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Everything posted by Bankbeater

  1. 1. Zoom Finesse Worm in Green Pumpkin 2. Zoom Z-Nail in Watermelon Candy 3. Zoom Baby Brush Hog in Green Pumpkin 4. Zoom Brush Hog in Black/Blue 5. Creme 6" worms in Grape
  2. Just what I was thinking ;D
  3. Welcome Aboard!
  4. 5-4
  5. Went out with my Dad to a pond that was about 5 or 6 acres for about 6 hours in the morning. I got three dinks pretty quick, each on a jig, brush hog, and tube worked slow across the bottom. Around 10 AM they started chasing minnows and hitting anything that was moving fast. My Dad caught 8 dinks in about 1-1/2 hours on Rat-l-traps. The weather was humid with light sprinkles early in the morning.
  6. Since about the last week in June I have had no luck on any type of plastic worm or senko. I am catching them on jigs, tubes, creature baits, and crankbaits, but when I throw a plastic worm its like somebody throws a switch and they stop biting.
  7. And when they start getting too beat up to be fished on a weightless t-rig, you can cut them down and use them as jig trailers.
  8. I have heard that mulberries make good carp bait. Another trick is to mix strawberry kool-aid powder in with your dough bait.
  9. You can't beat them for spinner baits or crankbaits. I wouldn't use one for a jig or plastics though. IMO I don't think they are sensitive enough.
  10. 90% of the time I fish a jig by dragging it along like a plastic worm. I feel a tap tap tap and set the hook. The other 10% of the time I dead stick it and then give it a short hop and then dead stick it again. You have to keep the line tight and watch it for movement. When a bass takes the jig the line may start moving off to one side or start making little jumps in the water.
  11. To be honest, I print off the articles on this website. I've probably learned more here than anywhere.
  12. Can't beat a Rat-l-trap in the flats.
  13. I like Strike King and Booyah. If I'm going to throw a jig with a rattle, I'll go one size smaller to compensate for the added weight of the rattle.
  14. My favorites are clear and stained. I've had luck in muddy water as long as its warm.
  15. I've never caught one but once this year and once last year while the boat has been pulled up on the bank snakes have gotten in the mud under the boat. It woke me up real quick when I was pushing the boat out into the water and I saw that my foot was about 6 inches away from that sucker.
  16. The deepest lakes around me are not more than 25 feet deep. I've been throwing 1/4 ounce jigs and tubes right along side the standing timber and just let it fall on its own. I've been using 1/4 ounce weights for the tubes also. If the bait has been falling too fast or too slow the bass will not hit it.
  17. Good Job on being 6th.
  18. Jig Rat-L-Trap Shallow Running Crankbait
  19. Same thing here. Earlier this year I was catching a ton on senko knock-offs but around the middle of June when it started heating up they quit hitting. Lately I've been using jigs, crankbaits, and soft creature baits.
  20. I have two that I use for crankbaits.
  21. Congrats. Another Bass Resource member in the making!!!!
  22. Nice bass you got there.
  23. I throw minus 1's and Storm Sub-warts. The sub-warts won't run quite as deep as a minus 1.
  24. I carry one baitcaster with a jig and one spinning reel for plastics. I don't like to throw crankbaits or spinners from the bank because its way too easy to hang them up.
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