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Hyrule Bass

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Everything posted by Hyrule Bass

  1. ive caught largemouth bass on them back in the day
  2. could be something simple as a color change to make them fully commit, so you can get a hook in them so they dont come off before getting to the boat...
  3. i cheer for all DC sports teams. its nice to finally have another championship in town, first since the 91-92 redskins
  4. yes they have
  5. im not angry at all, just simply stating how i feel about replicas. why are you trying to put some sort of emotion to my posts? as for having nothing to do with me, you asked on a forum where members are free to reply and give their opinions, i cannot help that you do not like my or agree with my opinion, or that you choose to inflect some sort of emotion upon my words not even close buddy. i love my skin mount and skin mounts in general better than any replicas i have ever seen, thats why i endorse them. this is my personal opinion, just because i state it, does not mean i am angry as others may seem to think the extreme shine of a replica is no where near the natural shine of a bass that is wet. in the end a mount is dry, not wet. my skin mount has a little shine, but to me the shine of a replica is overkill. a good taxidermist can apply a good paint job to a replica, but they still look extremely fake to me. this has nothing to do with me not liking what someone else wants, its me presenting a different option that may be in the users stated price range/budget. i cannot control people wanting to put emotions to my words and trying to twist them into something theyre not, im not trying to ruin anyones breakfast cereal here. its like sometimes how people make sarcastic remarks but others take them dead serious because you cant really tell if its meant to be taken as sarcasm or literal... 14 years old, looks pretty good, taken care of...exactly. just doesnt seem to fit in with the mantra of "they age and deteriorate quickly". yeah maybe they do if you put them in some sort of non-controlled environment. like it hung in the house a few years then got tossed in the garage or storage shed or somewhere like that
  6. ive seen skin mounts over 20 years old that look like they day the were picked up, theyre hanging in my aunt and uncles lake house. but go ahead and pay a grip for a fake looking fish that isnt really yours that looks like its mass produced and sold at walmart, its your money not mine. of course ive never seen a bass that looks super shiny that me or anyone else has ever caught. but anyways, i will let it go, as you dont even have the bass you caught anymore, so yall can continue discussing your toy fish purchases...
  7. Dont go twisting my words. I didnt say the looked bad, but they look fake, fake as in not like a real fish, where as skin mounts look like the real fish. my taxidermist is great, ive already stated this. he gave us a tour of his house and his work is absolutely phenomenal. im not talking bad vs good here as you surmise, im talking about fake vs realistic. i stand by my post as well, we will just have to agree to disagree here...
  8. ive seen a ton of replicas, many have been posted on here as well, they all look mass produced in china, and look really really fake. even my skin mount looks better than the replicas my taxidermist showed me, and hes dang good at taxidermy. the tour of his house was amazing. and ive seen skin mounts over 20 years old that look just as good as the day they were picked up. also, im not worried about removing one fish from a lake full of them, plenty of other fish for other anglers to enjoy...
  9. you couldve gotten a beautiful much more realistic looking skin mount for under your budget
  10. got 2 presidents last year and love them, never fished the XT model though. I even love my Trion(just got the newer model to replace my 8 year old model that still works) and my Supreme. Pflueger just makes great spinning reels...even the Trions are braid ready...
  11. i would pass on the hook scale. it doesnt really work good on larger fish. all they have to do is flop or wiggle around one time and they will easily fall off that hook. in Major League Fishing thats considered worse than the clip on scales they use. last year i got a scale thats a knockoff boga grip, it hasnt damaged any fishes mouths. never tried the clip on type myself, but i cant imagine they will damage every fish you use them on or even a majority. they may never cause damage to a fish.
  12. Trout are really fragile, bass are not though many enthusiasts tend to act like they are. The through the gills method does no damage to the fish, it cant be worse than leaving a hook obstructing a basses throat. now, you got people out there that will rip half a basses throat out just to get their hook back, this method doesnt do that
  13. there is certainly something different about this years Caps team than the last several years or so. Im so glad they got the Pens monkey off their back. but here is the thing, Pens used to have Marc Andre Fluery as their goaltender, now he is the Vegas goaltender. He has a history of shutting down the Caps in the playoffs. In fact the Pens benched their goaltender last season in the playoffs just to play Fluery vs the Caps. After years of heartbreak for me from the Caps playoff disappointments i am glad to see them break through. Im hoping for a Cup win, but I wont predict one thats for sure
  14. its definitely them spawning. i have witnessed it once before at a lake. my only regret is not snagging a few of them with a treble hook to cut up and use for cutbait when catfishing.
  15. the reels spool size may be your biggest issue going to 30lb line, not sure how big your spool is. you may find yourself casting to the bottom of your spool. or the potential of a big fish spooling your line off completely. also, you will still have the problem of your rod bending down with the weight of your sinker no matter your line size. you can catch bigger fish with your 10lb line, but you need to have your drag properly set and know how to play the fish...
  16. the thing is, when you see a gut hooked fish, why even bother trying to get it out through the mouth? immediately go to the through the gills method. why waste time? while gills may bleed a ton if a hook pierces them, theyre not otherwise as fragile as people think. not that you shouldnt be careful, but sometimes people tend to severely overrate the fragility of bass, mostly because its their targeted species...
  17. the through the gills method has worked 100% of the time for me. I just no longer see a reason to leave a hook in a basses throat, ever.
  18. learn to throw a cast net. i throw one to catch alewives i use as bait
  19. live night crawler, theres no shame in using live bait
  20. what i would say is, if your game plan is failing you(im not saying it will, seems youve thought it out extensively), dont be afraid to completely abandon it and change it up. i would also suggest perhaps trying some red eye shads/rattle traps; and also perhaps something bright in color like fire tiger colored lures or chartreuse based on the water clarity...
  21. What is unethical about it? That the guy got his feelings hurt over someone keeping a bass? If thats the case he needs to toughen up and get over it. A majority of opinions doesn't mean anything. No laws or land owner rules were broken, this is about a guy thats upset over someone keeping a fish that he has no say so over. And now youre upset too. I simply see nothing unethical about it. Someone can make use of a renewable resource, or you can wait for the day its belly up laying on the bank being eaten by vultures. people buy and pay for their license just like im sure you do, people get permission from landowners, etc. Calling them unethical for exercising their rights to keep fish is what is uncalled for...i dont even keep fish because i dont eat fish, but i will stand by a mans rights to do so, as long as its done legally...and as long as its done legally, i dont care how big the fish is... For me its the exact opposite, skins mounts look way better than any replica i have ever seen. My skin mount bass looked way more realistic than the replica of the perry bass my taxidermist has hanging in his shop. and i have a dang good taxidermist. My aunt and uncle have his and hers striper skin mounts over 20 years old that look just as good as the day they picked them up, so i refuse to buy that argument either. its nothing more than a simple cop-out excuse from people who just cant seem to stomach and fathom that some people like to keep the fish/bass they catch. people need to get over it, there are plenty more bass out there to catch and release for you and others despite the fact that many people keep fish of all sizes each and every day, week, month, year, decade, century...etc...
  22. Not everyone who likes to eat fish, or bass more specifically in this case, is starving. some people just like it. and what you say still has no bearing on the situation. the fish was kept legally, doesnt matter if the guy goes home and throws it on his garden or feeds it to his cats. its his fish, people have no realistic right to be upset over what one does with his fish providing no laws or rules were broken
  23. it has worked 100% of the time for me, granted sometimes it was a lot tougher than others, but it worked
  24. i had the exact same thought, except it wasnt Kramer who said that. Kramer was listening to two other guys talk about horse racing and the weather and one of those guys said it...still hilarious though
  25. From Matt Moneymaker, Head of the BFRO, on Twitter: "It's the latest publicity stunt by Todd Standing. He did the same thing in BC in October. He’s using Claudia Ackley to file this suit. We investigated Claudia's incident a while back. It was an optical illusion. That much was demonstrated to her. Now it should b considered a hoax" If Todd Standing is backing it, its a hoax. He is not respected in the bigfoot world
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