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Member, FMR
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Everything posted by stkbassn

  1. Yeah, I figured $60 was a good deal based on reviews and original retail price being so high. I know the new one's are going to be improved in certain areas but I was looking to spend as little as possible so the point for me was to get the best rod for the best price possible. As another person here said and I mentioned as well, the ml is a little stiffer than your typical ml but thats okay with me since I only have the one spinning set up. Maybe a bit more versatile.
  2. Thanks man! Great info here! I will give it a whirl
  3. I just got a 6'9 ML Villian spinning rod. I haven't used it yet but it looks and feels great in hand. It seems to be a bit more on the M side than ML but it might be a bit more versatile because of that. I'm very pleased. Check FFO if you haven't already. I paid $60 for mine. Good luck.
  4. He definitely looked like he'd done that before. I like how he was fishing the docks with it. I will definitely try it. I have some SK Sexy Spoons but never have taken the time to fish them. After watching Watson it got me a little excited to see a technique that I could apply it with. I might go ahead and pick up a couple of those Nitro Spoons to add to the box to try as well. Was he letting it go to the bottom you think and then picking it up and letting on fall on slack line or just getting bit on the fall? I couldn't tell.
  5. Thanks for the info on the spoon. He was going to live or die by it and he stuck with it. It really paid off! Pretty awesome to watch! I'm glad we'll get to see him again!
  6. A bargain reel or rod exceeding expectations is almost as good, if not as good, as a high end reel or rod actually living up to expectations. IMHO of course. Congrats on your trip and I'm glad the reel was a success!
  7. Congratulations!! and welcome back.
  8. No worries, just never seen so many moved at one time. Thanks for the response and saving me the lashes! LOL.
  9. Valid points guys but I would rather ride around and learn from a pro than sit at this desk every day so it's all relative really. Nothing to be hardened about as an official if you're lucky enough to be one in my opinion. I did notice the UMF official being tough for sure!! Maybe the MLF officials are being professional but if an angler is joking with you about something it's okay to respond in kind. It is all about the angler anyway and not the officials. If I was a pro and had to ride around with a stiff all day I would do all I could to annoy the crap out of him until I finally got a reaction. I think that's what Watson was trying to point out...come on man...have some fun! Watson is a riot.
  10. I realize that it's unpopular to challenge the establishment around here but all of these threads being moved are getting a little absurd. If you go down through any thread on the General forum you could pick out a bait mentioned, a reel bragged about, a tournament expererience....etc. So you could technically move almost every thread to something specific but is it really necessary? Just noticed all of a sudden all of these threads moved today...the page looks a little silly to me! How many lashes do I get for this?
  11. I bought a Trion for 40 bucks and got an Abu Villain from FFO for 60. For $100 I think I did pretty well. Can't wait to fish it!
  12. This guy is a character for one and two, he absolutely smoked those guys with that spoon. Anyone have any idea what kind of spoon it was? I'm sure it was some type of flutter spoon but it looked to be 4-5 inches, nothing special. I love to see an angler do something like that and do well. He flat out said he hates fishing deep and dragging points, etc. I don't know much about him but he had me laughing. Another thing about MLF, do ANY of the officials have a sense of humor at all? Is it against the rules to even be nice? It's odd. I don't expect them to be telling jokes back and forth but when engaged by the angler they could at least try to be human. Just my 2 cents.
  13. Firetiger seems to do well on my home lake here but it's a fairly clear water lake so it surprises me that it does well in bright sun but it does. Black and Blue does equally well in my experience which is opposite side of the spectrum. I've caught a lot on a firetiger crank for sure. There's a few firetiger baits that I want to pick up this year to test the color to the max on that lake. It could be a winner or a bust but fun buying and trying anyway.
  14. That's right. I forgot about Suggs. And Scanlon was the name I wasn't as familiar with and forgot. They both did catch some deep fish but it was slow for sure. With more time that could have been a winning pattern. I think everyone there had a shot being that Montgomery had a slim lead. It did appear that Montgomery was giving them something they liked because he definitely got the bites. I really like Suggs. I felt bad for Roumbanis but he was a good sport about it !
  15. The E is a more user friendly reel and a supreme caster in my opinion and experience. The I looks sexy and feels nice in hand but it's quirky from my limited experience. I can't backlash the E but the I had no problem backlashing the I....not a fan of touchy reels. My thumb no likey! Spoiled thumb I guess! I also loved the D series that someone mentioned. Very smooth reels!
  16. I think Shryock fished deep with his spinning gear quite a bit and didn't get bit until he went shallow. I can't remember the other guy who also fished deep on the bridge but he really didn't do much either. Just seems like it was a very off day at that lake for whatever reason and the other part is how much water they were limited to. No doubt not the most productive areas in the lake or at least not that day. It was kind of cool to see them struggle to be honest, makes me feel a lot better about my struggles ! LOL.
  17. Robo EZ Shad
  18. I would definitely fish the regular 6 inch Hudd or 68.
  19. Powell or Dobyns...close call for me. I like both a lot! Loomis is right up there too but I haven't owned enough of those to say for sure.
  20. Yeah man, I think the 40 is perfect. I really think you'll dig it and I know your rods are more than capable of handling that bait well. Let us know if you get one!
  21. No man, you can throw the 40 on any Medium Fast rod or MH if you prefer. It's not big and it's pretty light. I can't imagine how small the 30 is after holding the 40 in my hand.
  22. MLF is great and I love Ultimate Match Fishing? I think that's what it's called. While I love MLF I swear they play wayyyyyyyyyy too many re-runs of the same one's. My other gripe is mainly my problem but now the shows are back on ..great...but dude, really, do they have to start at 7:00 am and end at 10:30/11:00 am???? I don't do DVR and I don't do early mornings on the weekend unless I'm the one going fishing!! So I roll out bed and catch the credits of the last fishing show and then BAM..a guy is whispering in a tree stand about a buck coming into the clearing....ooooohhh....I'd rather watch HGTV. Good thing I love soccer so I can at least catch some Premier League...of course they're 5 hours ahead so if Chelsea plays an early game I don't see it....love my sleep! BTW: I do like Hank but can't watch his show...it's too fluffy and not really a serious fishing show, ever. He's a tremendous fisherman and even better person but I just can't watch the shows.
  23. Yeah, and he looks so innocent too. Devil in disguise I say! ?=pure evil
  24. Lol! More like they've been killing my wallet! I can' t help myself. I think I'm good on glide baits for a while !! . Had to have more Negotiators ..been dreaming of them!
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