Remember the feeling of doubt you got when Uncle Fred told you about "The One That Got Away"? Remember how entertaining it was? I want to hear your stories of that big lunker that just didn't make into your boat.
My Grandfather moved from West Virginia to Florida when he was in his prime fishing years in hopes of catching the bass of a lifetime. After years of getting used to all the snakes and aligators he finally landed a ten pounder. The fish was so big, my Grandmother named him Jonah in reference to the Bible. Grandpa's fish story included the motor boat being pulled through the lillies for miles. In his pride he immediately submitted it to a local taxidermist. The next week he went fishing again and Lo and Behold, he landed a thirteen and a half pounder. His only story of that trip was, "That one, it was good eatin'!" And that was the largest Largemouth Bass he ever got on the boat. Grandpa passed away in 1982, but we still have Jonah, the ten pounder.
So what's your story?