Started out Saturday morning with the air temp around 37 degrees. We fished the first pond for about 2-1/2 hours and the only fish caught was on a jig. That LM went about a pound.
We hit the second pond for about an hour with a couple of taps but no takers.
After lunch we headed for the third pond and things started to get a little better. My Dad caught 2 that went about a pound each on a brush hog, and I got one, that weighed about a pound, on a 1/2 ounce spinner.
Around 1 PM we headed down to the last pond. By now the air temp was high 50's, low 60's and there was wind about 20 mph. Things got real good, real fast. We fished there about 1-1/2 hours. I caught 4 LM total on my spinnerbait. One went 2-10 and one went 2-9. My Dad only got one LM, but it went 5-4.
After that I headed home for lawn work , and Dad went home and did his taxes .