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Everything posted by Bankbeater

  1. That's one thing I never had to do with my parents. My mom stopped driving about a year before she passed away from dementia. My dad stopped driving about three months before he passed away. He had leukemia and finally became too weak to drive. I don't think either one ever had a ticket, or was responsible for a traffic accident.
  2. 5'9". My dad's family is English and Scottish. My mom's family is German, and Native American.
  3. Another great video. Thanks @Glenn!
  4. No way. Each bait is a little bit different.
  5. I'm another one that uses an Excel spreadsheet. Over the years I've added and removed different fields. Some of the columns include Trip number, Date, Day of Week, Location, Bank or Boat, Weather, Cover, Structure, Amount Caught, Species, Bait, Color, Trailer, and Type of rig.
  6. I take them out of the bags and just put them in the 3600 boxes. I move the dividers around as I need them.
  7. When I'm walking the bank I only carry 3 or 4 of each plastic bait. The entire bag of plastics take up too much space, and adds extra weight. When I get back home I put the baits back into their bags.
  8. Resident Missouri and Non-Resident Illinois.
  9. I eat breakfast before I leave, usually something on the lighter side. I'll bring a two liter bottle of water, and some sort of granola or peanut butter bars to snack on while fishing. If I have a long way to drive I'll stop and pick up some White Castles for the trip.
  10. I hate to say this, but with the amount of traffic you are describing, a fence may be necessary.
  11. A small creek from last summer. I'm hoping to get back there sometime this year.
  12. Spinning: Lew's KVD300 / BPS Carbonlite 6'6" m/f Shimano Sahara / St. Croix Premier 6'6" m/f Baitcasting: Daiwa Tatula 6.3.1 / St. Croix Premier 6'6" m/f Daiwa Tatula 6.3.1 / St. Croix Premier 6'6" m/f Daiwa Tatula 6.3.1 / BPS Carbonlite 7'0" h/f Shimano SLX / BPS Bionic Blade 6'6" m/f
  13. I can always seem to catch bass on an orange lipless crankbait when the water is muddy. It doesn't seem to matter what time of year.
  14. This was the first bait I though of.
  15. I carry a 3600 bag with 5 boxes in it. One box for terminal tackle, and four boxes of baits. Jig trailers, tools and equipment, and plastic worms go in the side and front pockets.
  16. The sound of rain coming down on the lake. That usually means I will be the only person out on the water that day.
  17. Keep up the good fight and our prayers are with you.
  18. This time I start off fishing in dead vegetation with a spinnerbait, swim jig, or bladed jig.
  19. I was at the BPS Spring Classic sale this morning. I had been looking at heavy rods for a while now since my old H/F Daiwa is around 30 years old. I walked around the store trying out the tip action on different rods and many of them felt more like a x-fast than a fast. I settled on a Carbonlite rod because it had a little more tip action than the others, and I already have a m/f Carbonlite spinning rod.
  20. It's going to be in the 70's here all week. A front is coming through on Friday, but the temps won't drop below freezing. This time of year is usually when the wind starts blowing like a wind tunnel. I think winter is done here, but I'm keeping the scraper in the car just in case.
  21. Oh wow, that's great news!
  22. I'll throw the same bait back in. I'll change the retrieve somehow, or hit the same spot from a different angle.
  23. The only time I rinse off one of my reels is when I'm on a trip and the reel has gotten dirty. When I get back home I will break it down and clean/grease/oil it.
  24. I'm seeing that you're up in Ontario. Is it cold up there? Are your guides freezing up?
  25. I went out yesterday for about six hours. Started off at a pond fishing with jerkbaits, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, and lipless crankbaits. Never got a bite. After about three hours I headed over to pond #2. I got my first bass of 2025 on my third cast with a creature bait on a free rig.
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