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Eddie Berndt

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Everything posted by Eddie Berndt

  1. Im going to order sum power poles for my z9. I was just wondering how do you guys like them, and would you or wouldnt you not install them yourself? Last question are 8ft power poles to big or are 6ft ones to small?
  2. i would use a pole and reel combo, maybe sum line with a hook. haha sorry im just being a smarty pants
  3. Catch and Release has the best reviews ive seen thanks guys for the comments
  4. Is this worth using? And how do you guys use it? I know it goes in your livewell. Im just asking if you have your own way of using it. Thanks
  5. WISCONSIN RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats why im moving in 5 years.lol id rather be in my boat year round. South bound. Welcome to the site!
  7. Throw something thats gonna cause a rucus or something that stands out from the bait fish. Or if you have some lure that you think wouldnt work cuz the color isnt the same as the bait fish because they see the same lures everyday and start to figure it out so give it a shot especially if its a lake with a lot of pressure. But also a few guys said to use top water and i deffinitly agree with them especially since you said they where busting.
  8. I contacted bass pro shops and they came to a price with the dealer installing everything and its about 3 thousand more for the 2012 Nitro Z9 compared to the 2011 Nitro Z8. But just thinking in the long run ill be happier with the Z9. So in february i will be completing my order and should be able to pick it up by late march or early april. I CANT WAIT
  9. Hey guys i will be purchasing a boat this spring and i was planning on getting a 2011 Nitro Z-8 with a 250 Mercury, 2 power poles, 10" jack plate, remote oil fill, Hummingbird 998 for the bow and dash, CD player, Hot Foot, and a Minn Kota 101lb thrust trolling motor. And thats just the custom add-ons. And the price i got was $47,840.00. The 2012 Nitro Z-9 with all the same add-ons is $50,540.00. And my question is why is the price so close for a newer boat and the bigger Z-9? Thanks for reading this and i hope to get back to you guys shortly.
  10. If your tryn to start with artificial lures i would just try sum basics like a topwater frog, shallow diving crankbait, or even a medium size spinner like a 1/4 oz. If i only could use one lure i would prefer the spinner because theres a lot of ways you can use them and they are very easy to use.
  11. Yes she was caught in Crandon, WI. In a lake 2 miles from where i live called lake lucerne. Me and my dad have been going to this lake for the past month and trying to learn its fall pattern and I think were starting to understand the lake more. Well the lake is known for its smallies but they said largemouths where present. So me and my dad decided to go for largemouth and smallies last week and we had a lil one on one tournament just for fun and he used live bait and i only used hard baits. We where fishing for a couple hours around some cribs and caught some smallies. Then we went to a sand point where my dad caught a 20" smally. But then we started beating the shorelines that still had docks on them, and for them smallies i was using a lipless crankbait with 6lb mono on it and they always put up a very nice fight. But then down the sandy shoreline there was some down timber right next to a pier and i casted between the down tree and pier and it felt like someone grabbed ahold of my rod and tryed ripping it out of my hand. She put on a really nice fight i never even got to see what i had on til she was a foot from the boat. After my dad grabbed her with the net i wouldnt shut up too him about the fish i was so excited. It was deffinitly one of my favorite fishing memories and it made it even better that my favorite fishing partner was with me. thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed the story
  12. With the belly on her i would say 4lbs 5oz, but if u were to hold it towards the camera i would say 10lbs.lol
  13. 7 birds 5 bullets.lol
  14. haha i just finished college and i nvr knew they took that picture of me.lol
  15. One of my favorite shows by far
  16. Those are sum beautiful smallies nice catch keep postin pics
  17. im lookn for a boat with a 250 on the back of it and 20ft or a lil bigger in length thanks for the offer tho
  18. Sounds like you had fun fishing. What was the biggest one you caught?
  19. I just finished college and i want to get a boat for bass fishing im lookn at a Nitro Z8 with the 250 on the back. I plan on doing alot more tournaments. Do u guys have any other ideas on boats i would like one with a 250 on the back of her and around 20ft in length? i have a few months before i could afford one anyways. My budget is roughly 35 thousand
  20. Thanks for the tips ill definitely tell you guys how i do this weekend
  21. Its been in the 70's all week in wisconsin and this weekend its gonna have a 50* cold front moving in how much is the fishing gonna change for the tournament this weekend you think?
  22. Looks like a awesome time
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