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al gorrie

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Everything posted by al gorrie

  1. I'd go with the recommended set up....specially the circuit breaker, I have a 74 pound minkota and have "popped" the breakers several times when pushing through thick weeds....... curcuit breakers are a cheep but vital safety device for the motor Al
  2. The biggests Smallie I've ever caught was 7.04 lbs!!!! May 2002 - Mellinium Bassmaters "Make a Wish" Charity tourney out of Buffalo NY. Sad thing was.... with over 75 boats in the tourney, it was not the biggest one caught! It was 2nd largest caught in the tourney ( if you can believe that!) the largest was 7.35 lbs caught by another boat.. anyway, the tourney actually gave prizes down to 2nd biggest fish so I lucked out anyway ( my partner and I had a 2 fish weight of 12.98lbs and finished 6th place, just out of the big money ) Erie produces fantastic Smallies in may, Myself as well as many guys in our club have caught countless 6+ lbs, you can catch 5+ with little effort in early spring and late fall basic tube draggin/hoppin, in 25-30 feet structure, color varies, but I usually use smoke with some red and black fleck Al Gorrie Niagara Bassmasters
  3. Niagara Bassmasters ( operated out of Niagara Falls Canada ) is always looking for new members of any level! We run about 15 tourneys a year, in US and Canadian waters ( all the way from Dunkirk NY.(lake Erie) to Peterbourough Ont.( Rice Lale ) and many points inbetween Al
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