popped out.. Has anyone had to repair this ? would I try putting in new If I could Find or just look at putting in larger pop rivets into Fiberglass? I can not afford a new boat and This one is still fine I love the old Skeeter But She does take on the big waves on Kentucky lake hard. Tried to get Picture in Jpeg from my picture Folder but need Help>
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