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Everything posted by Bankbeater

  1. The way it looks here today I won't be going until next month.
  2. All of my hooks, weights, and snaps are in one BPS 370 box, separated by size. I use to have them divided by size and color but I kept running out of space. I keep the jig heads in the same box with the jigs and skirts, also separated by size.
  3. I voted Abu-Garcia because thats what all my baitcasters are.
  4. I like a 3/0 WG or EWG for thick baits like a Senko, but for everything else I will stick to a 2/0 WG.
  5. I like watermelon in shallow water, clear water, or under sunny skies. I use green pumpkin in deep water, stained - murky water, or when its overcast.
  6. Welcome to the forum.
  7. Usually when I hang up in a brush pile with a t-rig its the weight getting stuck in a V. I found that by using the smallest weight I have or by going weightless I don't hang up nearly as much.
  8. How would you have liked to foul hook that thing .
  9. Zoom makes some Salty Chunk trailers in the tiny size. I've never tried them, but they look like they would work with a 1/16 ounce size.
  10. One of the reasons I go fishing is so I won't have to think about stuff like this.
  11. Another Rat-L-Trap user here. I like the chrome/blue back and the natural craw colors.
  12. It would depend on her bass boat and how much tackle she had.
  13. About 5 years ago I had to drop something off at work and I left the car running while I went inside. When I came out I realized that I had locked the door when I got out. Called my wife and it took her about 1/2 hour to get there with the second set of keys and the whole time the car is running. Now I make sure that the key is in my pocket before I get out of the car.
  14. LOL funny.
  15. Sub-Wart -1 Minus 1 - 3 Big-O - 5 Spinner - 2 Rat-L-Trap - 15 Pop-R - 1
  16. I keep my worms in the bags they came in. I open the bag up a little and roll it. This causes the air to be pushed out of the bag. When most of the air is out of the worm bag I'll close it back up and keep it in a BPS 370 box that slips right inside the tackle bag.
  17. I use to throw alot more colors than I currently do. Now I stick to green pumpkin, pumpkin, watermelon, junebug, and grape.
  18. The high yesterday was 45. Right now its cloudy and 14 degrees outside. There were chunks of ice floating down the Missouri River at St. Charles yesterday afternoon.
  19. Before I started fishing only plastics from the bank, I lost about one crankbait a trip. The most I ever lost was 6 crankbaits in one trip.
  20. I like Booyah and Strike King.
  21. I have to show my wife this thread. She is always telling me that I have enough baits.
  22. I will watch the line after I feel something different. Sometimes when bass take the jig you feel a slight bump and nothing else. After the bump it will feel like the line has broken off, but it will be moving around or off to the side.
  23. Timber with hydrilla growing around it.
  24. Spiders. I've been bit twice by those little suckers while sleeping in my bed!! Once on the neck and once on the chest. I was sick as a dog both times. I don't have a fear of flying, but I do have a fear that someone working on the plane may not have put things back together the right way :-/.
  25. The ice is all gone now. The snow covered it up .
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