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Everything posted by stkbassn

  1. I throw the 6" Hudd a lot. I did buy the Weedless shad but haven't fished it much.....What are you doing to get bit with it? Straight retrieve? Throwing in brush or laydowns? around docks?
  2. I couldn't agree more, I think if you are launching your boat you should be prepared to get in and get gone....It's no time to be checking your battery, wiring, looking for things, loading, etc. That's common sense and common courtesy in my opinion but we know that's not what we run into at the boat ramp often times. Also, you're right, Memorial Day weekend at the boat ramp should not be your very first attempt to launch a boat. You should at least have a few launches under your belt and be relatively confident that you know how to do it.That being said, it can be quite daunting to have a line of boats and rubber neckers watching you and anxious to get their turn....For newbies, this can be intimidating. That was what I meant by giving someone a little slack. First timers, don't try this on Memorial Day... Personally, I don't even want to see the lake until after the sun goes down this weekend....
  3. While I agree with the part of not fooling around with chores and other misc. activities at the ramp and holding folks up I will say one thing in defense of the guys that are relatively new to the whole backing in and taking out thing......We were all once newbies at this and even under perfect conditions(no wind, good water levels) we all had a little trouble at first. This sport has grown so much and this time of year especially finds everyone and their brother wanting to get out on the water......So, remembering this and how we weren't all pros when we got started....give someone a break and maybe a little help at the ramp if you're in such a hurry to get out there. Remember, we all have to share the water so why not be kind, lend a hand, and, be patient. Be safe out there this weekend! Be courteous as well.
  4. I was going to comment on his outing as well, sounds like a great day of fishing....too bad about the catching part but it sounds like these issues are easily overcome with a bit of helpful info. It looks like some has been given! You'll get em' next time!
  5. You could pick up the Lews reel in the slower gear ratio and a Powell Diesel Glass crankbait rod for around $180 I believe...that would be a nice crankbait set up for that money. I'm sure you'll get some good advice here so take a look at all the options that are suggested. If you buy a Curado G off of ebay you can get one for around $129 and still buy the Diesel from Tackle Warehouse for $70...that keeps you at $200.
  6. Fish Fishburne is a trip for sure! Charlie has done well for himself, I can't knock him for that at all. When I say he's loud I just meant that well, he's loud! HA! I've just never seen up get serious about fishing but maybe that's the point of his show....not to be so serious. If that's it, he definitely accomplished what he set out to do...
  7. That's true, the price point on the Inshore is considerably higher than the Cardiff. It's definitely a very popular round reel, I'll say that. I might even change my tune on the round reels if I got my hands on a Calcutta or higher end Daiwa. I may even like the smaller Cardiff if I tried it out. Might give it a whirl sometime for the heck of it.
  8. My swimbait rod is 7'9 and my deep cranking rod is 7'11....I love em' both!
  9. Ha! That's a funny one. Gotta say Charlie though..... Ike is funny man, he gets all pumped up...throws his tantrums but I admire his passion. I haven't paid much attention to Ish, is he annoying as well?
  10. I heard the Orra Inshore was a good reel but I've also heard a lot of negatives about this series. I wonder why they even made it to begin with. Take that Orra back and order you a REVO S from Tackle Warehouse for $99. I believe they are still on sale. Great reel.
  11. That BBZ looks great in the water but I've never caught the first fish on it.....You don't need a special rod to throw this bait, it's very light. If you go with the Rago , Huddleston, or the Osprey 6" you will want a longer, more stout rod for these. They are substantial enough baits to command a beefier rod. I have the Falcon Elite Tech 7'9 H Swimbait rod and it's perfect. I can also throw C'Rigs and Jigs on it.
  12. I'm a fan of both Shimano and Abu for sure. I had the Cardiff 300 and just didn't like it...just didn't work for me. I'd rather throw swimbaits on a low profile reel for the comfort factor for sure. Keep in mind that I don't throw anything bigger than 6 or 7 inches so I don't really need a big, honking, round reel. Plus, I usually fish the swimbait for 10 hours at least at the lake where we do our swimbaiting. It's all personal preference really. That Revo Inshore beats the heck out of that Cardiff, hands down. I've had em' both. The REVO S is a great reel and still more comfortable than any round reel in my opinion but that's just me.
  13. This is a personal preference I think. My friend and fishing partner uses a 7.1:1 gear ratio for deep cranks. I like my Curado 200E5. I find it more comfortable to throw big cranks on the E5. I can slow way down, or I can crank fast and speed up a bit....
  14. I've had a lot of success with the 6" version on a straight, medium paced retrieve. These baits have a very subtle action that entices fish. They were made to be this way. Just try different speeds and actions to see what works best. You won't have to do much. Don't give up on this bait if you aren't getting tons of strikes. It wasn't made to load the boat. It will get you some big girls if you're patient. Have fun!
  15. Anyone know if the guy is legit or just a loud mouth?
  16. I'd say Edwin Evers or Randall Tharp, I like both of those guys a lot. Ken Huddleston would be on my list too..... This is a tough one! I like it.
  17. Glad to hear it. I was pretty shocked to hear anyone bad mouth a Lucky Craft. Not a lot good was said about that 110 MR but I'll try it myself this Friday. I would expect a $20 bait to run true at least....It is Lucky Craft after all. I don't have that many Lucky Craft baits but I do like the looks of them.
  18. I will definitely try this, thanks. It's just not a bait that I ever got into so that explains my lack of confidence. I know it works well for sure. I'll try to dedicate some time to it without changing up. Will this be good in open water sitautions like on points and rip rap banks?
  19. I just picked up one of these the other day and it seems after a little research, not many people have much good to say about this particular model....I bought the Rainbow Trout pattern because one of the lakes we fish is stocked with Rainbows and Brook trout to feed the bass..... Anyone have any experience with this bait?
  20. Thanks, I appreciate it. I have tried to fish a fluke and have the hardest time staying with it. How do you rig yours and how do you fish it? Color preference? I fish in Va in Smith Mountain Lake.....I do love swimbaits but haven't thrown one enough on Smith to get confident with it.....
  21. So it's May and we've been enjoying our thunderstick bite as many do this time of year. It's just a blast to fish this way. While we do catch fish when the shad come up we aren't doing much before this happens. Sometimes it's midnight lately with the weather being so up and down temperature wise. My question is, is it too early to get out the deep cranks to try to find fish in the same general areas where we're throwing the thunderstick ? Points, flats, rip rap banks,etc.... Is the deep crank effective this time of year at all? I like to grind that deep crank into the rocks and the bottom even if it's shallow. Any other advice for fishing before the shad bite gets hot at night?
  22. That's a great feeling and one I'm familiar with. I wish I still had a boat myself. I will again eventually. Have a great time out there and be safe. Don't forget the plug lol!
  23. I like the Revo S for my swimbaiting or the Revo Inshore....Both of these reels cast a mile and handle 6" baits with ease. I had a Cardiff 300 and I didn't like it. It doesn't cast as well as either of the Abu's I've used and it's just heavy. If you're going to be throwing 6" Spro's and Hudds, etc....just get a quality low profile reel in a 6.4:1 gear ratio and I think you'll be very pleased. I haven't thrown the Smoke or the Okuma that was mentioned earlier but I'm sure they would do nicely as well. Throwing a round reel for hours on end just isn't as comfortable IMHO.
  24. I own a Powell Max and a Diesel though I don't have the glass. I do own the 7'2 MH Diesel and so far it's been just awesome! I've caught 10 or 12 stripers on it (12-18lbs) and it's handled them beautifully. I've caught several LM on it too. These rods are fantastic really. $70? I wonder if they will remain at that price point. I'm buying more for sure. I'm getting the glass and the 7'6. Go for it man!!
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