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Everything posted by kjfishman

  1. There are only 2 kinds of music, country and western!......Just kidding! I can listen to anything but rap.
  2. I just bought and installed the Minn Kota 210D. Prior to buying this I didn't use an on board charger. I had a Smart Charger that I used, when it broke it was replaced with the 210D. Minn Kota has rebates now and always had good luck with their products.
  3. I read somewhere that aluminum gas tanks have a problem with condensation if not full. The tank in my boat is plastic but I still do as others have mentioned and drain the tank at the end of the season. I use the gas in lawn equipment and my snow blower. I drain the tank by disconnecting the fuel line from the connector on the motor and use the primer bulb to drain the tank into gas cans.
  4. I haven't seen any other Fisher Marsh Hawk 165's on the water or being towed for that matter. That model was only made in 2000 and 2001. Anyone else on this forum have one?
  5. Nice yak!
  6. The trolling motor batteries are stand alone and nothing else runs off them. The mystery to me isthe connector that has 4 wires as described above going to the batteries and only 2 wires output that go to the trolling motor. Not just a simple jumper to put them in series. The boat is stored a distance away so will probably have to back and take the batteries out to get at the connector described above. Looked online and haven't any similar setup. Didn't see ant breakers in the battery compartment either. Replacing the original batteries that lasted 9 years started the problem.
  7. The male connector in the battery area has 4 wires 1. red with blue trace 2. Black with blue trace 3. red 4. black that run to the batteries . Only two wires on the female side that runs up to the bow. The trolling motor is a Minn Kota 24 volt and runs off 2 wires. We never saw the 24 volts at the connector at the bow. We saw 12 volts on both batteries but did not see 24 volts across both when it we wired like the photo taken before the batteries were replaced . Didn't have a camera with me so no photos to post.
  8. A friend of mine replaced the batteries in his Lowe Tahiti Deck boat. It is a 24 volt system after replacing the batteries the trolling motor was dead. We checked the batteries and fuses all were good. We suspected the the batteries weren't connected properly and and switched the ground leads on the battery. The motor worked briefly acting like it was a near dead battery but that wasn't the case. There are only 2 wires going to the trolling motor from the back of the boat. The connector that the the cable going to the front has red/blue tracer, black blue tracer, Red and black on the battery side I thought maybe the black wires were tied together at the connector but when I ohmed them out I only read a short one way. So my guess here must be an isolation circuit in the connecter and that has failed so no 24 volts to the motor. We reconnected the batteries like they were in a photo the owner took before disconnecting them. Any thoughts or information would be appreciated.
  9. Nice job! What are the wheels off of ?
  10. Has anyone actually worn out their fishing kayak?
  11. Since you still have to lift the yak up to get it on the trailer you might add a roller to make it easier to load.
  12. What is the adavantage of a 3 bladded prop over a 2 bladded prop on a trolling motor?
  13. I am lucky my boat fits in my garage. It has a folding tongue and I have maybe 6 inches to spare. The single door side of the grage is deeper but it is only 1" wider than the boat trailer so I had to put it on the 18' door side. Our HOA doesn't allow storing in the driveway but you can have boats or campers around for 24 hours if needed. Enforcemnt is spotty.
  14. I fish out of a 2000 Old Town Loon 138. I added 2 rod holders behind the seat and an anchor trolly. 15 years old scrapped up on the bottom but doesn't leak a drop of water. For its 15th birthday I made a small wood deck to mount a fish finder and another rod holder in front. The transducer and battery are behind the seat. The rear rod mounts are recessed and the front is a surface mount with a 1" spacer to raise it up a little.
  15. You might be able to find a Abu Garcia 3600 EON that might fit your needs. They are maintainable as parts are still stocked.
  16. I am lucky enough to have a 16.5 deep aluminum boat and a kayak. The last 2 years I spent more time fishing out of the kayak than the deep v and have caught more fish. My wife has a 10 foot yak I borrow for smaller creeks and rivers and my 2000 Old Town Loon 138 for Lakes and places I don't have to portage. After last summer I have even considered selling the deep v because it doesn't get out much.
  17. For me it would be the Lund. I like the hull better the Lund would have better resale.
  18. Any body fished Hunnewell Access Shelby County MO? From a yak or a boat? Smallmouth? So many questions so little time. Thanks !
  19. Another thing to consider is adjustable foot pegs are more comfortable that foot wells.
  20. I have a 2010 Dakota and get 15 mg pulling my boat. The price of gas keeps her in the garage when I don't really need the truck. Had a diesel Liberty before that and it delivered 25 MPG towing, those are hard to find now. Not many were sold in the U.S.
  21. You may be able to get the lower unit into a clean trash can / barrel then fill with water.
  22. Great choice 16 foot Deep V will take you about anywhere you would want go bass fishing.
  23. I made a similar cart but found on rough terrain the kayak wants to turn on the cart because my hull is more canoe like not indented like yours.
  24. The seat is original equipment. My boat is pretty old and I don't know how the seats in your Vapor compare to the Loon 138. Mine aren't padded but they aren't bad. You could try adding some padding.
  25. My Loon 138 with few basic mods, adjustable rod holders, anchor trolly and a crate. I try to keep it simple and don't even use the crate that much. The cockpit is huge and I can get a enough tackle behind the seat and in front. This is a very stable craft and very durable. The downside is it weighs 75 lbs.
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