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Everything posted by stkbassn

  1. Check out the Powell Diesel 705 man, it's a great rod for all of the baits you're talking about. It is a glass rod but not like older glass rods. It has some flex but has backbone and all for $80 new. I've owned 2 of them. Very good rod!
  2. I might get roasted for this but I know there are others who feel exactly the same way about this kayak "craze". This must be a good time to be in the yak business!! OMG. Every small body of water that used to be relatively peaceful is now choked with these stupid crafts and why....because it's "cheaper" and "easier"...so now there's been an influx of people that have access to the water where before they had no option..ie, stayed home and whined OR actually did something else besides crowd the waterways. I despise kayaks and what they've created. I can't go anywhere without seeing them now and I want to bash every one I see. Of course I don't But you can bet when I get my next boat I will buzz every yak'er I see. Get a real boat and stop pretending. I could buy a yak but don't want one and never will. Okay, sorry guys, hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings!
  3. Wakes in early morning, evening, night..and on rainy or overcast days for sure. If the redfin is an issue get the storm jointed thunderstick, better bait in my opinion and I've caught a lot of bass ,stripers, and cats on it. Slowly cranked along so you can hear the ticking of the bait...explosion..pause, reel and pull....have the net ready.
  4. Tom, good info on the DX rods as one of those had been a consideration of mine. Funny though about the old Guide Selects when you mention weight because the first impression for me with the A series was how heavy it felt even without a reel on it. I felt the old GS sticks were lighter but I haven't had them in hand side by side. I love the look of the new A series but I felt it was heavy. Again, haven't had both series in hand to compare. I am working on getting a LDC from a guy but need some more cash to make it happen. Not sure about the spiral guides though... The Lamiglas Bounce back rod, is that the $90 model that TW has? I bought it at one time and felt it was a nice rod but never used it...is it good for say 5-6 oz baits with trebles? I think it's rated to 10...heard some horror stories about that rod...looked nice enough and felt nice to me. To the OP, I wouldn't hesistate to pick up an Okuma for the money, very good swimbait rods and popular with a lot of guys that throw high end gear as well. Solid rods.
  5. I love the spinnerbait so I always have a dedicated rod for it. Just picked up the Megabass Levante Spinnerbait rod and I paired it with a Scorpion 1500XT . 12# Sufix Elite .... love it.
  6. Red fin is a good bait but Storm Jointed Thunderstick cant be left out...both excellent and inexpensive..both have their own sound. I love the Long A too...
  7. I think it resonates with a large portion of us because of some of the intangible things about it. For me it was my first experiences with my Grandfather..early, rainy mornings going trout fishing...I can still recall the dampness and the smell of the creek..the fish...the food we ate...all of those things stuck with me and became a part of my love for it...and then of course the fish ! So it was experiences as a whole that started it for me...then came my first bass, again, I remember it like yesterday, the pond , the geese, the crap from the geese all over the ground.. and the smells..the sounds...the rush of that first bass eating my plastic worm, the fight....the smell of those Mr Twisters...all of it. So if we are being a bit romantic and nostalgic we can probably trace a lot of the love for it all the way back to some of our first experiences...some love it, some don't but the numbers who do are vast and are at all different levels of angling... I am so thankful for those experiences and every one since. I treasure every trip. Some people will never understand and in a way I feel sorry for them but they don't know or care what they're missing....there's something inside of all of us anglers that can't be explained, it just is.
  8. Nice rod but I am not in love with the reel seat. I could be in the minority but you were asking what folks had to say. I loved the rod otherwise.
  9. So it's supposed to be a comedy? I didn't laugh when he was yelling at the fish and pouring coffee in the lake...or when he finally jumped in. Congrats but not a show I will ever watch. No offense.
  10. Can you get rid of that bird or is protected?
  11. Yeah man, I know exactly what you're talking about. My PO said if I send something longer than 84 or 89 (can't remember which) then I have to pay a balloon charge....So what would have been say $14 is closer to $40...had that exact same number quoted to me. I work one block from the post office but can't/won't take rods there for that very reason. It irritates me because they "would" be the cheapest if they didn't apply that stupid charge to it....I've shipped shorter rods for as little as $12 bucks through the post office which is amazing. Fed Ex just rips you a new one every single time but they're open until 7:45 so I can make it there on time most of the time without rushing. To the point about shipping tubes I do send some rods in PVC when I need a shorter tube than the TW tubes but I have mailed many rods in a TW tube with the plastic end caps , packed well and never had an issue with breakage. I did have one break in a well packed PVC tube once, the only time I've ever had a rod get broken. Now I don't think it was my fault because it was packed securely and well...I can't blame the PVC or my packing job. Recently I had one in PVC that had the end knocked off by the shipper...scary but no damage thankfully. But, those TW tubes are always solid so I never hesitate to use them. When you're shipping a rod you really need to make sure the tip is well packed and the rod is wrapped well. Inside of the tube you need to make sure it's not sliding at all and won't. If you do that and seal the tube well on both ends then you should have little to worry about. You can't control these shippers so that's where your worry will always be....it sucks shipping rods, period. PS: To the point of another poster on this thread...I'm definitely not a cheap SOB when I pay for all shipping costs and usually at $25-30 a piece whether it be in PVC or a TW Tube or another cardboard tube that I feel will handle the job. Just sayin if I have TW tubes around I'm not going to Lowe's...I can handle the 8 bucks to buy PVC and end caps...just don't need to most of the time
  12. My E6X Spinnerbait rod has been nothing short of fantastic. I think a lot of people get hung up on the "entry level" status of this line of rods and look for faults where there truly aren't any that I could find. So far the performance of this rod has been outstanding. I haven't lost a spinnerbait fish on it yet. If feels good and looks good and it performs very well. If you're going to buy a Loomis rod then you need to be prepared to pay for it. Yes, there are lots of good rods at that price point but I wouldn't shy away from this series for that reason alone. It's a great rod!
  13. You should really check out the Huddleston shad and weedless shad. These are already pre-rigged swimbaits that allow you to tie on and fish. You can fish these on A-rigs, fish them like a jig, fish them straight retrieve. They are awesome baits and they're small, 4 inches. You'll dig em! Also check out the Mattlures baby bass series...these baits are money too. Small, cast like a bullet, and easy to fish. They produce!
  14. I have a feeling every fish I've ever caught was drunk !
  15. Nice looking bait..is that a Stanley? I love my War Eagles though. I own a few Booyah's and Terminators that I added War Eagle blades and hardware to and they perform beautifully. My main blade is the War Eagle 3/8 White/Chart with double willows, gold and silver. Odd story...so two Fridays ago me and my best friend and fishing partner went to a lake we hit up in the spring and fall and caught some really nice smallies. I caught mine on the 6 inch Huddleston and the 8 inch Triple Trout. After a little time of not getting bites I would pick up the War Eagle and have never been skunked on it, not once. They would not touch a spinnerbait that day but they would smash an 8 inch swimbait.....I found that to be odd and definitely a head scratcher. Not even a small fish, 14-16 inch boat flipper...nothing...
  16. 3/8 oz double willow War Eagle in white or white/chart , gold and silver blade combo . These are my go to spinnerbaits, period.
  17. I am so glad to see our sport grow and to see more interest in it period but with that comes more and more people so I agree there are more anglers now than I've seen before. We went out last Friday and the lake we went to is not the most convenient or easiest lake to get to. The weather wasn't good at all which for us is perfect because it usually means we get the lake to ourselves. Well not that day! People just kept rolling in....we were mostly annoyed. Seems like you can't escape people anymore even in the more remote spots....I can't help it, I don't like it !!! We still had an awesome day and the folks around us didn't so that was satisfaction enough.
  18. Sickening Glad it's all resolved dude.
  19. This is one of my main reasons for loving the E's and XT's, ease of use. I have never had easier reels to handle than these. Few backlashes , very few! I can't say that about the newer models I've tried. So if that's part of the price you pay with the newer tech reels you can keep em'. I don't need a learning curve when I already have great reels that a retarded monkey could cast. To me that's part of what makes them great. I don't equate finicky with better, just doesn't add up to me. To each his own!
  20. Thanks to Derrick I'm thinking mine is going to be the 3:16 Baby Wake this year ! LOL.
  21. I couldn't agree more my friend! After I read your post I went on Ebay and put another one on my watch list. LOL ! Enjoy your reels and catch a bunch! Be safe out there sir.
  22. So it's too small to paddle?!! Maybe it's too small for a 21 foot Ranger to blast through.....but a canoe? And paddling caused what harm to the waterway? I really shouldn't read things like this because it just gets me fired up. Ridiculous. If any court in the land is actually going to hear this case then shame on them for wasting everyone's time and money. Don't they have enough to do?
  23. I much prefer my Scorpion 1500XT to the new Curado I. I do not own the Scorpion 200 which I understand to be almost identical to the Curado I except for bearings in the handle. To each his own but I'd own all XT's if my wallet would let me. I am slowly getting there. Again, you're going to get a lot of thumbs up for the new one's and I can't speak to the new Scorpions but I've had the Curado I and I prefer the Curado E which I'm told the Scorpion XT basically is in JDM form. I hope that doesn't sound confusing! You're buying good reels so do not be swayed by me or other naysayers. Congrats and don't over think or worry, just enjoy them!
  24. I have 10# Pro Mix on my spinnerbait rod and love it. Casts well, not a lot of memory and haven't broken a fish off yet. It's good line. I really like Sufix and have had a lot of success with the brand.
  25. I love my Shimano's but I have Abu's and Daiwa's too. I like all of the reels that I own but Shimano is still my favorite. I am not loyal to any brand since no one sponsors me or shows me special attention. LOL. I get what I can with the money I have available. I've even bought some cheaper reels lately that I am quite fond of. The Silver Max and Pro Max have impressed me so far!! Both great casters and relatively smooth so far! I still like my Scorpions better but that matters not, I will use em' all happily !
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