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Everything posted by KU_Bassmaster.

  1. Why didn't I ever have somene like you for a science teacher?
  2. I think that jerkbaits in general are one of those all conditions baits. The only thing you have to find it the right "jerk, jerk, pause" combo. There are days when all you do is "jerk" and others where it's more like "pause.....................pause..........................pause...................pause....................jerk". Jerkbaits are one of the first baits I grabas soon as the ice melts up here.
  3. Yep, it's Bigmoth by Glen Lau http://www.questforadventure.com/bassvideocollection.htm
  4. Hook sets are free!!!! Take as many as you want. Anytime your line does something strange, set the hook. I highly recommend everyone, if you haven't already, find the Bigmouth? video series. I not for sure with that name, but I will find out. It's an underwater camera man that put together a few videos of bass in the natural habitat. If follows them from prespawn, spawn, post spawn, ...... and so on. It also shows what a bass does when it strikes your lure. There were countless times when the cameraman would film a bass striking a lure, and the fisherman would have no idea. Must of the time it was on the fall. Something similar was also on Loudmouth Bass last weekend. It changed my whole perspective on hooksets. Those bass a tricky little devils. It's amazing how a one pound bass can hit a lure and try to rip the rod out of your hand, then a 5 pound bass can hit a lure and you never even know it. I think Lightninrod hit it right on the head. This is the main reason I almost exclusively use baitcasters. For me it seems like I can keep better contact with my bait at all times, including the fall. Why? I have no idea. It's probably just a confidence thing.
  5. [move]CRANKBAITS, CRANKBAITS, CRANKBAITS[/move] It was the year of the crankbait for me. In the past I hadn't really had much confidence in them, but this year I set my mind on learning how to use them. Mission Accomplished ! A lot of people don't think of the crankbait as a "big" fish bait, but it seems like I caught more 4 lbs. + bass on a crank (including a new PB) then all other baits combined. I also fell in love with wacky rigging senkos. I can't remember catching any real good fish with it, but it will definately put fish in the boat. And lots of them. In 2006 ........................ the Spinnerbait .................... some people may find this funny, but I have absolutely no confidence in them what so ever.
  6. It's a smal world. He PM'ed me last night and he literally lives right around the corner from where my parents live and me in the summer. Welcome
  7. Now if we coulf just get a GOOD BIG BASS lake around here we would be set.
  8. I think that program is great, plus it gives you as an angler something to shoot for.
  9. What if was caught on live bait? .................... ;D Just kidding, I saw that firestorm on TFF.
  10. Run baits into them while they are on their beds once they get used to your bait.
  11. Be careful when/if you use wool gloves that have no grip on the inside. I just about rod and reel in the lake a few weeks ago while trying to cast. : I use Golf gloves now - Weather Joys - made for golfing in the winter or the rain.
  12. check in the "Outings" section.
  13. Good to hear.
  14. Stratoscaster makes sense. You have a 0% chance to catch a fish that is not there no matter how good/expensive/magic your bait and gear are. Now take some string, tie it to a stick, put some cheapo bait on a hook and put it where the fish are .................... while your odds may not be that great, they are still way better than the 0% before. That being said I still think there are baits that just plain don't work and there are baits that will put fish in the boat on a pretty consistent basis on certain waters. Magic bait .......... maybe? I also still like to have fairly nice fishing gear as well. Rual is also right IMO too. Knowledge of where to and what to fish is probably the most important thing in putting fish in the boat. Rual said, "Fishing with quality gear ain't gonna blister your hands" - Well it sure has blistered my wallet. It better start getting some callouses (sp?) because I ain't stopping and it's only going to get worse once I get out of college. ;D
  15. My dog, Deuce. He never complains about how or where we are fishing. Plus I always seem to do very well when I go with him.
  16. Well I'm pumped to go fishing!!!!! Anybody else? ;D Great post!! Has anyone ever messed with C-rigging a shallow (square billed) crankbait?
  17. Try and tick them off. Run baits into them once they get used to your bait being there. It works while they are guarding beds, maybe it will work now. If they won't bite out of hunger, try to get them to bite out of anger. Good luck!!! Be sure to bring your camera. I might have to make a trip out to Cali. ;D And for sure don't bow hunt for them. Those bass are over 10 years old. Who knows how big they could get.
  18. Forgot to say that I only fish for them a handful of times a year. That combo always seems to produce though. I haven't tried dropshotting, but will for sure next year.
  19. Downsize, downsize, downsize. Small worm on a jighead.
  20. Are you absolutley 100% sure they are bass?? Last spring I was sight fishing and off in the distance I see these HUGE bass, or so I think. They look to be about 10+ lbs a piece. So I break out all of my sight fishing tricks and I get absolutely no interest what so ever. So I try to get my boat a little closer, and .................................I see they are stupid CARP. > :( : : They can look pretty similar to a huge bass under water.
  21. The two post above work and I have used them in the past. If it's below 30 though, there's almost no chance you will see me out there. BRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
  22. I think Will hit it on the head there. I am pretty sure that the Bass is the most popular sport fish in the country. If all of us were fishing for for keeps, the bass populaton would quickly go down to almost nothing.
  23. Great move Glenn! I was wondering if you were going to start dishing out some of the duties. This thing has really taken off since I joined back in Jan. Now you can wet a line ever now and then ;D. IMO you picked the right guys for the job. Congrats LBH and Chris.
  24. 10 lbs. 8 oz. (in pic) caught on a Strike King Squared Billed Crankbait - Firetiger pattern.
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