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About Deeg

  • Birthday 04/14/1966

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Cheney, KS
  • My PB
    Between 2-3 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Private leased lake.

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Deeg


    Where do you do most of your bass fishing around south central Kansas? My family is part of a private lease pond that fishes really well but it is always good to know of some other places to take my sons from time to time.
  2. Tomorrow morning I will be hitting the water before sun up. I plan on top water, then mid water, and then finally soft bait fishing after the sun gets up. My plan is to catch some fish on the soft baits tomorrow for the first time in my life. I have decent success with the other lures I use and want to add the soft baits to my tool belt. The bass are moving into the deeper water now that summer is here and I want to catch them all day instead of just at sun up and sun down. My successful fishing trip will be based on time spent with my son and if the fish want to join in the fun then so much the better. By the way, my 11 year old son is getting quite talented with his casting spoons, catching large mouths and crappie. I am one proud dad 8-).
  3. My father is an avid fisherman, but his perfect fishing day is having a tight line for catfish while fishing with a bobber pole or two for bluegill and carp while waiting for the catfish to become active. I enjoy fishing that way with him (time with dad is precious - he's past 70 now). However, when I fish with my sons I can't do that kind of fishing. If I have a tight line then I am jigging and grubbing for bluegill and crappie while waiting for the catfish. Now my sons and I are more likely to be lure fishing for bass and other sport fish. I guess you might say that we are hooked on the constant motion and of cast, jig, and reel fishing. With my father not being into bass fishing I have pretty much taught myself everything that I know about bass fishing and my sons are picking it up from me. I am working on adding the soft lure talent to my tool set as the summer is heating up and the fish are going deeper. I plan to go out tomorrow morning on our boat before sunrise and use my buzz baits and jitterbugs. Then switch over to my Mepps and spoons as the sun is coming up over the trees and then finally to the soft plastics in some deeper water. Planning on having simply a marvelous time on the water with my son(s) (the older one will probably not want to get up that early).
  4. Thanks for the input. I will keep that mind the next time I am on the lake and there are a number of fish swimming through the fish finder.
  5. I never seem to have any luck with plastic worms and such. I try to jig and play those lure types without success and go back to the spoons, buzz baits, and other crank baits and have success. I would really like to pick up whatever talent I am missing with this lure type. Another fishing skill in my arsenal would be great.
  6. Hello, my name is DJ Wells. I live in south central Kansas and fish a small private leased lake as well as the state parks around the area (Kingman and Cheney mostly). I also enjoy fishing farm ponds around the area when invited.
  7. I use a 3/8 oz Pink and White skirt with a silver blade and a 3/8 oz Black and Red skirt with a black blade. I have a number of other colors, but these two always seem to attract the hits.
  8. Deeg


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