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Member, FMR
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Everything posted by stkbassn

  1. I have faith in you my friend!!
  2. The Mikey is a great bait and worth the money. Y Nice! I would also recommend the Slammer. The SPRO Rat in 40 size is also good for fishing on any rod down to a Medium from what I can tell. I've tied mine on several rods. Mini-Slammer is light too !
  3. Thanks all. I ordered the jackall weedless head I saw on TW. I believe it's the one Mercer was using on the Flick shake...1/8 oz
  4. Whatever dude, stop being modest! LOL
  5. All great replies guys. Much appreciated! I'll take a look around and see what I can put together! I think I will pick up the President and then decide on the rod...tempted to go Zodias 6'8 ML or might go with the $89 deal on the Mojo to ease my way into this style. I also considered the 2nd Gen *** 6'10 ML XF.. anyone have one or opinion? Looks good. Not expensive ..
  6. Nice, thanks guys. I realize the Zodias I want is going to blow my budget on this combo so I am more inclined to check into your suggestions. I forgot all about the President. What a great reel for the money that one is! Thanks again!
  7. Awesome guys!! Thanks for all of the replies. Sounds like M/L is the ticket ! . I do think it needs to be added to my fishing. It's simple and effective from all I've seen so far. Pretty awesome! I've seen some good rod suggestions too so thanks for that. I will look around. I need to try to keep rod and reel around $150-$175 as a combo if possible but looking around it doesn't sound like I'm getting off that cheap! LOL. Combo suggestions? 20 size reel ? Also, I'm a mono guy so I was planning to use 6-8#. Is there something better that you guys would recommend? I do not use braid and won't. Thanks again everyone!
  8. Okay, been reading a lot of guys saying shakey heads on M spinning rods. Today I was watching Facts of Fishing and Dave Mercer was using a ML rod with the jackall jig head and flick shake worm. I also read another pro saying ML is necessary to fish it effectively. I realize a ML rod will limit me to bait options ...Im guessing ned rig will work too. Opinions, suggested rods, experiences... thanks guys. I have been considering the ML 6'8 Zodias.
  9. For the regular 6 inch Hudd and 68 Hudd you dont need an extra heavy rod. Thats just overkill. Ive fished 6 Hudds comfortably on MH rods. I fish mine on a Fenwick Elite Tech 7'9 H swimbait rod and its perfect. As said above, a faster action will be better for Hudds. For trebles I would get the Irod Jr Swim or Okuma MH 7'6 , 1st gen. Or new A series 7'11 H . Had all of these rods and found these to be ideal. I bought the Dobyns Fury 795 but dont have it yet. Im planning to throw glides and wakes with it.
  10. I have owned the IROD Swimbait Jr and really liked it. It will throw the baits you mentioned with no problem. The 795 Fury is on it's way to me and my plan is to throw glides on it 7 inch and 6 inch, Triple Trout, Roman Made, etc..all in the 2-3 oz range. I am fairly confident I made a great choice. I can't wait to get it. Good luck with your decision! I have a feeling I'll have more than one of these Fury's before it's all said and done but I could be wrong. We shall see on Monday!
  11. 2015, a bad joke that only sadistic people would laugh at! I'm hoping for a better 2016!! Like, where I actually get to fish, a lot!
  12. You can fi You can find lots of FLW and ELITE's shows and others. I really enjoy the bait and gear reviews and shorter "movies"/ clips about particular baits. It's a terribly dangerous slippery slope if you start watching those bait reviews and videos. The bait monkey is behind all of it I'm quite sure! I spend hours watching instructional and tips videos. Matt Allen of * is one of my favorites. He does a lot of swimbait stuff but him and has partner cover conventional baits and tactics as well.
  13. stkbassn


    It works pretty quickly and pretty well but it really depends on where you are applying it. For my line thru baits where the hole gets ripped into a tear it's a temporary fix and I have to use it throughout the fishing day. It is a good product. I It might have more time to cure between trips so it's a good time to repair any tears or rips for sure. No real downside that I can think of. Takes very little time, a minute or two max. I try to make sure it's good and try before I cast again. Get some! It's worth it for sure!
  14. I'm very happy about this too but I still can't stand the fact that there are at least 6 or 7 times more hunting shows than fishing. Even when fishing is in full swing with the show line-up there are very few compared to hunting shows. It's hours and hours of hunting shows in a row man...ridiculous. I'd be in heaven if fishing shows were aired like this. At least there's You Tube and Chromecast..thank goodness!!
  15. First Roman Made for me..Trick Lipless. Sweet!
  16. Mine balances well with my scorpion on it. Very good rod. I have the spinnerbait rod so not familiar with the other models.
  17. All are good choices I think. I love my E6X and wish I hadn't sold my Dobyns Savvy 703, that was a great little rod and balanced well. I've held the Kovert rods in store and they seem nice. I liked the look and feel but never fished one. I have a Fury on order so can't speak for it but I'm guessing if it comes from Dobyns that it's not a bad rod even at entry level. Looking forward to it and didn't break my wallet either so not very worried. Good luck, sounds like none of the choices presented can really go wrong for you.
  18. Thanks, sounds like it's worth every penny sir! I will take a look at BPS today!
  19. This is a good topic for me as I've recently went overboard with buying expensive glide baits and other swimbaits. I've seen comments saying they're a must but which one or two is highly recommended. I will not be making one myself so I need to know which one I can buy. Thanks guys!
  20. 12# Senshi or Siege works well for me.
  21. I just buy the rod that I like for what I need it for. I have Fenwick, Powell, Loomis, Dobyns, Jackall. All different rods and work for the purpose I need. Each is capable of multiple applications. If you're looking to stay under $150 you have quite a few good choices available in today's rod market. Powell Diesel, Powell Inferno, Dobyns Fury, 13..all great rods. I'm sure there are others in that range but those are the one's that come to mind for my liking.
  22. I have the 40 and 50 size. The 40 is the perfect size for every day fishing and can be thrown on a Medium or Medium Heavy rod. The 50 is quite a bit bigger. The SPRO is awesome, period. Great bait and not expensive. Arguably the best rat on the market today. I'd recommend the 40 but if you're wanting a big wake bait then go for the 50. I must admit the ABT Camo Rat has my attention and I will be buying one but that's around $70 as opposed to $30 for the SPRO 50. You should also check out the CL8 Water Vole. I love the Vole! Good luck.
  23. It's Mat Trout so it's a flat finish ...crazy because when I found it I was shocked to see that color in the 135. I searched all over for it and couldn't find it anywhere else. Russ *** on Ebay. He had two. I had to have one! He's a good dude to deal with for sure!
  24. A few glides came in this week. Yum.
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