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Everything posted by stkbassn

  1. With all of the crankbait rods I've had ( i fish mostly medium to deep diving baits in open water and rock/mud bottoms..some wood..) I've had the most success with hook ups and fish staying buttoned with a moderate cranking rod. I could fish with any rod for this application but none as ideal for me as a moderate rod. This has been my preference. My two favorite crankbait rods I've sold and can't find either out there anywhere so I regret it.
  2. I've never had problems in any water clarity with blue/black jigs, sunny, dark, day , night....clear, stained..seems to make no difference. I like it and it keeps it simple. Again like someone else said, it could be just a confidence thing. I just don't want so many colors that I keep second guessing myself. Too distracting and I have too little time to experiment...
  3. I never have been able to go but it doesn't sound like I need to get in a hurry to work it out either. It's a bit disheartening to hear this about BPS but I've never been impressed with their prices or sales. Maybe I once was when they were the top dog but it's been a long time since that was true. They advertise like it's a big family affair and make it seem all warm and cozy like they are here for us but it sounds more like they could care less in reality. Doesn't sound like they take care of their vendors either. Not wise. BTD, TW, FFO, LCC, Monster, folks here on the Flea Market and a few others get my business and that's just the way it is and will continue to be. This is not to say I don't appreciate our sponsors and wouldn't buy from them, I just haven't directly. I use Z-Man and Seaguar, and soon to use Rage products though!
  4. Big baits aren't novelty. That 50 is a great rat for a great price. I caught several 1 pounders on it and a few that weren't as long as the bait from head to tail. Bass eat them with no problem or hesitation at all.
  5. Hey guys, I was considering getting a cheaper set up for buzzbaits that I would also probably throw some topwater baits on as well such as smaller walking baits, regular spooks, light mouse baits. I was looking at a 6'10MH-MF 1/4-1 1/4 oz. Do you think this would be ideal? The length is fine with me as it will be more of a target caster than anything. I know the two aren't ideal techniques for the same rod but I think I can get by....any other rods that might fit the bill in the $100 and under range? Thanks everyone!
  6. Cavitrons are great buzzbaits for sure. I have enjoyed success with the SK buzzbaits too. Can't go wrong with either based on my experience. Enjoy the Cavitrons!
  7. Creep, Radiohead... kid on idol did it last night and did it well. Now it's in my head...
  8. I had that rod, it was a telephone pole. Looked awesome but I didn't enjoy fishing it at all. Much better options have been suggested above. I like my Elite Tech Swimbait rod and my Fury 795. Both cover what I need. I would like to have the Orochi XX Leviathan though.
  9. Moreau 3 and 4 inch Bluegill, ABT 6.5 Dirty Donkey, Cavitron Buzzbaits and Storm Jointed Thundersticks........did you say one? LOL!
  10. I had one for a short while before trading it to my buddy. It got hammered first trip out by a big smallie but that's all I had on it. But like Bluebasser said, explore your options a bit and check out the baits he suggested. I think you'll like the 6 inch BBZ a lot, great bait and has nice action. Casts well too.
  11. I definitely feel for anyone like yourself that is feeling the greatest impact of this in a negative way. What's the solution to bring oil back to a level that keeps you working and at the same time keeps money in our wallets instead of being robbed at the pump? Is that solution possible or is it one that big oil would even get on board with? I'd like to see you keep your work, provide for your family, and enjoy the quality of life you're used to and those of us not negatively impacted right now keep more money for supporting our families and lives as well once it goes back up. If that means I pay a bit more for gas I'm all for it but I'd rather see it sit where it is as long as it can if it's going to just go back to ridiculous prices per gallon. I agree, it's a mess.
  12. That's a good price. I paid $179 for mine and I'm not sorry in the least! I love it. Get it.
  13. Fish more than I did last year. Learn new techniques, finesse fishing and glide baits. Get another boat.
  14. Hopefully it turns out to be the Jackall Flick Shake worm, it's the only one I have right now. I have all three sizes and several basic colors to start. This is my first season actually trying it. When I saw it fished and saw the action in the water I was pretty sold. It catches fish. Now, can I catch fish with it? I guess we'll see! LOL. I blame Dave Mercer for this. I think it's very cool how his show breaks down the equipment and shows you exactly what set up he was using in detail. He also does a good job of describing what he's using and what it does well, and why.
  15. Okay, I can see where that makes sense. I've not had a lot of experience with it yet but I plan to spend more time with it this coming season. I thought it was mostly cast and let if fall to the bottom on slack line and then hop it up , repeat once or twice and then bring it in. Is that not the standard method? I need to watch Glenn's video again on that. I might be remembering it wrong. I will pick up the 1/16 this week. Thanks for the reply!
  16. I doubt you'll go wrong with either of those and I can't comment intelligently on the Avid X because I haven't owned one, only handled one and it felt great but very hard to tell in the store. That said I've owned an LTB and I absolutely loved it. I've owned, Triumphs, Avids, Premiers, and Mojo's in the past. If I buy another St. Croix it will be another LTB no matter what gets said.
  17. The baitmonkey gets us all at one point or another, nothing to be ashamed of! Congrats on the rods! And nice smallies too dude! How's the Fury 705? I thought about it for a general purpose, maybe even a squarebill rod.... I love my Fury 795, great rod!!!
  18. When I'm fishing I'm only in the mood for fishing, nothing else.
  19. I like 1/8. And really, 1/8 is light in my book. So 1/16 is best? is it going to make a ton of difference between the 2? I'll get some 1/16 but I just want to understand why it seems preferable to most.
  20. That's pretty ridiculous. Maybe he's in a tight spot in life but that's not your burden to bare. I tell you what, one thing I am NOT late for is fishing! And then to expect you to wait and cover all expenses including a lunch he knew he couldn't pay for...wow! That takes a lot of nerve. Sounds like a sure fire way to never get invited again to me. I don't blame you for that. It's one thing if he shows up early, brings his own lunch, and informs you ahead of time that he doesn't have much to offer in the way of money or any other contribution....then if you enjoyed his company enough and still decided to have him along great...but all of that nonsense, nope!
  21. My favorite is probably Coppertreuse but I like all of the one's I have. I have Coppertreuse, Green Pumpkin Orange, California Craw, Junebug, and The Deal. Those I felt covered almost every type of water situation I would encounter. As someone else said, you don't have to limit yourself to the TRD but for me it's better that way. If I'm not catching any on the TRD then I just pick up another bait entirely. For my sanity I can't have a ton of finesse choices for that one head. The cool thing about this is it isn't expensive or hard to fish and you can catch fish with it anywhere. That was the appeal for me at least!
  22. Why look for an alternative to the TRD on that mushroom head when it's already a proven success? I personally like the idea of having that specific head and using a specific bait with it(TRD) so I don't have to drive myself crazy with different options and think something else might be the key. It helps me focus on what I'm doing more than what I'm using. That said, I have not heard of a better bait for this particular jig head as of yet.
  23. I would donate it to me. I need a boat. I'll take care of the IRS and all that jazz. I just don't want to see you burdened with this! So if I win a boat I am keeping it If I already have a boat that I like more I'm selling it. If I like the prize boat better I sell my old one to help offset any taxes, registration, etc. Good luck with your "problem" dude! LOL !
  24. This is tough because there's so many different pro's that I'd like to go with for a particular technique they do well. But I would probably choose Tim Horton because he's such a darn nice dude and obviously an excellent angler. Brent Ehrler comes to mind because he seems to be a nice guy but more than that he's extremely impressive. He's a bad arse! Keith Watson just because he's so funny and I'd like him to show me how to whack em' with that spoon. Zona and Mercer I like too! Mercer is absolutely hooked up with gear....amazing amount of money on the deck of that boat at all times, not to mention his tackle. Impressive. Also, maybe the guy that owns Roman Made. He has a sick set up and amount of gear and tackle too. I need to learn how to catch em' on those big glides....language barrier might hurt the lesson a bit....LOL This is just too hard, I give up! lol !
  25. If it's my Dad then that's a whole different story, he's done more for me than I could ever deserve or repay in this lifetime. If it's a guy that I fish a local public tourney with now and again then I am not going to split the cost of gas when I only get to fish say this tourney and then not again with him for another two weeks, meanwhile he's out the next day or next week riding on free gas. Sorry, but the boat doesn't use that much in a 6 hour tourney. However, I will pay the entry fee for both of us and the parking fee for his boat and truck. That's generally 45 bucks. I can back the boat in or be backed in and put it on the trailer since I've had two boats of my own. If we get big fish then we split it, if we win or place then we split it. If we get nothing then he gets a free chance at winning money with nothing out of pocket but using his boat and truck....fair enough in my opinion.
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