I have a P3AT that is fairly new, I've put around 200 rounds through it. I love this little gun, its the most comfortable gun to carry. I looked into both the Kel-tec and the Ruger LCP, two of my friends have the Kel-tecs and have never experienced any problems with them. Though the Ruger is a nicer looking gun I have not heard alot of stellar reviews so I got the Kel-tec. One thing is it is not a pleasant gun to shoot, I have pretty large hands and the very long trigger pull with the thin grip is slightly akward to me. It also is somewhat painful with loads such as Buffalo Bores, but this would not be noticed shooting to save your life. I'm not sure this gun could take 1000's of rounds shot through it, it is not overly stout, but it is not meant to be. Mine has been reliable always with good ammo( I had 2 fail to fires with cheap Tula ammo, but they both had good primer hits so...ammos fault) Like all small autos keep it clean and it will shoot and cycle reliably. The sights are almost nonexistent but thats so they don't snag. It is accurate enough for its purose.