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Everything posted by preach4bass

  1. My wife's 2003 impala has started hucking and bucking every once in a while. Most often it is when we are accelerating after making a turn, but not always. I have caught it a couple of times and thrown it into neutral and the shaking stops. Is this my transmission? Any suggestions?
  2. Possession limits can pose a problem for those of us who tried to kill or catch all the meat our families eat. We only go fishing a few times a year with the expectation of getting enough fish to eat off of for the year. I'm blessed to live near some overstocked farm ponds where we can legally and ethically take dozens of bass and bream out at a time for the freezer.
  3. I think Raider is a reincarnation of Burley, and Muddy before him. Always living on the edge of BR inappropriateness: requiring constant moderator supervision: and, leaving the membership of the site wondering whether we love him or loath him. Personally, Raider, I hope you keep from crossing the line and getting the boot. You're an asset to the site. Albeit a pain in the asset at times, but an asset nonetheless!
  4. The foam agents that fire departments use to smother out fores are made of animal fats (or at least they used to be) .We eat and cook with those same fire fighting fats. I guess we'll have to all be vegetarians too.
  5. Rhino, I've observed the same thing about our local golf course pond and ditches. It's so full of life that we go frog gigging there and always end up with a nice mess.
  6. I live out in the sticks surrounded by farmers, swamps, and ponds. We don't seem to be having any of the problems you're talking about. Our farmers use lots of chemicals to help grow the food we eat and make an honest living for their families. Yet, those chemicals don't seem to be bothering our ponds. In fact, a buddy and I caught a nice mess of bass out of a local farm pond this afternoon, and they fried up right nice. I don't think the farmers are to blame. They live off the land, so they care about protecting it more than most folks, and have the knowledge to do so. Maybe the pretty lawn folks are messing up your neighborhood ponds with their overuse or uneducated use of chemicals, but our farmer are doing a pretty good job of growing your food while protecting our local ecosystem.
  7. With all of the trail cameras that cover the woods during hunting season it stands to reason that if Bigfoot existed we would have a clear picture of him by now. The tooth fairy on the other hand ......
  8. Silver gave the white racist the boot. Anyone think he'll have the stones to punish the black racist who called for an all black league?
  9. In addition to English I can read a little Greek Ok, sorry to interrupt the drama. Back to getting your panties in a wad........
  10. The number of letters in each word increases in succession (until the 15th or 16th word, then there is either a mistake or my tired eyes are playing a trick on me). Either way, it's pretty cool.
  11. Should NCAA athletes be paid or unionized?
  12. You got all that from a song? Dude, turn the radio off and go to bed!
  13. The Fresh Prince was good. I always liked the different intros they would come up with for the Cosby Show. But, hands down, the best was the Beverly Hill Billies.
  14. Fellow gardener here! We grow a little of everything and a lot of the staples (potatoes, onions, beans, and carrots). We can a lot and try to only eat vegetables that we grow. I'm a row gardener because we have the space and a buddy with a tractor, but I like the idea of square foot gardening. If you've done both, which do you prefer?
  15. Prayed for you.
  16. I thought it was your last name until about two minutes ago.
  17. Weak division? The AFC West has more wins than any other division in the NFL right now.
  18. I know he took the whole top of the engine off (the head I believe). When he found out what was wrong with it, he stopped, called me to see what I wanted to do, and I told him to put it back together and I'd drive it until it blew up.
  19. Congratulations and thanks for being a great example to all of us "young" couples!
  20. We haven't gotten a second opinion yet, but after the first one cost me $350 I can't afford too many without finding a solution to the problem. I think I will get one more and see where I stand. Thanks for all of the help guys!
  21. I replaced the plugs, wires, an coil. That's about the extent of my mechanical knowledge/abilities. Are the cam and crank position sensors a common problem on this van?
  22. I haven't gotten the bill yet.
  23. It also sounds like it's missing when it idles at a stoplight.
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