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Everything posted by Bankbeater

  1. It looks like it has a skin disease.
  2. Good maybe I can get rid of some of my old fiberglass rods
  3. Air temp was 75, and there was no wind at 5:30 AM when we got out on the water. My Dad was throwing a white buzz bait and had about 3 dinks by 6:00 AM, so I knew they were coming up. I was throwing a black jitterbug and starting my retreive as soon as the bait would hit the water. I hadn't gotten a single bite when we got over by an old road bed that went off into the lake. I threw out over the road bed but I let the bait sit until the water had calmed down around it. There was a big swirl and a wave as soon as I started moving the bait. I knew it was a big one from the way it was bending my rod. When I got the bass over to the side of the boat it tried to make a run to the trolling motor. I saw that both sets of treble hooks were in so I wasn't too worried about the bass getting off. Turned out to be bass that went 6-02. After the sun came up over the trees the bite shut down and we were on our way home by 10:00 AM.
  4. I usually start out with the crappie jig about 2' below the bobber. I throw it out and reel it back in slow. If I don't get anything after a couple of times, I run the bobber so that the jig hangs down deeper.
  5. I like to use the smallest size rooster tail I can find. Colors are usually chart or white.
  6. WTG that is a nice fish.
  7. We are expected to get 2 to 3 inches of snow with some areas picking up 4 inches. Side streets are a mess, but the highways are pretty good right now.
  8. I have a column on my excel spreadsheet for rigging. Usually what goes in there is c-rig, t-rig, or weightless. I also have a fairly large note section where I write down stuff like "a lot bugs in the water", that won't fit anywhere else.
  9. We had about 2" right after Christmas. Hopefully that is all we will get this year.
  10. Baitcaster is the Curado. Spinning is the President.
  11. This seems like it would work very well after a cold front, or when the water is going down. I think the problem with this rig would be when the bite is on. During a tourny you could very well have to cull a large number of fish to get down to the best keepers.
  12. Back when my oldest was 3 yo we had some friends over one night. My wife's birthday was coming up, so to keep my daughter busy I told her to make Mommy a birthday card out of construction paper. My daughter finished the card and "hid" it right behind the recliner on the floor. I told her that Mommy will see it back there. She told me, and our guests, that it was good hiding place because Mommy never cleans back there. I still kid my wife about that one.
  13. Right before Thanksgiving I had surgery on my left shoulder for a torn rotor cuff. Just got out of the sling two days before Christmas and now I'm in physical therapy. I'll probably be in there until the end of January. Hopefully I will be strong enough to head out to the water before or during the pre-spawn.
  14. I am at 139 right now. Hoping to break 150 over the weekend since it will be the last time I can go out this year.
  15. Root Beer, If others in your class feel the same way then get together and complain to the Dean. When I was in college we had an instructor that gave tests out of the book, but refused to go over anything in the book during the regular class time. We complained and he was gone the next semester. Nothing scares these educators more than thinking they will lose tuition because of unhappy students.
  16. I saw that ad in a magazine too. I would be afraid that the weight sliding around free could get the line hung up in heavy brush. I will wait to buy one until I see the reviews on it.
  17. I go year round with breaks here and there for ice and really cold air temps.
  18. Was the truck speeding or did the cop just pull him over to check his cargo?
  19. Glad you had a good time! That was a cool video.
  20. After the first thump did you take up the slack and wait to see if the fish would come back? Around here, especially in the spring, they will hit the jig once and come back for it a few seconds later. The tight line lets you see when they start to carry it off.
  21. That is a lot of bass. Between work and family I will be lucky to see 150 this year.
  22. Nice pics!
  23. When I pick up weeds I like to take up the slack in the line and give the rod a quick sideways jerk. The jig usually comes right out of the weeds unless its snotgrass, and it usually works with any type of jig.
  24. I try to leave my work problems at work and not bring them home with me. I also work out 3 to 5 times a week depending on what I have going on.
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