I know just how you feel. Several years back I was making a left at an intersection that didn't have a light. I made my left and was almost through the intersection when some idiot came flying from the opposite direction and caught me in the rear left quarter panel. Completely caved it in and just scratched his bumper and cracked the grill.
Come to find out that this guy was a mechanic who was test driving a customer's car after he had finished repairing it. I told the cops that he was speeding, and I even had a witness that backed me up! It didn't matter, because the law said that the vehicle making the left was automatically at fault.
I took it to court and got what you would call a partial victory, I guess. Judge said that the accident would have never happened if I had not made the left turn, but did agree that the mechanic was speeding. All in all I had to pay for my repairs and he had to pay for his repairs.