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About CTD6677

  • Birthday November 26

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Seymour, Indiana
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Other Interests
    Dirt track non-wing sprintcar racing.

CTD6677's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. A gentlemen that I fish quite a bit with (either on his boat or mine) is notorious for his ghost hook sets. I've never met a person that gets more "bites" than him and by gosh he never misses a monster hook set on any of them. Granted, hook sets are free, but he is excessive. Also loves to fish the most unproductive water he can find. Has the electronics on his boat to find fish but doesn't really know how to use it so he goes to the same spots every time, throws the same three lures (buzz bait, spinnerbait, and chiggercraw) even though his boat is packed with stuff and hauls water for hours. But he is family and we have fun regardless.
  2. Here is some stretching advice from Aaron Martens. I started using these on a daily basis and they seem to help. http://aaronmartens.com/archives/691
  3. Wonder how well Roland handled this little snafu? This from updates of the FLW Tour event on the Potomac River. Pro angler Roland Martin and co-angler Justin Thompson’s day two weight was disqualified after Thompson inadvertently put one of his fish in with Martin’s catch and their individual catches could not be verified.
  4. CTD6677


    Anyone know if these guys are still in business? Bought quite a bit of their products a few years ago and looking to do so again but looks like their webpage hasn't been updated in a while. Going to look for contact info too but figured I would throw this out there also. Thanks!
  5. That's funny right there!!
  6. Man, I don't even know what to say other than THANK YOU and may God keep you safe! I have a 3 year old son myself and just being away from him overnight is hard enough. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. Keep safe and once again THANK YOU!!
  7. They all have their goods and bads but i'm pretty partial to them myself. Right now I sit and stair at a K19 "rail" engine sitting in a test cell and torture the hell out of it everyday.
  8. CTD = Were I work and the type of engines I work on everyday (Cummins Turbo Diesels) 66 & 77 = When I ran midgets and sprintcars those were my numbers that I ran. Lots of neat stories on how people came up with their names.
  9. CTD6677


    I have been using Wiley X glasses for a couple of years now and really like them. I have a pair of ZAK's and P-17's, one with blue lenses and one with yellow. Very comfortable and durable.
  10. I've definitely caught some of my biggest fish while fishing wind-blown banks. Traps, cranks and spinners will a lot of times win out for me on these days.
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