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Everything posted by Bankbeater

  1. I was hoping to break the 5 pound mark, and I did it over Memorial day weekend with a chunky LM that came in at 5-4.
  2. My wife has stuff that she takes care of around the house and I have mine. As long as my responsibilities around the house are taken care of, my wife doesn't have a problem with me heading out on the weekend.
  3. 33 is muddy from the spring to fall. I don't know about this time of year. I hate the cold wind blowing across it.
  4. I'm going to try ultra light baits until the weather warms up some. After that I'll use the same stuff.
  5. That cold ache from water pouring into your waders from a hole you didn't know was there.
  6. I wouldn't drive it until it gets checked. My wife's water pump went out in the 97 cougar and was probably the cause of the head gasket blowing.
  7. How about when you and another car pull up to a four way stop at the same time and the other driver pulls out because they don't know the right of way.
  8. I'd stick with 33. Lake 34 is over populated with dinks.
  9. In 08: To at least match my PB that I got last year Lifetime: To get a boat .
  10. Early last spring it was around 22' deep. By the looks of it now I'd say maybe 15 to 18 feet deep.
  11. In 35 the kill was caused by hot weather and the lake being to shallow. On lake 33 the water around the dam is about 20' deep, but the back 3/4 of the lake is only about 6 to 8 feet deep. Lake 33 is also loaded with small crappie and huge carp.
  12. I've been going out to BW for around 35 years. Lake 35 used to be one of the best LM lakes in the area. That lake has a leak in it and the water level goes down about 1" a day if there is no rain. In August of 2006 with the low water and the hot weather there was a fish kill and alot of hawgs went belly up.
  13. In 06, Lake 35 had a fish kill. Before that there were some hogs in there. That lake is down due to the lack of rain and also because it has a leak in it somewhere along the old creek bed. IMO, I wouldn't fish that lake with light tackle, because the lake has muskie and they will hit anything from jigs to plastic worms if they're in the mood.
  14. Did you say "only"????
  15. Many times. Nothing sucks more than to have a LM bass start swimming off with your bait and you can't reel because of a birds nest in your line .
  16. I've got a BPS about 10 minutes away, a Cabela's about 15 minutes away and there's a Dick's going in at the mall about 20-25 minutes away.
  17. Just wait until you get married ;D
  18. Rat-L-trap Cordell Super Spots Strike King Diamond Shad
  19. I fish with more plastics now than I use to but here are the ones I still use. Cotten Cordell Big-O. I have got some 30+ years old and they still catch fish. Storm Wiggle Wart Storm Sub Wart Mann's 1-Minus Bandit Footloose
  20. You mean your not dreaming about fishing?????????
  21. Can't beat a pegged straight worm for flippin into heavy weeds.
  22. I bought one of those BPS bags last year, but I went back to using my old one. After I filled up the bag from BPS it was just to dang heavy.
  23. BPS is a retail store and they are in business to make money. For the most part I think that the people they employ are very honest and helpful, but just like in all companies there will always be that so and so that will try to get more $$$ by cheating the consumer.
  24. I have always heard that carp will feed on mulberrys, and if you can keep a berry on your hook you can catch good ones.
  25. Congrats on the new arrival. Keep your head down and have a Merry Christmas
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