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Everything posted by OkobojiEagle

  1. After reading your contribution, I'm unable to discern whether you feel a PE line is a plus or a negative in catching "larger bass" compared to nylon or fluorocarbon monofilament. oe
  2. Tom, in your experience/opinion, what is it about PE line that is a detriment to catching large bass? If you prefer, flip the question and give the qualities of nylon or fluorocarbon monofilament that enhance the chances of catching larger bass. Thanks oe
  3. www.ideastage.com/POWERCAP-NavigatorPilot-Cap-with-4-White--2-Red-LEDs-Navy-Blue-unstructured-563567625 I have a couple very similar to above that I like. oe
  4. I've been using these for a couple decades and they're available to buy again. https://gophertackle.net/mushroom-head-jig-big-johns oe
  5. Go ask your mother...
  6. Try fishing Spooks, large poppers and Wopper Ploppers front hooks barbed and back hooks barbless... oe
  7. There is no substitute for time on the water... oe
  8. As the Neko weighted position described above, a short nail weight can be inserted in the middle of the bait as well... oe
  9. Charlie Brewer Spider jig heads or Fin-tech Title Shot jig heads are a nice compromise... oe
  10. If Caffeine Shad hadn't been developed I might still be fishing with Sluggos... oe
  11. I had a favorite walking top-water a few years back, it had a yellow back and was easy for me to see. I caught as many bass with it as I did with any other color pattern I fished. Lost it and haven't found a good replacement yet. oe
  12. choices might be weather dependant...
  13. Soft plastic fishing: speed change, both drop speed and retrieve speed accomplished with more or less weight; followed by silhouette change, then major color change from dark to light or light to dark. oe
  14. Apparently there is a much broader range of topics on this site than I take the time to search out... oe
  15. Caffeine Shad... it has a good balance of sturdiness to last several fish, and enough softness to have a great wiggle/wobble when I let it drop through the water column. Short answer: it works for me. oe
  16. No secret, Lucky Craft Pointers oe
  17. What I'm understanding the OP to be asking is, what terminal knot to use when the angler wants that knot to fail before the leader connection knot (his Alberto). I'd suggest a 3 wrap uni-knot as the terminal and keep the leader diameter pretty thin. oe
  18. I'd start at about 8" and bite off 3/4" until I started to get bit... oe
  19. It's interesting to me that common thought says a chewed up bait may be a better producer... why not the thought that a better producer becomes chewed up? Perhaps that particular bait just has that little something right out of the box that the next bait off the production line doesn't have. A slightly different action or running depth perhaps... The chewed surface might mean nothing more than a marker to the angler which bait has produced bites in the past. oe
  20. You will be adding weight to your bait... oe
  21. Thank you, I appreciate you believing so. If you could convince other bass & walleye anglers of your opinion, I'll be quiet about their effectiveness. oe
  22. Yes, you probably will... oe So that I can accurately understand your thoughts and intentions... how much less could you care about what the pro's or anyone else chooses to call it?
  23. After thinking about this question for a short while I've come to my conclusion that rod weight is about 5th in order of important characteristics in a rod. Balance with reel is #1, tip action that will properly load the intended weight range is #2, #3 is proper mid-section stiffness to easily set the anticipated hooks with all of the techniques and baits intended, #4 is price... bass fishing is a hobby for me and I try to keep that in mind when I spend money for fishing gear. Then WEIGHT gets rolled into "over-all comfort" when fishing with this rod at #5. oe
  24. Brewer Spider head with 3/0 hook works well jig worming... exposed hook point when possible, point tucked when not possible. oe
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