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About boystcroix

  • Birthday September 15

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northcentral PA
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Susquehanna River
  • Other Interests
    hunting, camping and "tinkerin" in the garage

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  1. still have a BPS Boron Elite rod from the mid 80's I think, though I don't really ever use it anymore
  2. I gotta go with 7ft med/fast StCroix extreme with Shimano 200e curado reel. This rod gets the most action out of my arsenal
  3. I use the Eugene Bend knot. It is very simple and quick and rarely fails me
  4. I've also got the 7'0" MM LTB, it is awesome for small cranks. The fish really stay buttoned on this rod. I have used it with up to the 5/8 oz. Rapala lipless cranks , you would definitly be better suited with the MH for those applications though. It is great for throwing smaller cranks that dive 8ft or less, but I have also used it to fish the DT16 at times. If I had to chose between the MM or MHM I think I'd go with the MH, if not get both!
  5. There are a ton of parts and accesories for AR's , but I suggest getting a piston driven over direct gas if you can afford to do so.
  6. I use Ballistol to clean, lube and protect. I'll use a light grease like superlube for slide rails on a 1911
  7. I use a Bianchi slide for my Kimber , but most of the time its a P3AT in a Desantis Nemesis in my front pocket
  8. In my experience hunting in the woods of central PA a 3-9 power is fine in the woods. This still gives you enough mag. if you hunt the edge of a farm field, but I can't remember the last time I shoot a deer at more than maybe 75 yds here. Check out Bushnell and Simmons for decent economical scopes
  9. I'm just wondering if anyone has any of their rifles. I'm considering getting a C93, which is an HK 93 clone, I have heard mixed reviews of their products. I get guns at wholesale but the problem is I have to get them sight unseen, and alot of times if there is an issue it must go to the manufacturer to be taken care of. The major problem I'm hearing about is that Century is not getting the bolt gap correct on this gun. I have done alot of gunsmithing and am capable of installing new rollers to correct this problem myself, but I'm just wondering if anyone has one of these rifles and what your opinion is on it.
  10. I have last years model Carbonlite and I like it. I only used it one season so far so time will tell how it holds up, but I have had good experience with most Bass Pro baitcasters. I have a blue Rick Clunn that I've been using on a cranking rod for about 4 or 5 years, this reel gets used hard throughout the year and has yet to fail. Anyhow I just ordered a new Carbonlite a couple days ago, it will be a while till I get to use it but I'll let you know what I think of it.
  11. The name as you probably guessed is for St.Croix rods, my favorite. I tried croixboy but that wasn't available so....
  12. I have a P3AT that is fairly new, I've put around 200 rounds through it. I love this little gun, its the most comfortable gun to carry. I looked into both the Kel-tec and the Ruger LCP, two of my friends have the Kel-tecs and have never experienced any problems with them. Though the Ruger is a nicer looking gun I have not heard alot of stellar reviews so I got the Kel-tec. One thing is it is not a pleasant gun to shoot, I have pretty large hands and the very long trigger pull with the thin grip is slightly akward to me. It also is somewhat painful with loads such as Buffalo Bores, but this would not be noticed shooting to save your life. I'm not sure this gun could take 1000's of rounds shot through it, it is not overly stout, but it is not meant to be. Mine has been reliable always with good ammo( I had 2 fail to fires with cheap Tula ammo, but they both had good primer hits so...ammos fault) Like all small autos keep it clean and it will shoot and cycle reliably. The sights are almost nonexistent but thats so they don't snag. It is accurate enough for its purose.
  13. I've had line get caught in the roller on the bail in a couple of shimano spinners, check that the screw is tight. This makes it feel just as you said when you reel line in.
  14. I carry a Kimber Custom compact when a coat or heavier shirt will allow concealment, but most of the time it is a KelTec P3AT. This is the smallest, thinnest most comfortable gun I've found to carry. I carry it in a Desantis holster in my pocket and don't even know its there most of the time. I'm not real thrilled about .380 auto but I use Buffalo Bore 100gr. +P loads for max. potential. Its not a fun gun to shoot , but has been very reliable and fairly accurate.
  15. It looks to me like alot of these targets are just angled forward so that gravity keeps them to either side not springs
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