My dad and I went out to the local conservation area by my house yesterday to do a little bank fishing. I brought my two spinning reels for plastics and left my heavy rig for plastics at home. We get out to the lake and the first thing you can see is the shallow end covered in moss and weeds, which was the only place on the lake where they were biting.
The first fish of the day was a 3-10 LM my dad gets on a z-nail. He said it was trying to bury into the moss on him but he horsed it out. After catching several dinks, I got one that was a little bigger and he dove into the weeds and I lost him because my spinning rig wasn't heavy enough to pull him and the weeds in :'(.
Now its about time to head on home and I make one last cast into some moss covered timber. I got hold of one that jumped and he looked about 2 or 3 pounds. My first thought was to keep him out of the wood, but he swam toward me and buried down in the moss. I gave him a little slack so he would swim out, but I think he went down more into the moss. I ended up breaking the line on him.
On the way home I kept thinking why didn't I bring that other rig!!!!!