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About OkobojiEagle

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    Okoboji chain of lakes in NW Iowa
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Community Answers

  1. I'm seeing quite a few 2-tone colors of zman baits on their site. This leads me to believe I can mix light with dark baits (of their own plastics) in the same bag without the dark bleeding into the light baits. True-False? oe
  2. Throw some yellow tubes... they'll look bone colored to a bass oe
  3. jbmaine: color me envious! oe
  4. I have a downsizing method that's been working for me. Each spring I only put in my tackle box the tackle I REMEMBER I have without looking through the totes. The tackle box has been getting lighter each year and my fishing has been getting easier... oe
  5. wrong handed casting causes line twist...
  6. Our fishing society has mis-labeled reel's "handedness"... oe
  7. I stow my anchor and rope in a 5 gallon bucket with lid. On more than one occasion the anchor has been stowed under the seat and the bucket has seen double duty as a porta-pot. A roll of paper stows very neatly in a plastic coffee can and the old jacket that never leaves the boat is a great privacy blanket. I've not considered this an accommodation to age as my grand children have used this set up more often than I have... oe
  8. Yes, number of hours on the water have decreased, but also the hours of which I choose to fish. Evening into night used to be frequent fishing times, now I don't need to use my vehicle's headlights when returning home from the water. oe
  9. I've experienced 7 decades and my strength, balance, dexterity, and vision are failing accordingly. I've made several accommodations to continue my favorite pastime: 1. I tie my boat to the dock cleat from a boat cleat positioned mid-point of either side of the boat (not from bow or stern). Less stumbling around in the boat and is more stable. 2. I've rigged a wooden shovel handle to fit in a rod holder bracket to assist my balance when boarding and un-boarding when a sturdy dock post isn't available. 3. I wear a pfd ALWAYS when in the boat. 4. I wear a lanyard that carries fishing license, my personal identification AND a very loud plastic referee's whistle. 5. My phone is NOT in my pocket but near my driving seat. (It wont work after being dunked should I fall in) 6. I've given up any free standing when fishing (am always sitting or using a seat post) 7. I use a long handle net for boating most fish. 8. I anchor more often when in a stiff breeze. 9. I've begun using clips to attach crankbaits, top water lures and jerkbaits. If you've made other accommodations in your fishing I'd like to read them. oe
  10. The top tape/teeth strip has been rolled up and isn't inline to enter the slider smoothly. Steaming this cloth tape and rolling it back down will most likely fix this problem. If you want to use a lubricant, my choice is beeswax with paraffin wax being 2nd choice, both should be melted into the teeth with a hair dryer.
  11. I think it will help your son if you buy him a forward facing sonar unit...
  12. Duo Realis rozante 77 ... 30 degree head down pausing attitude, with small quiet rattle, runs 2' - 4' Pointer 78 ... horizontal pausing attitude, silent, runs 3' - 5' Pointer 78dd ... head down pausing attitude, silent, runs 5' - 6' didn't read these on your list...
  13. Hope you continue to hang out around here for as long as you can.
  14. Google "Berkley hard baits", you'll find all of the currently produced crankbaits from Berkley
  15. Surely on "the web's oldest, largest and most popular bass fishing site" there must a few anglers that have tried fishing a drop shot rig using strait braid with no monofilament leader. Tell me how successful it was for you. oe
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