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Everything posted by Bankbeater

  1. I think I would have whipped out the movie camera.
  2. Usually once a week March through November depending on the weather. Sometimes I can get out in January and December if its not too bad outside. My trips usually last 6 to 10 hours depending on what is going on at home and how they are biting.
  3. Those are some nice fish. Thanks for the pics.
  4. How much off balance are we talking here? Is it something you notice as soon as you pick up the rig, or is it something you notice after say an hour's worth of casting.
  5. I've had pretty good luck on jigs. Everything else has been so-so.
  6. Around here they work from just when it starts getting light outside until the sun comes up over the tops of the trees. I like to throw them in and let them sit for a couple of seconds until the water has settled down. I reel them in just fast enough to make the plop sound.
  7. I don't have any problem at night unless I happen to hit something I didn't know was there.
  8. ;D That's funny.
  9. Deadsticking jigs around creek beds or in between stumps. For Grass I like to drop a plastic worm in, let it set for a while and then move it just enough so that it changes position.
  10. They have been holding tight to cover in the lakes around here. Jigs and topwater baits have been working the best.
  11. Has to be rat-l-traps. I've only used them one trip this year.
  12. I've had the hooks tangle a couple of times, but its nothing like a Mann's 1- minus.
  13. 5/8 oz. Black Jitterbug Chrome/Blue back Rat-L-Trap 3/8 black/blue jig Senko or a knock off 6" or larger purple plastic worm
  14. I know how your feeling. This past summer there were some kids going around my neighborhood that vandalized 5 or 6 houses. I got a 20 pound rock through my living room window, but the insurance is taking care of it. The little $%^& weren't stealing anything just destroying property. They were hitting about one house a week, then they just stopped. The cops think they got bored and moved on to something else.
  15. Right click on the darkened icon and hit Properties. Look under the shortcut tab. You should see something called target with a file location. That's the program the icon is tied to. Go to the file location and see if the program is still there. If its not you may need to do a search for it. After you find it just make a new shortcut and drag it to your desktop.
  16. Heddon Zoom Cotton Cordell Arbogast Mann's
  17. Its always fun to see your line take off down the lake when your half way through digging out a basklash .
  18. Missouri, Arkansas, and Illinois.
  19. I've had the most luck with baby bass.
  20. I throw white, chart, or white/chart. If the water is murky or its at night I might try a black spinner, but usually its one of the above three.
  21. Way to go. I caught my first bass on a jig 4 years ago. Now I always have one tied on.
  22. Zoom Brush Hogs Finesse worms Flukes Creme Original 6" worms. I don't know what it is about these things, but they work when nothing else will.
  23. When I fish from the bank the cranks I throw are spinnerbaits, topwaters, and shallow runners. Usually Mann's 1- minus and poppers.
  24. Nice looking Cali bass. Good job.
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