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Everything posted by kjfishman

  1. When I go to https://fishfindersadvisor.com/hook2-5x-splitshot/ they show a a screen shot of the Hook2 5x Splitshot and the range on the right shows Depth 0 - 40 in increments of 5 feet. My unit only shows The O and the 40 no increments are shown. If you use this unit do you see the depth in increments on the right side of the screen or just the top and bottom depth?
  2. I have a sit in Loon 126 but still wear neoprene waders in the winter. I got lucky and got them at a garage sale for $25 like new.
  3. Will the Lowrance SplitShot Transducer read thru the hull of a kayak?
  4. Easy to change the lower unit oil yourself. 15 minute job. As far as batteries doesn't cost you anything to bring them in if you are concerned. My boat is stored in the garage and I keep them in the boat plugged into the onboard charger.
  5. Batteries wired in series. battery 1 positive connected to battery 2 positive and battery 1 negative to battery 2 negative https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=Awr9DuOqHcBd_R8AHmRXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyNXU4MnRsBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjkwNTBfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=trolling+motors+wired+parallel&fr=jnazafzv#id=0&iurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.louisianasportsman.com%2Fpics%2Fp1233675765.jpg&action=click The picture looks like it it is parallel. As others stated you could use just one battery. Then buy a 2 battery on board charger saving you money on both.
  6. I guess dealers can sell more loaded 4 door models at a higher profit margin.
  7. #1 danger: Forgetting to call your wife and tell her you won't be home for dinner because the bass are biting.
  8. Look for a used 2001 or 2002 Fisher Marine 165V or 170V. No wood in the floors all aluminum.
  9. I like using a bed extender with lights added. Come in handy for hauling other stuff to.
  10. I have my yak strapped in the front and across the back of the bed and again on the bed extender with magnetic brake lights. Over kill yes but never have to worry about it falli8ng off the truck.
  11. Got it back together and working. Had to r Found the parts diagram I needed and was able to figure out how to get it back together. Really not that difficult to work on. I was careful to watch what screws had lock tight and reapply whe reassembled. Cleaned and re-greased works better than new.
  12. I think I have the problem with stuck in neutral sorted but when I took it a part a steel pin that is the black plastic popped out it rests against steel shims held in the metal case. But how to i get the assembly bac k to together. The pin goes in the slot you see in the second photo.
  13. I took the panel the control panel off to get to the back of the controller and removed the shift cable from both ends. The problem isn't the cable. Removed the assembly but not sure how the shims go back. Had it working without the shims but when I put the panel back in place it quit working again. Going to take another crack at it tomorrow not sure how those shims go back.
  14. Solved my fuel related issues starts better than ever but now it seems stuck in neutral won't shift into forward or reverse. Disconnected the shift cable and can manually shifty by hand so the problem is in the throttle/shift control. Throttle cable works fine. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  15. Great job! When can I drop my boat with you?
  16. Yes a few years ago I thought I would be proactive and change the fuel line since my boats a 2001. Now its $40 for low quality fuel lines that don't last.
  17. I replaced the fuel line on my 50HP Merc just a few years ago and the inner liner is collapsing already. I have ran alcohol free gas and the boat is stored in the garage so can't blame UV for the problem. I think I am going to buy automotive fuel line and cover the line with cable sleeving to minimize UV damage. Thoughts. https://www.amazon.com/225FWY-Expandable-Sleeving-Sheathing-Braided/dp/B07121CVYB/ref=sr_1_13_sspa?keywords=5%2F16%2Bplastic%2Btubing&qid=1567090213&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-13-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyWlhOTTM2TFZHRVY0JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDc0OTQwM1FBUlRLREVTNTZWUCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNDkyNTU2MU5QVk45REpCRlcxJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfbXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ&th=1
  18. My old kayak was 13 8 inches and mostly used on smaller water size was never a problem. The 13' Predator is a nice boat.
  19. Unless I get lucky and win a new boat I will stick with my 2001 Fisher Marine Marsh Hawk 165. Now kayaks are another story I might want to step up to a peddle kayak when they are more affordable.
  20. Take the covers off the control so you can stick it in a bag of rice. Leave it a few days before trying. Glad you are ok. And yes tell us what happened
  21. I was there years ago when my daughters went to school in Kirksville . Thanks for mentioning it again. Will have to plan a trip up there and hit Thousand Hills State Park again also. Last time I was there it was electric only, could not run gas motors. Can you run your outboard now?
  22. Sounds like a steal. You could easily move it on for that price if you didn't like it or part it out and still be ahead of the game.
  23. I raised the side bunks, helped loading.
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