The worst problem I have in muddy water is making sure I don't run the boat into something, A couple of the lakes I fish have standing timber just below the surface. One time I broke the prop and another time I sheared the pin in the trolling motor.
About the only time I use a fish finder is when I am fishing in a new pond or lake. I've been fishing a lot of the same lakes for years so I know where the humps, creek channels, and drop offs are located.
I think a lot of it has to do with how bad the change in weather will be. Lately, around here a temp change of 25 degrees has been bringing some major storms.
The only two jerkbait colors that consistently work for me are some type of translucent color for sunny days and a clown color for the rest of the time.
For crankbaits, the colors I usually carry are shad, firetiger, and crawfish.
I like either a Baby Boo in 5/16 or a 1/4 Bitsy Flip. I start off by just hooking the trailer over the hook, but sometimes the bass want a smaller profile so the trailer gets threaded onto the hook.
When the bite gets really tough I will tie on a 1/8 Bitsy Bug. Since they are smaller they will come through vegetation easier.
I use the split shot rig a lot in the summer when the bite gets tough around here. About the only time I don't bring the rig with me is when the wind is going to be blowing hard.
I caught my first tiger muskie back in the mid '80s. I thought I had a huge bass at first then after I landed it I thought it was a muskie. Found out later that the DNR had stocked some tiger muskie in the lake to see how they would do.
My mom did a lot of research a few years before she passed. Her family came from Germany to Southern Illinois. A distant cousin has done a lot more research on my dad's side. His family came from England and landed in Maryland in the late 1600s. The descendants moved to North Carolina, then Virginia, and eventually ended up in NE Arkansas.
I've been using the uni knot for a couple of years now for tying on moving baits when using a snap will pick up too many weeds. This year I have started using the Trilene knot also.
Dang. It sounds like my place of employment.
I'm a few years away from retiring. I won't miss stroking egos all day, or holding my tongue. As far as fishing goes, I may get out on the water more or I may not. I will for certain be able to pick the time and water I will fish without having to keep track of the time.
About 30 years ago I belonged to a sportsman’s club in Illinois. Real nice place that was kept clean and had a maintenance person living at the site. Great cat and bass fishing. When the caretaker retired they couldn’t get anyone at his pay. They upped the yearly fee to cover the new guy’s salary. That was too pricey for me so I dropped out.
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