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Everything posted by Bankbeater

  1. I fish from the bank about 75% of the time and I will go along with what every one else is saying. Throw shallow running cranks or topwaters. I use light Texas rigged plastics and 1/8 ounce jigs unless I have already fished the lake and know what the bottom is like.
  2. If they want to fight, I let them fight until they are tired. If its a dink and I don't know he's on until I see him, he water skis.
  3. I never use one fishing from the bank but there were a couple of times last year when I probably could have used one to land a fish that got off right next to the boat.
  4. A 6" junebug or watermelon color. Some time I t-rig them with a small weight, but usually I go weightless and dead stick them.
  5. I think I saw that fish on MonsterQuest!! Great catch!
  6. Thanks for that great post, it really puts thing in perspective.
  7. I love to fish for big bluegill and crappie, and for a good fight there is nothing like a 5+ pound cat on the end of your line.
  8. I like to t-rig a Zoom small tube or a BPS large size tube.
  9. Right now I have two on my Revo-S.
  10. Another vote here for skirts that don't.
  11. I still haven't learned. I do this at least once a season.
  12. Not yet, but I'm working on it.
  13. Glad to hear that you are doing better. Just take it easy and heal up.
  14. I have had my s for about a year now and I have had no problems.
  15. Various ponds Saturday 4-18-09. Air temp at start time about 59, at end around 68 Rain in the early morning ending around 8:30 AM. Low air pressure. Wind starting up out of the south around 10 AM Pond 1: 1 on a Black t-rigged tube, around 9 AM, about 2 feet from the bank. Pond 2: 2 on a 1/2 OZ. Chart/White spinner. 1 on a t-rigged tube, watermelon red. 3 on a Mann's 1-minus. Largest was 2-2 and 1-12. The rest were dinks. All were caught in less that 5 feet of water, in a dead lily pad stretch that extended about 30 feet from the bank.
  16. Fishing plastics after reading about them here on Bass Resource. Before that I threw crankbaits all of the time, no matter what.
  17. Nice Hawg!!
  18. I usually fish more in the mornings, but this year I would like to do more late afternoon and night fishing.
  19. I usually use Junebug Watermelon Grape / Purple Black Pumpkin
  20. I chose July/August because even though I fish in the winter months, I hate the cold.
  21. Copy the songs to your harddrive first and then burn them to a CD. Sometimes the original CD has software embedded in it that will not let it be copied to a blank CD.
  22. I haven't done anything this year so far with plastics. The only thing that seems to be working right now are jigs and spinnerbaits. I was wondering what everyone else was catching them on?
  23. Last year I started fishing topwaters with frogs and jitterbugs. Now I can't wait until it warms up a little more to start throwing them again.
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