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Everything posted by Bankbeater

  1. Dang. At the rate you have been catching those bass its no wonder your wrist hurts.
  2. I want to see it. I want to see that it was a bass, and since I fish a lot of dink infested water, I want visual confirmation that larger size bass are present.
  3. Depending on how thick the vegetation is, I like to fish with a 1/8 jig. If they snag then a quick jerk on tight line is usually enough to rip them free. I also like a buzzbait if there are some open holes in the vegetation. I cast into the holes so the bait doesn't get snagged when it hits the water. Retrieving at a somewhat fast rate will keep the blade from getting too tangled up.
  4. It depends on where I am fishing and the limit allowed. I don't keep anything from local waters, but if we go on a trip, then I may keep a few.
  5. Jigs. I'm always disappointed when the bass are not biting them.
  6. Congratulations. 154 bass over three days is quite a bit of fishing.
  7. 6'6" MH, fast, spooled with 15# Big Game for pitching and flipping jigs and Texas rigs 7'0" MH, fast, spooled with 15# Big Game for heavy moving baits. 7'0" M, fast, spooled with 10# Big Game for smaller sized moving baits.
  8. I've gotten to the point I just unscrew the top and pour the gas into the mower through a funnel.
  9. I've never had an issue buying Big Game from Walmart, but if I have gift cards I will get it from Bass Pro.
  10. I don't see many people fishing with Jitterbugs any more. A lot of people tell me it's and old lure. I consider it their loss.
  11. Sometimes I need to watch a walking bait in order to get my retrieve down. If I'm working a popper I go by feel or by listening for a splash if the bait is close enough.
  12. I have the type with the chains and a telescoping retriever. I use the telescoping retriever the most since most of the water I fish is no more than 20' deep.
  13. The jig bite has been slow around here. I'm catching bass on plastic worms and stickbaits in the places that I usually catch them using jigs. Hopefully as the temps warm up they will start going after some 1/8 ounce jigs.
  14. On water that I know I don't use any electronics. On new water I will use 2D mostly just to make sure I don't hit anything, but after I become familiar with the water I will leave the electronics at home.
  15. Thanks @BASS302.
  16. Some baits from a few past trips. Anyone have any thoughts on what the bait is with the ridges on it's back? I can't place it.
  17. Now those are some nice bass.
  18. 1. Crowds. 2. Inconsiderate anglers on the water. 3. Getting skunked. 4. Lightning and hail. Wind and rain I can deal with. 5. Treble hooks getting into things they shouldn't.
  19. Since my dad passed away I mostly fish by myself. I like the quiet time on the water. I also like to go at my own speed while I'm fishing. Sometimes you can't do that with a partner.
  20. Nope, not even with rubber boots on. Around here going deeper than your knees is considered wading, and that is illegal in most of the water I fish. Besides, I wouldn't know what I'm stepping on or stepping in.
  21. Around here the bluegill beds are usually between the bank and the vegetation growing out from the bank. I like fishing a swim jig through the vegetation..
  22. White pearl, Watermelonseed, or Baby Bass.
  23. I would rather fish a weightless plastic or a Texas rig in the middle of a brush pile. The only time I will fish a jig in brush is when the brush is deep, and I can get a boat directly over it. Then I will drop the jig straight down through it like punching a mat.
  24. People, and bank access.. This is the time of year when I start fishing more smaller bodies of water. Usually no more than 200 to 300 acres in size because a lot of those lakes are either no wake speed or electric motor only. Mo. Conservation is reworking some of their lakes so that they only way you can fish certain parts is from a boat, and they may clear off one side of the lake so it is completely unobstructed. You either have to hack your way through the thicket or fish with the masses on the open side.
  25. With the exception of one or two bass that have been caught bombing a spinnerbait out into open water, all of my bass catches have been in, or above, growing vegetation.
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