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Everything posted by OkobojiEagle

  1. Dick "Mr. Jig" Bengraff led me to the teachings of Charlie Brewer. oe
  2. I'm partial to red heads... oe
  3. Varieties from Charlie Brewer, Title Shot and weighted shank hooks from Owner and a private source. oe
  4. I was looking for a more generic label that would encompass Brewer jigs, Title Shot jigs, Owner Sled Head, ect. I guess "off-set jig head is as generic as any... oe
  5. Yes, I have several brands... I want Tom to put a name to the technique/tackle to differentiate it from Texas rig and Florida rig. oe
  6. More tackle won't solve the absence of fish... oe
  7. Give me the name for an off-set shank, wide gap jig head. oe
  8. We're deep within jerkbait season... what attitude do you try to achieve with your suspending jerkbaits; perfectly level, slightly head down or slightly tail down. Do you prefer your jerkbait suspend perfectly neutral, slowly falling, slowly rising or do you ignore all of this shenanigans and fish it however it came out of the package. Spring through summer I prefer level attitude perfectly neutral buoyancy. Late fall I prefer slightly head down and very, very slowly sinking. oe
  9. ... what is "more natural movement of plastic baits" that is accomplished by using light line? I think of natural movement as steady, non shakey or jerky movement, often easier to accomplish with a larger diameter line having more water resistance. oe
  10. OP... I hope your snails are not Zebra Mussels! oe
  11. So "school me" (I dislike that phrase) about how an elite bass tournament makes it's money. I assume it comes from several sources that include direct corporate sponsorship, as well as, participant's entrance fees (which may in some cases also be paid by corporations). If corporations reduce their financial support because they are moving dollars to non-participant social media "influencers", will elite tournaments suffer to the extent of collapsing? Or is the corporate support so little that it wouldn't affect a tournaments existence? oe
  12. In a new (posted 10/12/21) you-tube video, Randy Blaukat opined that a professional bass angler with multiple tournament wins but a small social media presence isn't as valuable to the fishing industry as a non-professional angler with a large social media following. He's suggesting fishing companys will be moving sponsorship money away from pros without social media followers and by extension I'm taking away from this that professional tournament fishing may disappear. Not being a follower of pro fishing tournaments myself, I'm wondering what other's on this board think? oe
  13. I've used this sharpener for years... does double duty on my pocket knives as well. oe https://www.amazon.com/Victorinox-43323-VN43323-Hunting-Camping/dp/B000AR7AKG/ref=sr_1_44?crid=LM3PA08Y5NYQ&dchild=1&keywords=pocket+knife+sharpener&qid=1634046343&sprefix=pocket+knife+%2Caps%2C218&sr=8-44
  14. I've learned the hard way that snaps can and do open with larger fish... I now always throw hard baits using a traditional split ring. oe
  15. Hair jigs would be far down my list of suggested baits for your fishing. Give Caffeine Shads rigged on a 5/0 Owner Twist-lock hook a try. oe
  16. Balanced without any additional weight allows easier recognition of the lure's weight while fishing... is the purpose of the exercise. oe
  17. That's the purpose of the exercise. oe
  18. two behind, four in front... I've always had a good grip on things. oe
  19. I'll guess you've got those reel spools filled "to the top". I'd pull off 10 yards and fish them underfilled a bit. oe
  20. Thicken up the lube. Drag grease for the gears and 80wt. oil (lower unit lube) for the frame and handle bearings. Always use a very light oil for the spool bearings. oe
  21. MaxScent... cooked right in. oe
  22. a fluke style bait... currently MaxScent Jerk Shad or Caffeine Shad oe
  23. Thanks for the comparison pics. Interested to read what you think about them after a few hours of fishing. oe
  24. Yes, but I think acetone does a better job. Have plenty of air circulation if you choose acetone. oe
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