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Everything posted by stkbassn

  1. Yeah, I saw them at Sportsman's yesterday. They had a pretty good selection. I picked up one of the squarebill cranks. Pretty sweet looking bait. My only question is about the hooks they use, not crazy about them and will be replacing them shortly. The bait is a beauty though! Good to add to the collection.
  2. Sportsman's had the 300 Calcutta D clearanced out at 259 ,last one.. holding it for me until payday! Stoked. Thanks for all of the input as always folks.
  3. I wouldn't do it personally but that video of Butch Brown releasing his 5 bass 60 plus pound limit was simply amazing!! If you haven't seen it, go watch it. Awesome!!!
  4. Local Dick's, Gander, and never have jack for deals. It's pretty sorry if you ask me. Walmart doesn't either. It's nice to hear that it does happen somewhere though
  5. Thanks everyone, I appreciate the input!
  6. So I'm considering a future purchase of a Calcutta 300D. I've heard or read good and bad. I would expect a lot less bad at that price point. What's your experience with the reel and would you recommend it? I'm going to use it for glide baits and swimbaits. Thanks guys.
  7. I'm starting to and I hate myself for it
  8. I had a return that I sent back for exchange and it reached them on Thursday. I put in another order over the weekend that I chose 2ND day air shipping for the 5 buck price...it left and will be here tomorrow. My other order is a ground shipping order and is supposed to leave tonight. I called and they said the ground shipments got pushed back from the sale and 2nd day air shipments. Hoping it leaves tonight but I know I'll get it. Rest assured they'll take care of you. Don't worry.
  9. White/Chart double willow gold/silver blade 3/8 oz War Eagle spinnerbait, no doubt.
  10. Sunline Shooter and Seaguar Senshi seem to be thinner diameter for the # test than other brands. Check those out too if you haven't. I ordered both recently but haven't had time to check either out.
  11. Check out the Irod Swimbait Jr or Okuma Guide Series, 7'6 MH
  12. I like using pork all year round.
  13. I was so looking forward to the new Okuma A but very disappointed that they didn't make a 7'6. I just don't want anymore 8 foot rods myself. They look good and price is right though.
  14. Rat over a frog for me every time, just more fun to fish. I also don't have any thick surface slop in my neck of the woods so never fish a frog. I like the BBZ Rat, the CL8 water vole, CL8 mighty mouse, the El Raton, and there's another one I'm getting soon, the ABT Camo Rat....looks wicked! Looking forward to the smaller SPRO rat selections too!
  15. Not sure why you aren't interested in the Okuma, I've had 4 or 5 and they are awesome rods. The Irod Swimbait Jr I liked too.. The Guide series is a pretty impressive rod in hand, looks and feel. Wasn't in love with the 300 Curado E at all, didn't impress me with casting at all. I like the DSV 300 much better and wish I could find one. I would look at the Tatula HD for what you're throwing, it will be a great casting reel for you. Not familiar with the Okuma reel. Good luck!
  16. What happened to Megabass? Is he still with them or no? The Enigma looks interesting. To comment on the OP's question, I do not own the flipping rod but I do have the spinnerbait rod and after only a couple of outings I can tell you it's a winner. It's an awesome rod. I'm sure the flipping rod is no exception but yes, I believe the E6X series is worth every penny based on my experience with the one rod that I have from the series. There's a great Tackle Tour review of these as well and the series gets some serious praise that I think is well deserved.
  17. Yep, heard from DVT and sent him a message. Thanks for the input everyone.
  18. Hey guys, I'm really secretly obsessing over a rod, a Gan Craft dead sword made to fish the Jointed claw 178. First of all, what blank does Gan Craft use to make that rod and what makes it the perfect glide bait rod? I can't spend 700 on a rod. It's absurdly expensive. Chime in if you're interested in taking on the project. Love to get some input and discuss details. Forgive me, I don't know who on here is a rod builder , never pay attention to the subject. Thanks, Stu 540-871-7477
  19. Thanks for the input. I appreciate it!
  20. I've seen different opinions on which rod is ideal for gliding baits. I have some 168 S wavers,getting some 178 Gan Craft jointed claws, Lucky Craft Real Ayu, and an I Slide 185. Yesterday I threw a glide bait for the first time, an I Slide 135. It has a really nice glide and gets me really exited about the larger ones. However, I threw the 135 on a 6'6 M 1/4-3/4 oz rod with 12 pound mono. Will these baits still glide well on the Irod Swimbait Jr or the MH Guide Series Okuma? I believe both of those are designed for hard baits with trebles as they are moderate MH rods. I really don't want to throw these on my cranking rod as I want a designated glide rod, no longer than 7'9....prefer shorter, even down to 7 or 7'2. Also, I like mono so was thinking 14# or possibly 17 # fluorocarbon but I always read about how hard fluorocarbon is to manage...going to be using a Tatula HD ... Thanks for the help guys...suggest away
  21. Two is the most I usually do. Two will fit comfortably in a TW tube. I will sometimes use PVC but prefer the heavy cardboard tubes. I've started taping the wrap on the handle end to the outside of the tube itself to prevent them from shifting forward. I also wrap the tips in extra bubble wrap and cushion the space between the tips and end with paper or more bubble wrap. I've only had once incident so far with a carrier mishandling my package causing breakage. Knock on wood.
  22. I bought a couple of those Molix, scrounger type swimming jigs and absolutely hated them. They didn't perform consistently and didn't stay down in the water column at all. I loved the way they looked, just not how they fished. Also, any type of flukes...never caught a single fish on a fluke....i hear they produce numbers....not for me.
  23. Finesse Spinning combo Worm and Jig combo Swimbait Combo Cranking Combo Topwater/jerkbait /spinnerbait combo
  24. Yep, one of my friends dumped his swimbait combo overboard once and threw on his mask and fins to get it. It took a few tries. Fortunately it was only in about 12 feet of water. Still daunting none the less. I would have done the same for what it's worth. Not sure I'd do it for most baits..some, probably
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