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Everything posted by Zseen

  1. State- Arkansas Water Depth- 3ft Lure/Technique- Suspending Jerkbait Structure/Cover- Stumps Weight and/or Length- 10lb 2 oz 24.50" 18.0
  2. I don't care if people keep what they catch, I release my fish, if I want a few for dinner I pick those out after spawn. Now with that said most lakes that get stocked yearly need some fish removed. If I can go catch 25 or 30 1lb bass everytime i go, then some need to go... I still throw them back
  3. thanks guys, I am still just smiling
  4. 10.2
  5. Ok I guess I can tell.. lol I started out the morning at 6:45. It was little cool but the water temp was 53.6. Last week at this public lake I caught 25 small bass in 2 hours on this blue jerkbait. The past week has been cold and rainy, so I decided to start off with this same bait. First cast I caught a small one, under a pound. Second cast another small one, I was like looks like dink day lol Third cast I landed on the edge of a stump, I really thought I was going to hang one of those treble hooks in it, so i gave it a small jerk and paused for like 10 seconds or so. I was just thinking how I didn't get hung up there and BAM! FISH ON... She went straight to a deep water stump and ripping drag, I was thinking maybe 7 to 8 pounds, till I got it close to the boat. I swear you would of thought IKE was on the lake Ended up with 14 fish all small but 2 a 10lber and 3.5lber. You know people ask me all the time how do you fish so much, After I caught her i was shaking for at least 30 mins. Thats the reason I fish!!!! BTW I let her GO!!!! Looking at getting a Replica mount.
  6. Caught my first 10lb fish!!! Local lake here in Arkansas
  7. Zseen

    New Jigs

    Real Craw P/B Craw Black - Blue Cashin' Checks The Black and blue and the Cashin Checks have been tested and i must say they will flat out catch some fish.
  8. Watch this video http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/how-to-fish-the-double-fluke-rig.html
  9. Sounds like a perfect day for some JIG fishing... Pitch to some laydowns and let that dude just sit there, shake and wait baby
  10. nice photos!
  11. its funny you mention that TrapperJ I was just looking up on Lake Baccrac.
  12. Yea i am not worried about the danger, if they want me that bad they can swim their butt out to the boat and get me I checked out Ron's webpage. Nothing wrong with what i saw just looking for reviews and advice from others that have been down there...
  13. We were thinking about going in Jan. That is my slow time at work. I have a lot of question haha
  14. A few of us guys are planning a trip to Mexico to fish El Salto. Any body been or recommend a guide?
  15. black or black and blue jig with rattles. Being from the delta in Arkansas I get to fish water like this often. I have caught some big mommas from muddy water. BTW make that jig big, use a rage craw as a trailer to get them to notice it. When fishing muddy water I tend to throw bigger baits to displace more water.
  16. I used a 4/0 Trokar hook with a cylinder 1/4oz drop shot weight. Bama Craw color rage tail. I pitched it up shallow next to laydowns or docks, and slowly drag it back. The water was 53 degrees and wind at about 20mph the partner in the back of the boat was using a biffle head with the same bait, and I was catching 5 to 1 over him. Now with that said, last tournament - last week I tried the jika with not a bite.
  17. fished a tournament at pickwick and used the jika rig. I caught about 40 bass that day and finished 2nd. Won big fish with 6.5lb. I used a rage craw and slow drag it.
  18. went out yesterday a head of a front, caught about 25 fish in 2 hours, then the rain set in and they shut down. It sure was fun while it lasted
  19. I wish i could help ya. The deal is you will do better in the tournament if you prefish. I had a tournament at Pickwick lake, got there day before tournament and spent several hours locating fish. long story short, I finished second place and had big fish. Last weekend we had another tournament at a lake that was only 45 mins away and I fish it regular. I felt that prefishing this lake was dumb cause I know how to fish this lake... BULLS@#$. The day was cold, rainy and windy. The water was 51 - 52.5 degrees, I just knew the bass would be hanging in 4 to 6ft of water waiting to move up. Well I got my butt kicked and most of the guys fished 2ft water and caught nice sacks. If I would of prefished this I would of known my deep bite was not there and could of tried something else. I have several tournaments that I can't prefish, and when this happens I research as much as I can, but it still is not the same.
  20. I went to a local lake and the frog bite was just amazing, so the next morning I asked the wife to go. I knew she would have fun watching those big bass blow up on the frogs. So we get out there and get all setup. She cast out and was reeling the frog across the pads real slow, and out of the water came this 5 or 6lb bass and just crushed the frog... She threw my d**n pole in the lake... I was like WTH, she was just scared to death, and I was chasing a $250 setup sinking fast... lol It was a good day and when i got the pole back I laughed about it... Now I let her crappie fish with me haha
  21. I opened one and tied it on yesterday and it d**n near sank. I have several other of there frogs that I have no problem with, but this one it is junk... Like the original poster said as soon as it hits the water it fills up...
  22. nothing really... just a group of guys from different bass clubs get together and have a tournament... Not really planed just a in between other tournaments...
  23. I love all the rage tail baits so I can't wait to see whats next... The rage craw in summer craw color is killer at a local lake here...
  24. Saturday we had a small fruit jar tournament at a local lake here in Arkansas. it was a cool start at 37 degrees but you could not ask for a better day. calm wind and sunny was not long and we were shedding clothes. I know this lake pretty well so the night before I had a plan to fish rocks. The lake is pretty good size, one side has a hard sand bottom with cypress tress and lilly pads, the other side is deeper with piers and rocky bank. I knew of 4 canals that had rocky points that had 7 foot of water that had a slow rise to 3 foot of water and good bunch of rocks. At blast off all the boats headed for the trees across the lake. We took the long cold ride to first canal, once there I started with a husky jerk. I never had much luck with them so not long and I was throwing a KVD 1.5. We spent some time fishing this rock picking it to pieces, while my partner got hung up I tied on a white chatter bait. At the time I was thinking of swimming a jig in the rocks, but I ended up tying this chatter bait on so i could bounce it off the bottom of the rocks real slow. Well I didn't know I would be fishing it the rest of the day. At the same canal I threw the chatter bait horizontal to the bank about 2 foot from the bank and first fish was in the boat. We ended up picking up 2 more fish from this canal. The water temp at the start was 53 degrees but with full sun I knew it would warm up. Fishing another canal I landed a nice 5lb 4oz and was pumped, time to start culling some fish and with a 5lber.... I did notice a big trend when fishing these rocks, horizontal was the key, they would not bite it unless you were running it down the bank. It was a fun day on the lake and we ended up with 14lb of fish for 4th place. The winner says he was fishing the trees at 3 feet of water. they ended up with 16lb for the day... Big fish for the day was caught by the 2nd place team 7lb 2 oz bass... O yea the water temp at weight in was 60 degrees.
  25. If his license expired in april 11, then the last time he bought them was in april 10. I don't feel bad for him at all...
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