When I was 17 my parents went of town on Saturday and wouldn't be back until the next day. I decided I was going to be real "cool" and take my mom's new Malibu Classic out for a drive, which was a lot nicer than my piece of junk.
After going a total of about 2 miles I got the car stuck in the mud up to the fenders. Called a tow truck and they said it was going to have to be pulled out by one of the big wreckers, because of how deep the car was stuck. After the wrecker pulled me out of the mud the driver dropped the car down on the side of the road, which happen to be a two lane blacktop road that didn't have any shoulders. While I was paying the tow truck driver a cop came by and gave me a ticket for illegal parking. To top that off mud had gotten into the motor and the car wouldn't start.
When my parents came home on Sunday I had quite a bit of expaining to do.