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Member, FMR
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Everything posted by stkbassn

  1. Congrats! Great fish.
  2. Be sure to watch the 2nd one...the 3rd one was okay but kind of goofy compared to the first 2....
  3. The Exorcist. Of course, Texas Chainsaw Massacre !! I do love the Hostel series, Paranormal Activity Series, and the first Wrong Turn...too many to list really.
  4. Hey folks, I heard a report on the news last night that a group has allegedly formed (can't recall the name) that is basically against government, law enforcement, and whatever else they are mad about and have been encouraged to use these ideals as an excuse to be the thugs and cowards that they are. They are allegedly using Halloween as a cover to wear masks to hide their identity to perpetrate unlawful and potentially violent acts. With that said, be watchful and observant this weekend and report any suspicious behavior or activities you witness. Also, keep your children close and your family safe. I don't know in depth details about this, only what I heard on the short news report. I do not want to create alarm when there shouldn't be. I just wanted to let everyone know to be extra careful and observant over the weekend, especially Saturday after dark. Sorry to be a downer everyone, just reporting what I heard. Have fun and stay safe folks!
  5. Amen. I won't obey a law just because it's a "law". Sorry, I'm not a sheep and don't plan to be one in my lifetime. I voted "Not Kill" and would never obey such a law.
  6. Spinnerbait -White/chart Jig - Black and Blue Crankbait - firetiger Wakebait - bass color Glide Bait - Ayu/Clear
  7. Yeah, and a couple of fronts came in over the weekend so I think that could have hurt too. Shame because the temps were comfortable and the skies were cloudy. That's my favorite time to be on the water. The sun can stay in all day every day as far as I'm concerned!
  8. On the fence? LOL
  9. We were sitting in the middle of a large school of shad yesterday for a good while...apparently the dinner bell didn't ring loud enough. There were a few fish around and some did eat some shad but we couldn't get a strike on anything. Frustrating but oh well. Saturday and Sunday I went fishing and never got a single strike on anything. And fall is supposed to be good? Smith Mountain fish didn't get that memo this weekend. LOL
  10. Wow. This is heartbreaking! My prayers go out to that family. So very sad. We just aren't safe anywhere in the this world we live in now. You can't go to work, the movies, the mall, to church! ...young kids can't go to school or walk down the street unsupervised, young people can't go to college without fear...Police officers can't go out and do their job without worrying if they'll make it home to see their family and they have to think of this every day...Anglers can't even go fishing without worrying about being robbed or worse. Makes me sick.
  11. I love my Scorpion 1000 4X4 . One of those would do well.
  12. I'm curious about the topwater aspect of the question in the late fall too. I do hear of bass being caught on buzzbaits in the dead of winter so I suppose fall shouldn't be out of the question for good topwater action. The part I can comment on is don't expect only big fish on the rat because you'll get small fish too. The smallest fish I've caught on it was around 12-13 inches but that's small. So it will catch fish big and small and I don't look at it like I do some of those other monster baits that might only get that one or two bites or even no bites on a trip. I think you're going to love that bait! I do for sure. Post pics and results.
  13. Swimbait fishing can be costly for sure but you don't have to break the bank to do it. A lot of the smaller baits can be thrown on regular bass gear, M, MH, H powered rods can all be used depending on the bait. Some less expensive options you might consider are the Mattlures Baby Bass series, you can get 3 of those of your choice for 30 bucks or one for around 10 plus shipping. It's a 5 inch bait that you can throw on MH rod and do very well with it. I love those little beasts. If you want to try a glide bait I would highly recommend a River2Sea S-Waver 168. You can pick them up for around 16-18 bucks and they can also be thrown on regular bass gear. They are awesome glide baits and in my opinion the best bargain going for that style of bait. There are other options available of course and you'll have to research but you can get into this style without spending big money. I forgot about the Huddleston Shad, weedless or back hook...around $8 and these can be thrown on light baitcasting gear or spinning gear. Awesome little swimbaits. Good luck and have fun !
  14. If this pond isn't filled with super tight-lipped fish then why bother with all of that mess? Why not chuck a spinnerbait, topwater, wakebait, and have fun?
  15. Check out that Shimano Zodias 6'8 ML spinning rod...I held it in hand at a local retailer and that rod is awesome. It's the first time I've held a spinning rod and said ..."man, I gotta have one of these!" And I will. Check around, you can get one of these cheaper than you think. You're welcome to PM me about it.
  16. Nice! Been waiting for these little guys. The BBZ rats are legit. Nice baits!! All sizes of bass eat rats ...I caught a 12 inch fish on the BBZ 50 if that helps you at all.
  17. Thanks Tom. No, this isn't something we're able to see. It's usually on a long cast and not close to the boat. We've definitely had some close to the boat that hit and missed but it's fast so hard to see what was happening there.
  18. The reason I can see is for Smallies when they are just bumping the bait. We get this a lot at one of the lakes we fish. If they aren't inhaling it I feel like it could give us a better chance to hook the fish. So with them I feel like it's choke it or miss it with the back hook only. With a Largemouth I can see where the need isn't as much or necessary at all. This is only a theory of mine, not tested or known to be fact. Just thoughts I've had.....
  19. Get a couple of them and see what you think. I actually had some weedless 6 inch Hudds at one time but I traded them before I ever used them. Don't overlook the weedless shad, that's another good hudd bait for sure. I like to throw those on spinning gear.
  20. I have had good success with the top hook version of the bait. I have considered the Butch Brown rig but for me, being mechanically retarded I can't do what the video shows. I bought the Stinger pre-rig from TW but it's too long for the 6 inch. I've not used the weedless much or had reason to.
  21. I would say if you get there first you fish it. If someone else is there I wouldn't crowd them or pressure them. I wouldn't feel too bad about it, it's public water. I highly doubt the folks in your club are the only one's who know about some of those key spots so they probably get fished more than you think.
  22. Siege is good. I like Siege and Elite actually. I also dig Seaguar Senshi but that one you'll probably have to order. I get mine from TW. Every fish that I caught the other day came on 12# Clear Siege with a War Eagle spinnerbait.
  23. So I reached out for an update on availability of this series and was told end of November , early December. Bummer for sure. Just FYI. If anyone has a better answer please come forward! Ha!
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