Nearest fishing hole is about 10 min away from me.
Nearest fishing hole that I like to fish is around 40 minutes away.
Lake of Ozarks and Truman are both between 2 and 2-1/2 hours away depending on traffic.
All of my lipless baits are 1/2 ounce so they all go into one box. Frogs, poppers, and wakers go into the topwater box. Cranks are split up into shallow, med, and deep diving.
Unless I'm night fishing I can't stay up late anymore. Last time I tried to stay up all night at home I made it to about 2 or 2:30 AM. I dozed off in the computer chair and fell out of it.
Earlier in the year I was catching them on jigs and spinners. In the past couple of weeks they have started hitting t-rigged plastics in a couple of ponds that I fish.
One day out on the lake there was a slight breeze with about 15 mph gusts. I throw over the anchor, but I'm still moving. Couldn't figure out what was going on since I wasn't having any problem casting. Then I noticed the anchor line floating on top of the water and realized that I never tied it to the boat. Luckily I was in about 4 feet of water.
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