My Dad and I headed out Friday morning to a lake with several small islands in it and some lilypads in the shallow end. I'm throwing a frog into the pads and across the smaller patches. One of the smaller patches happen to be along side one of the small islands. So I throw the frog out, but I didn't see a small tree branch out over the pads. The line wraps around the branch, and my Dad says see if will pull off. It didn't, so we start the boat around the lilypads to get my frog out of the tree. When we come around the side of the island we got a real good look at the tree branch I was hung up on. It had a hornet nest built around it close to the tree trunk. All of that pulling I did on the tree branch really ticked off the hornets, they were swarming around looking for what was making the nest shake. Luckily changing the angle of the boat made the frog come loose from the tree branch. So for the day we ended up with 11 LM and we didn't get stung.