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Everything posted by Bankbeater

  1. I've never tried melting two halves back together. I put different colored old plastics in a clear baggie with some new plastics and set them in the sun for a couple of hours. When the baits get warm the colors will run from the old plastics into the new plastic for some interesting colors.
  2. I have never had any luck on them.
  3. 30+ WOW That's great!!!
  4. I tend to use ultra light gear only when the larger baits will not work for LM or if I'm going crappie fishing.
  5. 99% of the time I will be with someone. Boats? Lets see jon boat, bass boat, and pontoon boat.
  6. Unless they have a really good sale, I'd say around $20 each trip.
  7. I usually get out on Saturday for about 5 or 6 hours. This weekend I was able to take an extra day off from work for a four day weekend. I plan on heading back out on Tuesday after the crowds have gone back home.
  8. The rain had just stopped and I was fishing a t-rigged weightless z-nail in about 5 feet of water. The bottom of the lake is full of weeds and moss is starting to grow in patches around the bank. I felt a tap tap and when I set the hook I knew it was bigger than the dinks I usually catch. This one went 5-4.
  9. A week ago I had the same problem. Med. action rod w/ 10 pound line. I thought Mr. Bass was heading for a tree in the water and instead he buried himself in the moss and I couldn't get him out. Last time out I had a heavy action rod w/ Yo-Zuri #15. No more problem.
  10. If I'm in a boat I would prefer to fish alone.
  11. I caught myself one time. The lure was hung up and when I pulled the bait came out of the water right for my nose. I put my hand up to block it and the treble went in between my second and third finger. I had to go to the ER to get it removed.
  12. Years ago I worked out and then I quit. When I started getting arthritis in my lower back I started working out again. I can sure tell a difference now when the weather changes.
  13. Booyah and Strike King.
  14. I usually dead-stick them, with slight twitches until I get it away from the strike zone. Once in a while I will work them like a plastic worm across the bottom.
  15. I like black, blue/black, pb&j, orange/brown, and watermelon. If its just the head caught behind something and not the hook buried in timber, then a lure knocker will get it out.
  16. 6" straight plastic worm 6" senko knock off Rat-l-trap Ultravibe crawfish
  17. Never anything with guns but a couple of years ago down at Bull Shoals the owner of the resort we were staying at told us to take everything back up to the cabin with us. It seems people that were staying at some of the resorts in that arm of the lake were having their boats robbed at night. So one night we were trying our luck at night fishing off of the bank near the dock, and up walk a couple of guys through the woods. I guess they weren't expecting to see anyone at that time of night and they took off back through the woods. We told the owner about it and he said that they had probably been watching to see when the dock was active.
  18. My mom used to say "if you kiss a girl, you will get her pregnant".
  19. My dad and I went out to the local conservation area by my house yesterday to do a little bank fishing. I brought my two spinning reels for plastics and left my heavy rig for plastics at home. We get out to the lake and the first thing you can see is the shallow end covered in moss and weeds, which was the only place on the lake where they were biting. The first fish of the day was a 3-10 LM my dad gets on a z-nail. He said it was trying to bury into the moss on him but he horsed it out. After catching several dinks, I got one that was a little bigger and he dove into the weeds and I lost him because my spinning rig wasn't heavy enough to pull him and the weeds in :'(. Now its about time to head on home and I make one last cast into some moss covered timber. I got hold of one that jumped and he looked about 2 or 3 pounds. My first thought was to keep him out of the wood, but he swam toward me and buried down in the moss. I gave him a little slack so he would swim out, but I think he went down more into the moss. I ended up breaking the line on him. On the way home I kept thinking why didn't I bring that other rig!!!!!
  20. Storm makes a sub-wart that runs about a foot deep.
  21. I can go for several weeks without seeing the baitmonkey, but when he comes knocking look out. By the way I just got the new BPS flyer in the mail today. I have no self control :'(.
  22. I am wondering if heavy fishing pressure makes a difference. Will a bass that sees people fishing from the shore on a regular basis spook less than a bass that only sees people in boats occasionally?
  23. Forgetting everything and just thinking about that lunker out there waiting for my bait.
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