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Everything posted by KU_Bassmaster.

  1. I found this on the Maine Wildlife Department for Smallmouths: Male smallmouth bass mature at 3 to 4 years of age, while female bass mature by age 4 or 5. Size at maturity ranges from 8 to 12 inches. Male bass usually mature at a smaller average length than females. Still looking for largemouth.
  2. Don't hold me to it ...... but I think I have read some place 3 to 4 years. I'll do some research as well.
  3. 25" length, almost 21" girth, 10lbs. 8 oz.
  4. LBH Clothing/Bait line ...... man the slogans are limitless. Dirty and clean ........ somewhat ;D
  5. A few that come to mind: 1. Big Baits=Big Bass 2. Hooksets are free, take as many as you want 3. If you fish where everyone else is fishing, you will catch what everybody else is (This kind of goes along the lines of what Roadwarrior posted)
  6. Here's the cmplete story: TPWD News Release Kansas Angler Lands 13.1-pound Bass Worth $5,240 ATHENS, TexasAnd the winner is..Jason Baird of Gypsum, Kansas. Fishing the Castle Canyon area of Lake Amistad about noon Tuesday, Baird and guide Ray Hanselman, Jr., spotted a big bass on her bed. After 45 tension-filled minutes during which the big bass darted at the Smallie Beaver creature bait in the White Trash pattern at least 15 times without taking it, she finally bit. Thinking the bass weighed perhaps 8 or 9 pounds, Baird was going to lip it until it came to the boat and they realized it was much bigger. Hanselman then handed Baird a net so he could land the fish, which was 26 inches long and 21 inches around. This was my second time to fish Lake Amistad, and I'd never sight fished before, Baird said. Amistad is awesome. There were so many big fish on beds in there. The 34-year-old Baird and three friends drove all Monday night to get to the lake to fish. I had seen on Bass Center on ESPN that Budweiser ShareLunker 398 had been caught, but I did not know my fish might be eligible for the prize for number 400 until we called another guide after I caught it and he started screaming to get the fish weighed and call the ShareLunker hotline, Baird said. Baird, who is Parks and Recreation Director for Herington, Kansas, was using a Falcon rod with a Quantum spinning reel spooled with 30-pound-test braided line. In addition to the usual prizes of a Budweiser ShareLunker jacket and a fiberglass replica of the fish, Baird will receive a cash award of $400 per pound of fish and a G.Loomis rod with Shimano reel valued at a total of $600. Prizes will be funded by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, Anheuser-Busch and G.Loomis. What does an angler do after catching the probable fish of a lifetime and gaining an unexpected windfall in the process? Go fishing again. What else? Baird and friends and Hanselman were back on the water at daybreak Wednesday, just as Budweiser ShareLunker program manager David Campbell was pulling into the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center after an 895-mile, 16-hour round trip. Following a quick examination and measuring session, the fish forever after to be known as Budweiser ShareLunker No. 400 was swimming circles in her new home, peering at curious photographers through the picture window in her personal tank. If all goes as planned in the coming weeks, she will mate with a male descendant of an earlier ShareLunker to produce several thousand offspring that will be stocked into Lake Amistad and perhaps other public lakes in Texas. And in 8 or 9 years, another lucky angler may find himself enjoying a very personal connection to the present drama in the form of another, perhaps even bigger fish on the end of his or her line. Making that happen as often as possible is the ultimate goal of the Budweiser ShareLunker program. Anglers legally catching a 13-pound or bigger largemouth bass in Texas waters may enter it into the ShareLunker program by calling David Campbell at (903) 681-0550 or by paging him at (888) 784-0600. For information on the Budweiser ShareLunker program, including current and previous season records, go to http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/spdest/visitorcenters/tffc/budsharelunker/ The Budweiser ShareLunker program is made possible through support from Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Since 1991, Anheuser-Busch, in partnership with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, has contributed millions of dollars in funding to support conservation causes and fishing, hunting and outdoor recreation programs in Texas.
  7. This is what I got from another site. Jason Baird of Gypsum, Kansas, caught Budweiser ShareLunker No. 400 from Lake Amistad about noon on Tuesday, February 28. The 13.1-pound fish will be worth $5,240 in cash in addition to other prizes to be awarded to Baird. Baird's catch followed by less than a week the catching of ShareLunker No. 399 by Kurt Wade of Arlington, Texas, who was fishing in Mill Creek Reservoir. Baird's fish arrived at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center at 7:15 a.m. Wednesday following an all-night trip to Lake Amistad, on the border between Texas and Mexico outside Del Rio, Texas. Complete details will follow shortly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fellow Kansan taking home the prize.
  8. I beat Matt to it. Apparently there someone caught a 13.05 on Amistad this afternoon. Share a lunker officials are heading down there right now. Lots of things could happen though. The bass is only .05 over 13. If it coughs up breakfast before officials get there ......... the guy is S.O.L.
  9. Just like everybody I like to try the topwater first (I usually don't throw top waters until late May/June though). I am quick to switch if I have no takers (usually 10 to 20 minutes or so). Next is the Jerkbait. I'll fish this all day if the bite is there. Next is the crankbait. I usually stick with this the longest even if I don't get a bite right away. Again I will fish this all day if the bite is there. And last but certanly not least is soft plastics and jigs. This would be an ideal day. After one bite ends the next bait will step right in and take it's place, but how many of those days do we have ....... NOT MANY. Most of the time I try to go to the lake with a game plan taking into consideration the current weather and season. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't ...... I go "junk" fishing until I find something I can duplicate.
  10. Put me down for one of each ....... : I definelty would be interested in most of the stuff you mentioned.
  11. I think it's $400 a pond plus some other free stuff.
  12. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!! I bet there are going to be a lot of supposedly "sick" people on the lake this week.
  13. Did Mike Whitten rig it skirt up? If so, on the fall, does it fall away from you or straight down?? I like LBH, I fished this a few times last year and had OK sucess with it. I think some of the bass at my lakes are getting tired of Senkos ..... the 6 and 7 inchers as well. This was/is a biat I was planning on trying to use a lot more this year.
  14. It looks like it could be a snakehead. Here's a pic of one: What do ya think bigtex??
  15. I still don't think I could put those boats on the lakes I fish ;D
  16. Gobble, does that thing have a livewell??? Benzo, I like your style. I would have to either go with the i-Class a Basscat w/ a Yamaha
  17. I am so sorry to hear that. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
  18. Watch out Varner hawgs. That's an awesome rig you got there. I will be starting my Jon boat coversion tomrrow. I finally got some descent weather and some free time. I am hoping to finish it by the middle of March. I'll be sure to post some pics along the way.
  19. Lot's of good people here with your same problem. ;D Admitting it is the first step. I am Dustin and I am a bassaholic as well.
  20. LC is where I caught mine. On the east side about half way up it.
  21. Yeah, that thing looks WAAAAAYYYYY bigger than 15.27. That's the biggest from Fork in a while isn't it??
  22. I am pretty sure Triton_Mike has one. You might want to PM him and point him in this direction.
  23. I don't think anyone has offended anyone. It's just a good ole' fashion debate. Consider it sitting at the bar, throwing back a few beers with your buddies, debating on something that no one can prove 100%. 8-)
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