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Everything posted by stkbassn

  1. I did try the Cardiff at one point and just didn't fall in love with it. I thought it was a bit heavy and bulky and never got the distance out of it I had hoped for. I just don't like round reels very much I suppose...Never had a Calcutta or higher end one though.... I was afraid the line capacity might be an issue here. So much for an easy solution to my Curado 300D frustration.....Thanks for the reply.... Might just have to suck it up and lay down the cash for the 300E or an overpriced 300D though I know both are worth it once you get them in your hand....I love Curados.
  2. I was considering picking up a Curado 50 E for my Mattlures Swimbait rod. I have the 7'7 MH with the 4" handle extension. It's a nice rod and fairly light, rated for 1-4oz baits.... I've wanted a Curado 300D or DSV for a while but I get tired of the high asking prices for these things. (ANYONE WHO HAS ONE AND WILL BE REASONABLE ABOUT THE PRICE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ..UNLESS YOU CAN OPEN THE SIDEPLATE AND TAKE CASH OUT OF IT, IT"S NOT GOING TO MAKE YOU ANY MONEY JUST SITTING THERE Will the 50E do the trick or is it not enough reel? Keep in mind that I am throwing 6" Hudds, Mattlures Baby Bass, and some larger baits from time to time. Thanks
  3. Right now I'd say my Castaway 7'10 DD22 Crankbait Rod paired with a Shimano Curado 200DPV...Awesome combo for deep cranks!!! I mean awesome!
  4. The only positive thing I saw was that the Citica now offers a 7.1 gear ratio. I've never seen that before. I may pick one up. As far as the rest of the reels I feel the same as everyone else. Still love my Curado D's! Still looking for another 200DPV if anyone has one to part with. Had to throw it in there!
  5. I'm not sure why folks knock these reels so much. I had an XS600 with the 5.1 gear ratio and loved it for cranking...casts a mile. I also thought it was a pretty nice looking reel. Never had a moments trouble out of it. I wouldn't hesitate to own another but I've switched over to Shimano exclusively for now. From what I've seen of the new Shimano I think it's the ugliest reel to come down the pipe in a long while. Black and White? What?! They haven't made a better looking reel than the D series, ever.
  6. Thanks for the input, I appreciate it. Vanish is awful. I tried it once on a spinning reel and was very disappointed. My new rod is pretty sensitive so maybe I don't need fluoro. I was mainly wanting it for depth anyway. I suppose if I'm brave I can switch to 8# mono.......that may do the trick as far as getting the crank deeper. 10# has been fine so I can't imagine 8 being that much different....
  7. I have a quick question about which line to go with here. I have a great cranking set up and I'm considering changing lines to see if there's a difference at all. Currently I'm using #10 EZ Mono from Spiderwire and must say it's been one of my favorites of all of the mono's that I've fished. It's hard to break. However, I'm considering trying fluorocarbon to see if I can get more depth and feel out of it. I've heard great things about the Spiderwire Fluoro but it's $20 as opposed to the $4.39 I spend on a spool of EZ Mono...... I just want to know if the fluoro is worth it. I keep hearing about what a pain fluoro is to manage....I don't want to have to deal with problems on the water.....I'm sticking with #10 either way. I'm also considered trying Suffix Siege Mono in #8 or #10.... Any suggestions here.
  8. I had a Revo Inshore and I absolutely loved it. I used it for a swimbait reel and planned for it to double as an inshore saltwater reel for trips to the bay. From what I've heard, the Zillion is a wonderful reel as well. I think it's a bit pricey in comparison though. I also had a Daiwa Coastal which is the less expensive model of inshore Daiwa's and I must say that was a sweet reel too. I don't think you need to spend the extra bucks on the Zillion unless you just have to have it. I understand that though! I think you'll be pleased with any of the three.
  9. If it absolutely has to be under $100 I'd buy the Skeet Reese W&M 7'10 Magnum Crankbait rod. I suppose you could also try the Bass Pro Crankin Stick. I wasn't pleased with mine to be honest so I traded it away. If you'll spend just a bit more you can pick up the rod I just bought. It's the the XP3 Series from Castaway, DD22 Special , 7'10. It's awesome! It's got everything you want in a deep cranking rod and it launches a crankbait a mile. It's $139 and worth it, I promise. Look it up. I'd tell you which website but this thing keeps kicking out the name so I can't mention it. I've ordered from "them" a few times and they're great folks. Free Shipping on orders over $50.
  10. I may try this on one just to see how it turns out. Thanks. I love the DD22 but I have to say I really like the feel of the 6XD, it's an impressive crankbait. I may also try that Lucky Craft deep diver. It looks good but at $17 it's more painful at the checkout counter than the DD's or 6X's when you want a few different colors.
  11. I found a guy online that does a good job...think sending them to him is the way to go.
  12. I caught my first 6XD bass last night on a Chart/Craw color right before dark. I really like that color during that low light period. Looking at all of the colors available for the 6XDs one question comes to mind..... Why does Strike King NOT make a dark colored crank for night fishing? I like a chili bowl, red/black, black/red, red craw or dark blue DD22 at night..... KVD may be sleeping at night but I like to night fish and unlike KVD I can't fish every day ! LOL
  13. That makes my decision much easier. Now I just have to get my Curado DPV fixed.....sideplate will not come off, key won't turn, period. I could use something to turn it but won;t risk scratching it further. Makes me sick that I scratched it at all!
  14. I'm sure that Cumara is pretty sweet! It's expensive but I'm sure it's worth the money.
  15. Great info, this helps tremendously! It sounds pretty much like what I'm looking for. I'm selling my bass pro stick simply because I'm not in love with it. May go ahead and get the Crucial. It's between that and the Boyd Duckett Micro Magic.....We shall see!
  16. Guys, I've driven myself crazy with this cranking rod thing. I may go ahead and get a Crucial based on what people have said about it. I'd like to hear from someone on here who actually has it so I can get some details. Mainly, I just want to know if this rod is forgiving and if it has a nice, soft action similar to glass. I understand it's made with some technology I'm not familiar with but apparently makes this rod stand out from others. Thanks guys!
  17. Thanks. I did try that but nothing seems to work. It's tight and just won't budge. I'm pretty frustrated at this point. I suppose I'll give Shimano a call tomorrow.
  18. Hey guys, I hope you can help me here. I can't get the turn key access plate to come off. The key is stuck in the closed position and won't budge without a serious amount of pressure with pliers and I've already scratched it which bothers me a lot. What can I do to fix this problem. All of my other Citicas and Curados turn very easily. In fact, this one did too but now won't as I said. Please help! Thanks!
  19. Sounds like a perfect blend to me. It's more than I'm willing to spend but it sounds great. I think I'll try one of the Powell's and see what happens. Might try the new Endurance 804 composite. I hear it's very flexible and has power as well......Also considering a Phenix Glass Rod, G790.....Decisions!
  20. Wow, that is a shame indeed. What an awesome store! Oh well, I guess it's Tackle Warehouse, Bass Tackle Depot, , and of course...The Fishing Flea Market! I just hate ordering things and having to wait ! It just kills me! HA.
  21. Interesting point but I didn't mean it like that to be truthful. I was just targeting folks who use it exclusively and for the reason that it's a quality name in fishing. I've always liked it but never invested in an entire arsenal of them exclusively for the simple reason that my wallet hasn't allowed me to. And I never said I didn't know how to catch fish
  22. Good info, I appreciate it. I had one of those older crankin sticks and I liked it quite a bit. I got it cheap. I'm not sure why I sold it! I still see them on Ebay from time to time. I have a 7' XPS Extreme rod (the black model) in MH but that thing has a great action to it...very flexible. I use it for medium cranks and spinnerbaits...awesome rod. I just wish I could find one in like new condition to replace mine with. Otherwise I'm going to end up talking myself into an expensive spinnerbait rod.....
  23. I do like the rod. I think it feels and looks great. I suppose I'm just not used to that action. I do swing the rod to one side or the other when setting the hook. You're right about slack on those treble hooks....as soon as it lets up they vanish in a hurry! In all fairness to the rod, one of the fish that came off was way on the end of a long cast and it jumped immediately after hitting the crank....I felt pressure but had no time to get the hook set and put pressure on the fish...
  24. Yeah, I think I will. I don't remember reading one negative comment about these rods anywhere. I'm still torn between the all glass and composite but I think I'll try the composite 7'11 and see how I feel about it. I think I'll be pleased.
  25. How much for the Lami? What length? I really want 7'5 and up for long casts.....I'm using a Curado 200DPV for my reel which I love!
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