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Everything posted by Bankbeater

  1. That is an old humpback Rebel. I tried to clean it up and the rear hardware pulled all the way out of the lure.
  2. If I'm going to fish water that has a healthy population of sunnies and crappie sometimes I will bring the UL with me in case the bass bite is slow. Three years ago I caught a 2-1/2 lb bass on a 1/16 oz. spinner bait. That was the only bass I caught that day.
  3. Just going by feel, it is probably the Shimano SLX on the BPS 6'6" m/f Bionic Blade rod.
  4. The problem is that the rod is balanced for that specific reel. If you get a different reel it may feel off balance again. It's always been easier for me just to swap out the reel.
  5. It depends on what the cover is like and what tackle I'm using. There have been a few times when the vegetation was thick enough that I could just bury the bass in the weeds and run the boat over to pick it up.
  6. You caught some nice chunky smallies!
  7. The swim bait was half buried in the mud, the Rapala was up in the rocks, and the topwater was hanging up in a tree. I had to end up pitching the plastic worms The bag was full of water and by the looks of the worms, they had been exposed for quite some time.
  8. I like to bring a swim jig through the vegetation.
  9. I like to fish rock bluffs that go down deep. I usually try to get in close and cast parallel to the bluff with a jig so that it bounces off the rocks on the way down.
  10. I use mine as jig trailers. When the plastic worms get too small for trailers I use them for t-rigged Ned rigs.
  11. I try to fish with a new technique each year so I can learn it, but most of the time I’m going back to my confidence baits of a jig, crankbait, and plastic worm.
  12. Yep. I've cleared the cache and ran the security software, but it's not helping.
  13. When I go with my wife to Walmart I head to the fishing section as soon as I get into the store. We meet up later in the grocery section.
  14. The 2" Sassy Shad will catch anything that swims. It works great in winter for sunfish and crappie.
  15. Long Johns Jeans Sweatpants Rain suit pants Any combination of these four depending on air temp and wind chill.
  16. Take a look at the end of the plant. If it looks like a raccoon's tail then you have coontail. Bass love that stuff.
  17. Fishing vegetation in clear water I would try and stick to natural color baits. Greens, browns, and shad colors. Black or blue/black depending on the light levels.
  18. At 60 I'm still good to go for a one-day local trip. I notice it when we go down to the big lakes for a 3 or 4 day trip. I can still stay out on the water for 6 or 7 hours at a time, but I need to pace myself.
  19. I fish with a 1/8 or 1/4 jig dragged along the bottom with the smallest craw trailer I can find. Usually on warmer days around where the rip rap meets the mud bottom.
  20. Good job! I think you found the hawg bog.
  21. I've got 2 m/f procaster-s spinning rods. I got them used around 2006 and retired them about 3 years ago. My guess is that they are from sometime in the 90s. I used one for small moving baits and the other for weightless plastics. They are good rods, nothing spectacular, but they will get the job done.
  22. Some of my best catches came when I was using a plastic worm as a jig trailer.
  23. When a front comes through in October the bass go deep and they stay near cover. Most of the time the bass will ignore topwater and larger moving baits. Jig and craw Small crankbaits T-rigged craws Finesse plastic worms Small Senko type baits
  24. A 35-acre lake I fish pretty often is getting drawn down. Right now it is about 4 feet low. My guess is that they are either trying to kill some of the vegetation that has overrun it, or they will be working on the dam. I went out there yesterday and checked out some laydowns that are now exposed. Besides the baits shown, I found three spinnerbaits that were beyond saving.
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