What is unethical about it? That the guy got his feelings hurt over someone keeping a bass? If thats the case he needs to toughen up and get over it. A majority of opinions doesn't mean anything. No laws or land owner rules were broken, this is about a guy thats upset over someone keeping a fish that he has no say so over. And now youre upset too. I simply see nothing unethical about it. Someone can make use of a renewable resource, or you can wait for the day its belly up laying on the bank being eaten by vultures. people buy and pay for their license just like im sure you do, people get permission from landowners, etc. Calling them unethical for exercising their rights to keep fish is what is uncalled for...i dont even keep fish because i dont eat fish, but i will stand by a mans rights to do so, as long as its done legally...and as long as its done legally, i dont care how big the fish is...
For me its the exact opposite, skins mounts look way better than any replica i have ever seen. My skin mount bass looked way more realistic than the replica of the perry bass my taxidermist has hanging in his shop. and i have a dang good taxidermist. My aunt and uncle have his and hers striper skin mounts over 20 years old that look just as good as the day they picked them up, so i refuse to buy that argument either. its nothing more than a simple cop-out excuse from people who just cant seem to stomach and fathom that some people like to keep the fish/bass they catch. people need to get over it, there are plenty more bass out there to catch and release for you and others despite the fact that many people keep fish of all sizes each and every day, week, month, year, decade, century...etc...