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Everything posted by n8cas4

  1. Thanks very much for your feedback. St. Croix is probably more bang for your buck, but that extra sensitivity of an NRX is making me lean 872s JWR
  2. I might end up going with that rod! Although, I keep hearing that GLX and NRX from G Loomis are more sensitive than anything that St. Croix has to offer (except maybe the new legend xtreme). If the Loomis rods are out of my range, I will probably go the the 6'10" MLXF ! preferably the Elite
  3. That's helpful - thanks for the observations
  4. I saw that, but I think I'm looking for an extra fast and I'm leaning towards something with a little more length. That rod n reel set up sounds ideal for 1/15 3/32 etc... I think Light Fast 1 power would be a little to soft for 1/8 or 3/16oz - 2 power is probably what will work best for me if I grab a g. loomis.
  5. Do you prefer the extra fast or the fast ?
  6. Ha. I’m a dummy. But, their website sucks, too.
  7. I'm curious about the longer rods... Now that I use braid to fluoro for everything, you can get them to where you need them with 7 foot rods. Do you lose any feel / sensitivity with the longer rods? I'm used to throwing them on 7 foot or less (dx702sf Dobyn Champion / 68mxf st croix legend elite). I think I'm leaning towards an Extra Fast tip as opposed to the fast tip.
  8. Hair Jig and Ned Head high-end Rod: 1/8 - 3/16 (very rarely lighter than 1/8 or heavier than 3/16 ounces) St. Croix Legend Elite ES 70 MLF or ES 610 MXF ? I'd like to get an elite or legend X OR a G. Loomis GLX. Thank you for your help! P.S. If you like different rod power / action for hair jig vs ned head - I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts
  9. ive been out of the loop ... who has committed to staying with BASS besides Matt Herren?
  10. It will be interesting to see how BASS responds, but it is happening. I couldn’t believe it either, until I heard Edwin Evers say this will be his last bassmaster Classic. He’s not fishing both trails. I don’t think any angler can or will. The Elite series will no longer be elite. I want to see what happens when a young future star develops from the new Elite series. What could BASS do in the future to not lose that new star angler to the Bass Pro Tour?
  11. Edwin Evers talked in an interview on basstalklive today about this 2019 bassmaster Classic being the last classic he fishes. Crazy. They talked about FLW surviving this because of their pay to fish instead of qualify to fish...and the structure of their opens and BFLs. BASS clearly the hardest hit.
  12. You would NOT get the invite unless you showcase your "star power" and talent in B.A.S.S. or FLW events. This bombshell is good for the chosen 80 anglers, but in terms of growing the sport, it seems to me like the next few years will actually be a step back in growing the sport. Hopefully 1 step back and 2 steps forward over the next 5-10 years. It's a important model in nearly EVERY sport: a strong farm system will make for a strong sport / league. MLF does not / will not have a strong farm system for several years.
  13. I don't know if I trust my fellow grassroots club member, Johnny Boater to accurately record all his catches.
  14. At the moment, MLF needs B.A.S.S. and FLW (to some extent) to help them determine the top anglers to invite to the new tour. B.A.S.S. and FLW are now the farm systems or proving grounds for an angler to showcase his/her worth. To that end, what are they giving to B.A.S.S. and FLW these first few years? In my opinion, they'll need to let anglers fish both the new tour and AT LEAST the elites. MLF talked about eventually starting tour qualifier tournaments for the new BPT, but until then, they need B.A.S.S. and FLW. Otherwise, when it comes time to bring in new talent, they'll be bringing in anglers that don't have what it takes or don't have star power. Without "Stars" I don't think MLF will be able to succeed BEYOND where they are now.
  15. So, essentially BASS is canceling the west coast swing (soon), so that their top stars can fish both trails? That’s a lot of tournaments !
  16. I also read from another media outlet that there will be a live component meaning followers won't have to wait months to see results. How they're going to do it …. I have no idea. BassmasterLive does "5 live" with 5 live camera's through most of the tournament day. But, how would MLF do it with say fields of 40 ? My guess is they will have a few live cameras, with a system similar to BASStrak keeping tabs on the weights of all the other competitors. True fans of professional bass fishing will know the results when they happen, while everyone else will see the TV show on CBS sports a month or so later. This style of tournament is fun to watch, but it takes a whole week ...Will it be even possible for anglers to fish both the new Bass Pro Tour AND the Bassmaster Elites? What happens to the Bassmaster Classic without the Kevin Van Dam's, Iaconelli's, Skeet Reese, Greg Hackney, Aaron Martens?? What happens to the Elite series and FLW tour? Are they now just the farm system for MLF's new tour?
  17. Start a new thread, Glenn? I'm sure a bunch of us want to talk about this over the next few weeks / months. I don't think I can edit my original topic...
  18. Yeah...sounds like somebody didn’t get invited to Atlanta.... that stinks because he’s a good angler... i just started to listen to the ikelive episode with Ken Duke about the state of bass fishing... I’m sick of waiting...
  19. If the top tier anglers / superstars leave and fish this trail exclusively - it would turn BASS and FLW into the minor leagues. Yes, new slots for great new anglers to come in, but still extremely difficult for the average angler to make it financially. And, those that do end up making it happen would end up leaving for the new trail...
  20. The absolute WORST thing about MLF is the long wait time — between when the event takes place and the air date. It’ll be harder to keep secret if the field expands dramatically. As a viewer, don’t you feel out of the loop a little? It’s almost insulting that we have to wait while the small community of MLF employees, referees, anglers know and get to keep the secret between each other.
  21. Are we talking a 2019 trail? This is pretty last minute if it is ...
  22. Gary Klein ... when is this announcement coming, Glenn?
  23. How the hell are three tours supposed to line up tourney dates ?
  24. If this does happen and MLF has a new trail, BASS AND FLW will need to do something to compete. It'll probably involve lowering the entry fees or upping the prize money, but if the new trail actually survives (unlike the PAA), there won't be much keeping FLW afloat as a TOP TIER league. It will become more of a triple-A league (it kind of is now) and perhaps force them to sell out to BASS. BASS is king simply because of the Bassmaster Classic. I'm not sure how further division is going to grow the sport, though, unless MLF takes over everything! Does Boyd really have THAT much money?
  25. Seems like it is pointing towards an MLF league like someone had mentioned a dozen or so posts back in this thread....
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